variety (n.)
- about-face
- accommodation
- adaptation
- adjustment
- affiliation
- allotropism
- allotropy
- alteration
- amelioration
- apostasy
- assortment
- betterment
- biotype
- blood
- body
- branch
- brand
- break
- breed
- burlesque
- capriciousness
- cast
- category
- change
- changeability
- changeableness
- character
- choice
- choppiness
- church
- circus
- clan
- class
- classification
- collection
- color
- communion
- community
- conglomerate
- conglomeration
- continuity
- contrariety
- contrast
- conversion
- defection
- degeneration
- denomination
- departure
- description
- designation
- deterioration
- deviation
- difference
- differentiation
- disagreement
- discontinuity
- discordance
- discrepancy
- discreteness
- disorder
- disparity
- dissent
- dissimilarity
- dissonance
- distinction
- distinctness
- divarication
- divergence
- divergency
- diversification
- diversion
- diversity
- division
- drama
- eccentricity
- faction
- family
- feather
- fellowship
- fickleness
- fitting
- flightiness
- flip-flop
- form
- freakishness
- genotype
- genre
- genus
- grade
- grain
- group
- heterogeneity
- hodgepodge
- ilk
- improvement
- impulsiveness
- incompatibility
- incongruity
- inconsistency
- inconstancy
- inequality
- inharmoniousness
- instability
- irregularity
- jerkiness
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- kingdom
- label
- line
- lot
- make
- manner
- mark
- medley
- melioration
- miscellanea
- miscellany
- mitigation
- mix
- mixture
- modification
- modulation
- mold
- moodiness
- more
- multifariousness
- multiplicity
- mutability
- nature
- nonconformism
- nonconformity
- nonuniformity
- number
- numerousness
- oddments
- odds
- offshoot
- omnium-gatherum
- opposition
- order
- organization
- otherness
- overthrow
- party
- persuasion
- phylum
- pluralism
- plurality
- polymorphism
- qualification
- race
- raggedness
- range
- rank
- re-creation
- reform
- reformation
- remaking
- renewal
- restlessness
- reversal
- revival
- revivification
- revolution
- schism
- school
- sect
- section
- segment
- selection
- separateness
- series
- shape
- shift
- shiftiness
- society
- sort
- species
- stamp
- stock
- strain
- stripe
- style
- subclass
- subfamily
- subgenus
- subkingdom
- suborder
- subspecies
- sundries
- superclass
- superfamily
- superorder
- switch
- transition
- tribe
- turn
- turnabout
- type
- uncertainty
- undependability
- unevenness
- unlikeness
- unorthodoxy
- unpredictability
- unreliability
- unstableness
- unsteadiness
- upheaval
- variability
- variance
- variation
- variegation
- vaudeville
- versatility
- version
- wantonness
- wavering
- whimsicality
- worsening
Variety's the very spice of life.
To sing the same tune, as the saying is, is in everything cloying and offensive; but men are generally pleased with variety.
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.
Not chaos-like together crush'd and bruis'd,
But as the world, harmoniously confus'd,
Where order in variety we see,
And where, though all things differ, all agree.
No pleasure endures unseasoned by variety.