type (n.)
- adumbration
- affinity
- alien
- allegory
- animus
- antitype
- aptitude
- archetype
- area
- ascender
- augury
- auspice
- back
- bag
- barometer
- beard
- belly
- bent
- bevel
- bias
- biotype
- blazon
- blood
- body
- body-build
- brand
- breed
- build
- canon
- cap
- capital
- case
- cast
- catalog
- category
- character
- characteristic
- check
- cipher
- clan
- class
- classification
- color
- complexion
- composition
- configuration
- conformation
- constitution
- copy
- counter
- crackpot
- crank
- criterion
- cut
- degree
- demonstration
- denomination
- descender
- description
- designation
- dharma
- diathesis
- digest
- disposition
- divide
- draft
- druthers
- eccentric
- eccentricity
- edit
- em
- emblem
- embodiment
- en
- epitome
- ethos
- example
- exemplar
- exemplification
- explanation
- exponent
- face
- fanatic
- fancy
- fashion
- favor
- feather
- feet
- fiber
- field
- figuration
- figure
- file
- font
- foreshadowing
- foretoken
- form
- format
- formation
- forte
- fount
- frame
- fugleman
- gauge
- genius
- genotype
- genre
- genus
- grade
- grain
- groove
- group
- habit
- hermit
- hobo
- hue
- humor
- icon
- iconology
- ideogram
- idiosyncrasy
- ilk
- illustration
- impression
- inclination
- index
- indicant
- indication
- individualism
- instance
- italic
- keyboard
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- kook
- label
- layout
- lead
- leaning
- letter
- lexeme
- ligature
- line
- list
- logogram
- logotype
- loner
- lot
- majuscule
- make
- makeup
- manner
- mark
- matrix
- maverick
- measure
- metier
- mettle
- mind
- mind-set
- minuscule
- mirror
- modality
- mode
- model
- mold
- morpheme
- natural
- nature
- nick
- nonconformist
- norm
- number
- nut
- oddball
- oddity
- omen
- order
- original
- outsider
- paradigm
- parameter
- pariah
- partiality
- pattern
- pen
- pencil
- personification
- persuasion
- phrase
- phylum
- physique
- pi
- pica
- pigeonhole
- place
- point
- portent
- precedent
- predilection
- predisposition
- preference
- prefiguration
- preindication
- prejudice
- prepossession
- proclivity
- prognostic
- prognostication
- promise
- propensity
- property
- prototype
- pursuit
- quality
- quantity
- quintessence
- race
- range
- rank
- rate
- reading
- readout
- record
- representation
- representative
- revise
- rewrite
- roman
- rubric
- rule
- sample
- scale
- screwball
- scribe
- script
- scroll
- set
- shadow
- shank
- shape
- shoulder
- sign
- slant
- solitary
- somatotype
- sort
- specialism
- speciality
- specialization
- specialty
- species
- specimen
- spirit
- stamp
- standard
- stem
- strain
- streak
- stripe
- structure
- style
- symbol
- symbolism
- symbolization
- symbology
- system
- taste
- technicality
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tenor
- term
- test
- thing
- token
- tone
- totem
- touchstone
- trace
- tramp
- tribe
- turn
- twist
- typeface
- typification
- value
- variety
- vein
- vocation
- warp
- way
- weakness
- word
- write
- yardstick
- zealot
type (v.)
- alien
- alphabetize
- analyze
- arrange
- assort
- back
- bag
- beard
- belly
- bevel
- bias
- blazon
- blood
- body
- brand
- breed
- build
- cap
- case
- cast
- catalog
- categorize
- character
- check
- cipher
- class
- classify
- codify
- color
- complexion
- copy
- counter
- crank
- cut
- digest
- divide
- draft
- edit
- em
- en
- engross
- face
- fancy
- fashion
- favor
- feather
- feet
- field
- figure
- file
- foreshadow
- form
- format
- frame
- gauge
- grade
- grain
- groove
- group
- habit
- hue
- humor
- ilk
- index
- inscribe
- instance
- kin
- label
- lead
- letter
- line
- list
- lot
- make
- mark
- measure
- mind
- mirror
- mode
- model
- mold
- nature
- nick
- number
- nut
- omen
- order
- pattern
- pen
- pencil
- phrase
- pigeonhole
- place
- point
- prejudice
- promise
- race
- range
- rank
- rate
- record
- revise
- rewrite
- rubric
- rule
- sample
- scale
- scribe
- script
- scroll
- set
- shadow
- shank
- shape
- shoulder
- sign
- slant
- sort
- spirit
- stamp
- stem
- strain
- streak
- stripe
- structure
- style
- subdivide
- superscribe
- tabulate
- taste
- temper
- term
- test
- token
- tone
- trace
- tramp
- transcribe
- turn
- twist
- value
- vein
- warp
- way
- word
- write
So careful of the type she seems,
So careless of the single life.
Type of the wise who soar but never roam,
True to the kindred points of heaven and home.
Ferdinand Mendez Pinto was but a type of thee, thou liar of the first magnitude.