tone (n.)
- accent
- accidental
- achromatism
- action
- actions
- activity
- acts
- adaptability
- address
- affect
- affectation
- air
- algorithm
- angle
- approach
- architectonics
- architecture
- argument
- arrangement
- aspect
- atmosphere
- attack
- attitude
- aura
- background
- balance
- bearing
- beef
- behavior
- bend
- bias
- blend
- body-build
- bounce
- bounciness
- brand
- brawn
- brawniness
- breve
- brightness
- brushwork
- buoyancy
- calcimine
- carriage
- cast
- catastrophe
- character
- characteristic
- characterization
- chroma
- chromaticity
- chromatism
- climate
- coat
- color
- coloration
- coloring
- complexion
- complication
- comportment
- composition
- conduct
- constitution
- continuity
- contrivance
- course
- cover
- crotchet
- cue
- current
- custom
- dab
- daub
- degree
- demeanor
- demisemiquaver
- denouement
- deportment
- depth
- design
- development
- device
- dharma
- diapason
- diathesis
- dip
- direction
- disposition
- distemper
- doing
- doings
- dominant
- draftsmanship
- drift
- dye
- elasticity
- emphasis
- enamel
- episode
- ethos
- fable
- face
- fashion
- feel
- feeling
- fiber
- fifth
- flat
- flexibility
- force
- form
- fourth
- frame
- frequency
- fresco
- fullness
- fundamental
- genius
- gild
- gimmick
- give
- glaze
- gloss
- grain
- grouping
- guise
- habit
- halftone
- harmonic
- heart
- heftiness
- height
- hemidemisemiquaver
- hue
- humor
- huskiness
- ilk
- incident
- incline
- inflection
- influence
- interval
- intonation
- japan
- key
- kind
- lacquer
- lead
- lightness
- line
- liveliness
- mainstream
- makeup
- manner
- manners
- means
- melodiousness
- melody
- method
- methodology
- mien
- milieu
- mind
- minim
- mode
- moderate
- modulation
- mold
- monotone
- monotony
- mood
- morale
- motif
- motion
- move
- movement
- muscle
- muscularity
- musculature
- musicality
- mute
- natural
- nature
- note
- octave
- order
- overtone
- paint
- pallor
- parget
- partial
- pattern
- peripeteia
- perspective
- phrasing
- physique
- pigment
- pitch
- plan
- plot
- poise
- port
- pose
- posture
- practice
- praxis
- presence
- prime
- procedure
- proceeding
- process
- prompt
- property
- purity
- quality
- quaver
- rebound
- recognition
- register
- report
- resilience
- resiliency
- resonance
- responsiveness
- richness
- routine
- run
- saturation
- scheme
- second
- semibreve
- semiquaver
- semitone
- sense
- set
- seventh
- shade
- shading
- shadow
- shape
- sharp
- shellac
- sinew
- sixth
- slant
- smear
- snap
- somatotype
- sonority
- sonorousness
- sort
- sound
- spiccato
- spirit
- spirits
- spring
- springiness
- stain
- stamp
- step
- story
- streak
- stream
- stress
- stretch
- stretchability
- stretchiness
- stripe
- structure
- style
- subject
- sway
- sweetness
- swing
- switch
- system
- tack
- tactics
- technique
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tenor
- tercet
- theme
- thew
- third
- timbre
- tinct
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- tonality
- tonicity
- tonus
- topic
- treatment
- trend
- triplet
- tune
- tunefulness
- turn
- twist
- type
- undercoat
- undertone
- value
- values
- varnish
- vein
- voce
- voice
- wash
- way
- ways
- whitewash
- wise
- work
tone (v.)
- accent
- action
- address
- affect
- air
- angle
- approach
- attack
- background
- balance
- bedaub
- bedizen
- beef
- begild
- bend
- besmear
- bias
- blend
- bounce
- brand
- calcimine
- cast
- character
- climate
- coat
- color
- complexion
- conduct
- course
- cover
- cue
- custom
- dab
- dampen
- daub
- deep-dye
- design
- dip
- dispose
- distemper
- drift
- dull
- dye
- emblazon
- enamel
- engild
- face
- fashion
- feel
- fifth
- flat
- force
- form
- frame
- fresco
- gild
- give
- glaze
- gloss
- grain
- guise
- habit
- heart
- hue
- humor
- ilk
- illuminate
- imbue
- incline
- induce
- influence
- ingrain
- japan
- key
- lacquer
- lead
- line
- lines
- mind
- mode
- moderate
- modify
- modulate
- mold
- motion
- motions
- move
- muscle
- mute
- nature
- note
- order
- paint
- parget
- pattern
- persuade
- pigment
- pitch
- plan
- plot
- poise
- port
- pose
- posture
- practice
- predispose
- prime
- process
- prompt
- quaver
- quieten
- rebound
- reduce
- register
- reinvigorate
- report
- revitalize
- run
- scheme
- second
- sense
- set
- shade
- shadow
- shape
- sharp
- shellac
- slant
- smear
- snap
- soft-pedal
- soften
- sort
- sound
- spirit
- spring
- stain
- stamp
- step
- stipple
- streak
- stream
- stress
- stretch
- stripe
- structure
- style
- subdue
- subject
- sway
- swing
- switch
- tack
- temper
- theme
- tinct
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- trend
- tune
- turn
- twist
- type
- undercoat
- value
- varnish
- vein
- voice
- wash
- way
- whitewash
- wise
- work
tone (adj.)
- accidental
- air
- angle
- attack
- bearing
- bend
- bias
- cast
- characteristic
- color
- course
- cover
- current
- custom
- dominant
- drift
- dull
- fable
- face
- fashion
- feeling
- fifth
- flat
- force
- form
- fourth
- fresco
- fundamental
- give
- harmonic
- heart
- height
- incident
- key
- kind
- lead
- line
- mind
- mode
- moderate
- monotone
- mute
- natural
- order
- partial
- plan
- port
- pose
- practice
- prime
- prompt
- quality
- routine
- run
- second
- sense
- set
- seventh
- shape
- sharp
- sixth
- slant
- sound
- spirits
- staccato
- step
- story
- streak
- stream
- stretch
- style
- subject
- suprasegmental
- tack
- tenor
- third
- tinct
- topic
- tune
- turn
- voce
- wash
- way
- ways
- wise
- work
Nor rural sights alone, but rural sounds,
Exhilarate the spirit, and restore
The tone of languid nature.
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on,—
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear'd,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone.
There was a place in childhood that I remember well,
And there a voice of sweetest tone bright fairy tales did tell.
He would not, with a peremptory tone,
Assert the nose upon his face his own.