frame (n.)
- anatomy
- angle
- archetype
- architectonics
- architecture
- arrangement
- attitude
- backing
- bank
- base
- baseboard
- basement
- bearing
- bent
- bind
- blueprint
- board
- body
- body-build
- bones
- border
- bound
- brand
- breed
- brew
- brim
- brink
- brow
- build
- building
- bushing
- cabal
- cadre
- carcass
- cartridge
- case
- casement
- casing
- cast
- character
- characteristic
- chassis
- chisel
- clay
- clod
- coast
- coin
- complexion
- composition
- compound
- concert
- condition
- configuration
- conformation
- constitution
- construct
- construction
- context
- corpus
- couch
- countermine
- counterplot
- creation
- cue
- cut
- dado
- design
- devise
- dharma
- diathesis
- disposition
- doorframe
- dope
- draft
- edge
- edging
- emulsion
- engineer
- ethos
- exoskeleton
- express
- fabric
- fabrication
- fashion
- fashioning
- featheredge
- fiber
- figuration
- figure
- film
- finesse
- fix
- flange
- flesh
- foot
- footing
- forecast
- forge
- forging
- form
- format
- formation
- found
- foundation
- frame-up
- framework
- framing
- fringe
- generate
- genius
- genre
- getup
- grain
- habit
- hatch
- heart
- hem
- hew
- hue
- hulk
- humor
- ilk
- impression
- infrastructure
- intrigue
- keel
- kind
- labium
- labrum
- lap
- lattice
- latticework
- layout
- ledge
- limb
- limbus
- line
- lip
- list
- make
- makeup
- making
- maneuver
- manufacture
- march
- marge
- margin
- matrix
- mature
- microfilm
- mind
- mint
- modality
- mode
- model
- mold
- molding
- mood
- mopboard
- morale
- mould
- mount
- mounting
- nadir
- nature
- negative
- note
- order
- organism
- organization
- pack
- paragraph
- pattern
- person
- phrase
- physique
- plan
- plate
- plot
- present
- produce
- production
- program
- project
- property
- prototype
- purl
- put
- quality
- raise
- rear
- rig
- rim
- roll
- roughcast
- sash
- scaffolding
- schedule
- schema
- scheme
- sculpture
- selvage
- set
- setting
- setup
- shape
- shaping
- shell
- shore
- side
- sideline
- skeleton
- skirt
- sole
- soma
- somatotype
- sort
- spawn
- spirit
- spirits
- stamp
- state
- streak
- stripe
- structure
- style
- support
- system
- tailor
- tectonics
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tenor
- texture
- tissue
- toe
- tone
- torso
- trap
- trim
- trunk
- turn
- type
- underframe
- vehicle
- vein
- verge
- wainscot
- wangle
- way
- weave
- web
- word
- work
- write
frame (v.)
- adjoin
- angle
- arrange
- assemble
- bank
- base
- beget
- bind
- blueprint
- board
- body
- border
- bound
- brand
- breed
- brew
- brim
- build
- cabal
- calculate
- carve
- case
- cast
- character
- chisel
- clay
- coast
- coin
- collude
- complexion
- complot
- compose
- compound
- conceive
- concert
- concoct
- condition
- connive
- conspire
- construct
- contrive
- couch
- countermine
- counterplot
- create
- cue
- cut
- dado
- design
- develop
- devise
- discover
- dope
- draft
- edge
- elaborate
- elevate
- enclose
- engender
- engineer
- entrap
- erect
- evolve
- express
- extrude
- fabricate
- fashion
- figure
- film
- finagle
- fix
- flesh
- foot
- forecast
- forge
- form
- formalize
- format
- formularize
- formulate
- found
- fringe
- generate
- grain
- habit
- hatch
- heart
- hem
- hew
- hue
- hulk
- humor
- ilk
- improvise
- indite
- intend
- intrigue
- invent
- keel
- knead
- lap
- ledge
- limb
- line
- lip
- list
- machinate
- make
- maneuver
- manufacture
- march
- mature
- microfilm
- mind
- mint
- mode
- model
- mold
- mould
- mount
- nature
- negative
- note
- operate
- order
- organize
- originate
- pack
- paragraph
- pattern
- phrase
- plan
- plate
- plot
- prearrange
- prefabricate
- premeditate
- prepare
- present
- procreate
- produce
- program
- project
- purl
- put
- raise
- rationalize
- rear
- rig
- rim
- roll
- roughcast
- schedule
- schematize
- scheme
- sculpt
- sculpture
- set
- shape
- shell
- shore
- side
- sideline
- skirt
- sole
- sort
- spawn
- spirit
- stamp
- state
- streak
- stripe
- structure
- style
- support
- systematize
- tailor
- temper
- tissue
- toe
- tone
- trap
- trim
- turn
- type
- vein
- verge
- wangle
- way
- weave
- web
- word
- work
- write
The spacious firmament on high,
With all the blue ethereal sky,
And spangled heavens, a shining frame,
Their great Original proclaim.
There is no theam more plentifull to scan
Than is the glorious goodly frame of man.
Should the whole frame of Nature round him break,
In ruin and confusion hurled,
He, unconcerned, would hear the mighty crack,
And stand secure amidst a falling world.
Vital spark of heavenly flame!
Quit, O quit this mortal frame!
Who hath not own'd, with rapture-smitten frame,
The power of grace, the magic of a name?
This goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!
From harmony, from heavenly harmony,
This universal frame began:
From harmony to harmony
Through all the compass of the notes it ran,
The diapason closing full in Man.
All thoughts, all passions, all delights,
Whatever stirs this mortal frame,
All are but ministers of Love,
And feed his sacred flame.