habit (n.)
- addiction
- alcoholism
- apparel
- array
- attire
- attitude
- automatism
- bent
- body-build
- brand
- caparison
- cast
- character
- characteristic
- clothes
- clothing
- complexion
- composition
- compulsion
- constitution
- convention
- costume
- crash
- craving
- custom
- dependence
- dharma
- diathesis
- dipsomania
- disguise
- disposition
- drapery
- dress
- dressing
- duds
- ethos
- fashion
- fatigues
- fiber
- fig
- fit
- frame
- frock
- garb
- gear
- genius
- grain
- guise
- habiliment
- habituation
- habitude
- hue
- humor
- idiosyncrasy
- ilk
- inclination
- investiture
- investment
- kind
- linen
- livery
- makeup
- manner
- mannerism
- masquerade
- mode
- mold
- nature
- outfit
- pattern
- peculiarity
- penchant
- physique
- policy
- practice
- praxis
- predisposition
- proclivity
- propensity
- property
- quality
- quirk
- raiment
- regalia
- rig
- routine
- rule
- somatotype
- sort
- spirit
- sportswear
- stamp
- stereotype
- streak
- stripe
- style
- suit
- system
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tenor
- threads
- togs
- toilette
- tolerance
- tone
- trademark
- trick
- trim
- type
- uniform
- usage
- use
- vein
- vestment
- vesture
- way
- wear
- wont
habit (v.)
- accouter
- apparel
- array
- attire
- brand
- caparison
- cast
- character
- complexion
- costume
- crash
- custom
- disguise
- dress
- equip
- fashion
- fit
- frame
- frock
- garb
- gear
- grain
- guise
- hue
- humor
- ilk
- masquerade
- mode
- mold
- nature
- outfit
- pattern
- practice
- quirk
- raiment
- rig
- rule
- sort
- spirit
- stamp
- stereotype
- streak
- stripe
- style
- suit
- temper
- tone
- trademark
- trick
- trim
- type
- uniform
- use
- vein
- vesture
- way
- wear
The idea of her life shall sweetly creep
Into his study of imagination,
And every lovely organ of her life,
Shall come apparell'd in more precious habit,
More moving-delicate and full of life
Into the eye and prospect of his soul.
Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in,
Bear 't that the opposed may beware of thee.
Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice;
Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,
But not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy;
For the apparel oft proclaims the man.
Every habit and faculty is preserved and increased by correspondent actions,—as the habit of walking, by walking; of running, by running.
Habit is a second nature.
Powerful indeed is the empire of habit.
How use doth breed a habit in a man!