stock (n.)
- ability
- abundance
- acceptation
- accumulation
- acquiescence
- affiliation
- allotment
- allowance
- amass
- ancestor
- ancestry
- animality
- appraisal
- array
- assessment
- assets
- assortment
- assurance
- assuredness
- average
- axis
- back-number
- backlog
- beasts
- begetter
- beginning
- belief
- birth
- bisque
- bit
- bite
- blood
- bloodline
- bole
- borscht
- bouillabaisse
- bouillon
- branch
- breed
- breeding
- brood
- broth
- budget
- burgoo
- burlesque
- butt
- byword
- cache
- cane
- capacity
- capital
- carnival
- carpophore
- carry
- cattle
- caudex
- caulis
- certainty
- chimney
- chowder
- chunk
- chute
- circumstances
- circus
- clan
- class
- collect
- collection
- commencement
- commissariat
- commissary
- commission
- common
- commonplace
- community
- conception
- confidence
- consanguinity
- consomme
- consuetudinary
- contingent
- cornucopia
- creator
- credence
- credit
- credulity
- culm
- culture
- cumulation
- current
- cut
- deal
- deme
- dependence
- deposit
- derision
- derivation
- descent
- destiny
- devices
- dike
- dividend
- dole
- donate
- drama
- dump
- dupe
- dynasty
- effects
- end
- equity
- estimate
- evaluation
- extraction
- fade
- faith
- familiar
- family
- fate
- father
- fauna
- filiation
- fill
- find
- folk
- fool
- forebear
- forefather
- forerunner
- founder
- fund
- funds
- funiculus
- game
- garner
- gazpacho
- genealogy
- genesis
- gens
- give
- goat
- goods
- gumbo
- hackney
- half
- handle
- haulm
- have
- head
- heap
- helping
- heritage
- hide
- hoard
- hold
- hope
- house
- household
- inception
- interest
- inventory
- investment
- jest
- joke
- judgment
- julienne
- keep
- kind
- kindred
- larder
- laughingstock
- leafstalk
- line
- lineage
- livestock
- lode
- lot
- market
- mass
- material
- materials
- materiel
- matrix
- means
- measure
- meed
- merchandise
- mess
- method
- minestrone
- mockery
- modicum
- moiety
- monkey
- mulligatawny
- nation
- nationality
- normal
- offer
- old
- order
- ordinary
- origin
- original
- origination
- ownership
- oxen
- parentage
- part
- pedicel
- pedigree
- peduncle
- people
- percentage
- petiole
- petiolule
- phratry
- phyle
- phylum
- piece
- pile
- plenitude
- plenty
- portion
- pot-au-feu
- potage
- pottage
- power
- precursor
- present
- process
- progenitor
- property
- proportion
- provenience
- provisions
- puree
- quantum
- quota
- race
- radical
- radix
- rails
- rake-off
- range
- ration
- rations
- reception
- recruit
- reed
- regular
- regulation
- reliance
- repertoire
- repertory
- reserve
- reservoir
- resources
- review
- rick
- rise
- root
- roots
- routine
- save
- seed
- segment
- selection
- sell
- sept
- set
- share
- shares
- sheep
- shoot
- side
- sideline
- slice
- society
- soup
- source
- spear
- species
- spire
- split
- square
- squirrel
- stack
- stake
- stalk
- standard
- staple
- stem
- stipe
- stock-in-trade
- stockpile
- stocks
- store
- stores
- strain
- straw
- stuff
- succession
- supply
- support
- sureness
- surety
- taproot
- target
- totem
- toy
- treasure
- treasury
- tribe
- trite
- trunk
- trust
- universal
- variety
- vaudeville
- vein
- vernacular
- vichyssoise
- victim
- ways
- wealth
- wherewithal
- wildlife
- yield
stock (v.)
- accommodate
- accumulate
- afford
- allowance
- amass
- appraise
- array
- average
- backlog
- birth
- bit
- bite
- blood
- branch
- breed
- brood
- budget
- burlesque
- butt
- cache
- cane
- carry
- chunk
- chute
- class
- clothe
- collect
- commission
- contribute
- credit
- culture
- cumulate
- cut
- deal
- deposit
- dike
- dole
- donate
- dump
- dupe
- end
- endow
- estimate
- fade
- fate
- father
- fill
- find
- fool
- founder
- fund
- furnish
- game
- garner
- give
- goods
- handle
- have
- head
- heap
- hide
- hoard
- hold
- hope
- house
- interest
- inventory
- invest
- jest
- joke
- judgment
- julienne
- keep
- line
- lode
- lot
- maintain
- market
- mass
- material
- measure
- merchandise
- mess
- monkey
- offer
- old
- order
- part
- people
- piece
- pile
- portion
- power
- prepare
- present
- process
- proportion
- provide
- puree
- race
- range
- ration
- recruit
- reed
- replenish
- reserve
- review
- rick
- rise
- root
- save
- secrete
- seed
- segment
- sell
- set
- share
- shoot
- side
- sideline
- slice
- soup
- source
- spear
- spire
- split
- square
- stack
- stake
- stale
- stalk
- staple
- stem
- stockpile
- store
- strain
- straw
- stuff
- subsidize
- supply
- support
- target
- toy
- treasure
- trust
- utilize
- vein
- yield
stock (adj.)
- accepted
- accustomed
- average
- banal
- beginning
- bewhiskered
- bit
- blood
- branch
- breed
- breeding
- bromidic
- budget
- burlesque
- cane
- capital
- carry
- circumstances
- class
- cliched
- collect
- common
- commonplace
- conformable
- contingent
- conventional
- corny
- current
- customary
- cut
- cut-and-dried
- deal
- descent
- end
- established
- everyday
- faith
- familiar
- fusty
- game
- give
- habitual
- hackneyed
- half
- head
- heap
- house
- interest
- kind
- kindred
- line
- lot
- market
- mass
- material
- moth-eaten
- musty
- nation
- normal
- normative
- old
- order
- ordinary
- original
- part
- pedigree
- piece
- platitudinous
- popular
- power
- prescribed
- prescriptive
- present
- prevailing
- prevalent
- radical
- range
- ration
- received
- reed
- regular
- regulation
- rick
- rise
- roots
- routine
- run-of-the-mill
- seed
- set
- side
- source
- species
- split
- square
- stale
- standard
- staple
- stereotyped
- store
- straw
- support
- target
- threadbare
- time-honored
- timeworn
- tired
- traditional
- trite
- truistic
- trust
- universal
- unoriginal
- usual
- vernacular
- ways
- well-known
- well-worn
- widespread
- wonted
- worn
- yield
His death eclipsed the gayety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure.
Those old credulities, to Nature dear,
Shall they no longer bloom upon the stock
Of history?