port (n.)
- action
- actions
- activity
- acts
- address
- aerodrome
- affectation
- air
- airdrome
- airfield
- airport
- anchorage
- aport
- asylum
- avenue
- basin
- bay
- bearing
- behavior
- berth
- blowhole
- bourn
- breakwater
- brow
- bulkhead
- carriage
- casement
- cast
- channel
- chuck
- chute
- color
- complexion
- comportment
- conduct
- countenance
- cover
- covert
- custom
- demeanor
- deportment
- destination
- dock
- dockage
- dockyard
- doing
- doings
- door
- egress
- embankment
- escape
- estuary
- exhaust
- exit
- face
- fanlight
- favor
- feature
- field
- floodgate
- flume
- garb
- goal
- grille
- groin
- guise
- harbor
- harborage
- haven
- heliport
- island
- jetty
- landing
- lantern
- larboard
- lattice
- left
- left-winger
- liberal
- light
- looks
- loophole
- manner
- manners
- marina
- method
- methodology
- mien
- mole
- mooring
- opening
- oriel
- out
- outcome
- outfall
- outgo
- outlet
- pane
- pattern
- physiognomy
- pier
- poise
- pore
- porthole
- pose
- posture
- practice
- praxis
- presence
- preserve
- procedure
- proceeding
- quay
- radical
- refuge
- retreat
- riding
- road
- roads
- roadstead
- safehold
- sanctuary
- seaport
- seawall
- set
- shipyard
- sinister
- skylight
- slip
- sluice
- spiracle
- spout
- stance
- stop
- stronghold
- style
- tactics
- tap
- terminal
- terminus
- tone
- traits
- transom
- turn
- vent
- venthole
- verso
- visage
- vomitory
- way
- ways
- weir
- wharf
- wicket
- window
- windowpane
port (v.)
- action
- address
- air
- bay
- berth
- cast
- channel
- chuck
- chute
- color
- complexion
- conduct
- countenance
- cover
- custom
- debouch
- dock
- door
- egress
- escape
- exhaust
- exit
- face
- favor
- feature
- field
- garb
- groin
- guise
- harbor
- light
- lines
- motions
- near
- out
- outgo
- pattern
- poise
- pore
- pose
- posture
- practice
- preserve
- retreat
- road
- set
- slip
- sluice
- spout
- stance
- stop
- style
- tap
- tone
- turn
- vent
- visage
- way
- wharf
port (adj.)
- air
- bay
- bearing
- brow
- cast
- channel
- color
- counterclockwise
- cover
- covert
- custom
- door
- face
- field
- haven
- larboard
- left
- left-hand
- left-wing
- levorotatory
- liberal
- light
- near
- nigh
- opening
- out
- pore
- pose
- practice
- radical
- riding
- road
- set
- sinister
- sinistral
- sinistrorse
- slip
- stance
- stop
- style
- tap
- terminal
- tone
- turn
- vent
- way
- ways
And of his port as meke as is a mayde.
Claret is the liquor for boys, port for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy.
Sacred and inspired divinity, the sabaoth and port of all men's labours and peregrinations.
Pride in their port, defiance in their eye,
I see the lords of humankind pass by.
From humble Port to imperial Tokay.