stop (n.)
- abandon
- abort
- afterthought
- allophone
- alveolar
- anchorage
- arrest
- articulation
- aspiration
- assimilation
- awe
- baffle
- ban
- bar
- barricade
- barrier
- bassoon
- belay
- bell
- bilabial
- bind
- bit
- block
- blockade
- blockage
- blocking
- bombard
- bottleneck
- boundary
- bourdon
- bourn
- box
- brake
- break
- bung
- caesura
- calm
- cancel
- caulk
- cease
- cecum
- cello
- cessation
- chain
- check
- checkmate
- checkrein
- chink
- chock
- choke
- choking
- clarinet
- clarion
- clog
- close
- closing
- cock
- colon
- comma
- conclusion
- congestion
- consonant
- constipation
- continuant
- cork
- corner
- cornet
- counter
- countercheck
- cover
- curb
- cure
- cushion
- cutoff
- dam
- damp
- damper
- daunt
- deadlock
- debarment
- delay
- dental
- depot
- destination
- detention
- determent
- deterrence
- diapason
- diphthong
- discontinuance
- discouragement
- dissimilation
- disuse
- doorstop
- drag
- drogue
- drop
- dulciana
- ebb
- ebbing
- embolism
- embolus
- end
- endgame
- ending
- estoppel
- explosive
- extremity
- faucet
- fence
- fetter
- fill
- finish
- forbiddance
- foreclosure
- forestalling
- foul
- freeze
- gamba
- glide
- goal
- gorge
- gun
- guttural
- halt
- hang-up
- harbor
- haven
- hindrance
- hold
- holdup
- hole
- impasse
- impediment
- infarct
- infarction
- interim
- interrupt
- jam
- juncture
- kick
- labial
- labiodental
- lag
- lagging
- lateral
- layover
- lid
- lingual
- liquid
- lock
- lockout
- lodge
- logjam
- lull
- martingale
- melodia
- mixture
- modification
- molder
- moratorium
- morphophoneme
- muffle
- mute
- nasal
- oboe
- obstacle
- obstipation
- obstruction
- obviation
- occlusive
- octave
- pack
- palatal
- parry
- pause
- peak
- peg
- pelham
- period
- pharyngeal
- phone
- phoneme
- piccolo
- pin
- plosive
- plug
- point
- port
- preclusion
- prevention
- principal
- prohibition
- punctuation
- quiet
- quint
- quit
- rank
- rebuff
- reference
- refrain
- register
- remora
- reprieve
- repulse
- resolve
- respite
- rest
- retard
- retardation
- roadblock
- scotch
- scrap
- scratch
- scrub
- see
- semicolon
- semivowel
- shackle
- shake
- shawm
- slow
- slowdown
- slowness
- snaffle
- sojourn
- sonant
- sonority
- spigot
- spike
- spile
- spill
- spoke
- stage
- stalemate
- stall
- stand
- standoff
- standstill
- station
- stay
- stem
- stench
- stick
- stopgap
- stopover
- stoppage
- stopper
- stopping
- stopple
- strangulation
- strike
- stuff
- stymie
- subsidence
- surd
- suspension
- syllable
- tap
- terminal
- termination
- terminus
- thwart
- tie-up
- tierce
- tittle
- trammel
- tremolo
- trombone
- trumpet
- twelfth
- valve
- velar
- vibrato
- viola
- visit
- vocable
- voice
- voicing
- vowel
- wait
- walkout
- wall
- wane
- waning
- wean
stop (v.)
- abandon
- abjure
- abort
- arrest
- awe
- baffle
- ban
- bar
- barricade
- belay
- bell
- bind
- bit
- block
- blockade
- bombard
- bottleneck
- box
- brake
- break
- bung
- calm
- cancel
- caulk
- cease
- chain
- check
- checkmate
- chink
- chock
- choke
- clarion
- clog
- close
- cock
- conclude
- confine
- congest
- constipate
- cork
- corner
- counter
- countercheck
- cover
- curb
- cure
- cushion
- dam
- damp
- dampen
- daunt
- deaden
- deafen
- delay
- desist
- detain
- deter
- determine
- discontinue
- discourage
- dishearten
- drag
- drop
- dull
- dwindle
- ebb
- end
- faze
- fence
- fend
- fetter
- fill
- finish
- forswear
- foul
- freeze
- glide
- gorge
- gun
- halt
- harbor
- hinder
- hold
- hole
- impede
- interrupt
- jam
- kick
- lag
- lid
- lock
- lodge
- lull
- molder
- muffle
- mute
- obstipate
- obstruct
- overawe
- pacify
- pack
- parry
- pause
- peak
- peg
- perorate
- phone
- pin
- plug
- point
- port
- prevent
- quiesce
- quiet
- quieten
- quint
- quit
- rank
- rebuff
- reference
- refrain
- register
- relinquish
- renounce
- repel
- reprieve
- repulse
- resign
- resolve
- respite
- rest
- restrain
- retard
- retroflex
- scotch
- scrap
- scratch
- scrub
- see
- shackle
- shake
- slacken
- slow
- snaffle
- soft-pedal
- soften
- sojourn
- soothe
- spike
- spill
- stage
- stalemate
- stall
- stanch
- stand
- station
- staunch
- stay
- stem
- stick
- stopper
- stopple
- strike
- stuff
- stymie
- subdue
- subside
- suppress
- tap
- tarry
- terminate
- thwart
- trammel
- tranquilize
- trumpet
- visit
- voice
- wait
- waive
- wall
- wane
- wean
stop (adv.)
stop (adj.)
- alveolar
- ban
- bar
- bilabial
- bit
- block
- cacuminal
- calm
- cerebral
- chain
- clarion
- close
- closing
- consonant
- continuant
- corner
- counter
- cover
- cure
- dam
- damp
- dental
- dragging
- dull
- end
- ending
- explosive
- fence
- foul
- glottal
- guttural
- halt
- haven
- hinder
- hole
- interim
- labial
- lagging
- laryngeal
- lateral
- lid
- lingual
- liquid
- lock
- mute
- nasal
- occlusive
- palatal
- peg
- pharyngeal
- plosive
- point
- port
- principal
- quiet
- quint
- rank
- rest
- retroflex
- scotch
- scrub
- see
- shackle
- slow
- sonant
- spoke
- stage
- staunch
- stick
- surd
- tap
- tarry
- terminal
- terminate
- twelfth
- valve
- velar
- vocable
- vocalic
- wall
- waning
- wean
Imperious Caesar, dead and turn'd to clay,
Might stop a hole to keep the wind away.
They are not a pipe for fortune's finger
To sound what stop she please. Give me that man
That is not passion's slave, and I will wear him
In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart,
As I do thee.—Something too much of this.