shoot (n.)
- ache
- ail
- anguish
- backfire
- barf
- barrage
- beacon
- beam
- beat
- bine
- bite
- blast
- blaze
- blind
- blitz
- boil
- bolt
- bombard
- bough
- bound
- bowstring
- brain
- branch
- buck
- bud
- burn
- burst
- bust
- campaign
- cannon
- cannonade
- career
- cascade
- cashier
- cast
- ceiling
- charge
- chase
- chimney
- chuck
- chute
- circuit
- cock
- course
- cramp
- crick
- dart
- dash
- daze
- dazzle
- deadwood
- deposit
- descent
- dike
- discharge
- ditch
- dog
- drift
- drive
- drop
- eject
- enfilade
- excursion
- expedition
- falcon
- feather
- fell
- filiation
- filling
- film
- fire
- flagellum
- flame
- flare
- flash
- flight
- fling
- float
- flourish
- flush
- fly
- foot
- fork
- fowl
- frond
- fulminate
- fusillade
- gallop
- garrote
- ghost
- glance
- glare
- gleam
- glide
- glint
- glow
- grimace
- griping
- guide
- guillotine
- gun
- gutter
- hand
- harm
- haste
- hawk
- heave
- hie
- highball
- hit
- hitch
- hotfoot
- hound
- hump
- hunt
- hurl
- hurry
- hurt
- ignition
- impact
- jack
- jacklight
- jaunt
- journey
- junk
- junket
- kill
- kink
- lash
- launch
- leaf
- leap
- leave
- limb
- load
- lode
- luster
- matrix
- microfilm
- mortar
- mug
- mushroom
- nip
- offset
- offshoot
- outing
- overrun
- pace
- paddle
- pan
- pang
- paroxysm
- pelt
- penstock
- pepper
- peregrination
- photo
- photograph
- pick
- pilgrimage
- pinch
- pistol
- plug
- poleax
- poop
- post
- pot
- potshot
- pound
- prick
- prime
- progress
- project
- propel
- pull
- puncture
- punt
- race
- radiograph
- rake
- ramification
- rapid
- rapids
- ray
- raze
- reach
- reject
- riddle
- ride
- riff
- riffle
- riot
- ripple
- root
- row
- ruin
- run
- runner
- rush
- safari
- sail
- sally
- sapling
- sault
- scamper
- scion
- scour
- scramble
- scrap
- scud
- scull
- scurry
- scuttle
- seedling
- seizure
- set
- shaft
- shell
- shine
- shooting
- shot
- shotgun
- shrink
- silence
- skedaddle
- skim
- slay
- slip
- smart
- snap
- snapshot
- snipe
- spasm
- spear
- speed
- sport
- spray
- sprig
- spring
- sprit
- sprout
- spurt
- stab
- stalk
- start
- stem
- stitch
- stock
- stolon
- stone
- strafe
- streak
- strike
- sucker
- switch
- tear
- tendril
- thallus
- thrill
- throb
- throes
- throw
- tingle
- torpedo
- toss
- tour
- track
- trail
- trajectory
- trek
- trigger
- trip
- trough
- turn
- tweak
- twig
- twinge
- twitch
- vein
- voyage
- warp
- weft
- whisk
- whiz
- wince
- woof
- wound
- wrack
- wreck
- wrench
- zap
- zip
shoot (v.)
- ache
- agonize
- ail
- anguish
- annihilate
- assassinate
- backfire
- barf
- barrage
- beacon
- beam
- beat
- bedazzle
- behead
- bine
- bite
- blanch
- blast
- blaze
- blench
- blind
- blitz
- boil
- bolt
- bombard
- bound
- brain
- branch
- buck
- bud
- burgeon
- burn
- burst
- bust
- campaign
- cannon
- cannonade
- career
- cascade
- cashier
- cast
- ceiling
- charge
- chase
- chuck
- chute
- circuit
- cock
- course
- cramp
- crick
- crucify
- dart
- dash
- daze
- dazzle
- decapitate
- decimate
- decollate
- defenestrate
- demolish
- deposit
- detonate
- develop
- dike
- discharge
- disgorge
- disintegrate
- disprove
- ditch
- dog
- drift
- drive
- drop
- eject
- electrocute
- enfilade
- execute
- expel
- explode
- falcon
- feather
- fell
- film
- fire
- flame
- flare
- flash
- flight
- fling
- float
- flourish
- flush
- fly
- foot
- fork
- fowl
- fulminate
- fusillade
- gallop
- garrote
- germinate
- ghost
- glance
- glare
- gleam
- glide
- glint
- glow
- grimace
- grow
- guide
- guillotine
- gun
- gutter
- hand
- harm
- hasten
- hawk
- heave
- hie
- hit
- hitch
- hotfoot
- hound
- hump
- hunt
- hurl
- hurry
- hurt
- hurtle
- immunize
- impact
- incandesce
- incinerate
- injure
- inoculate
- jack
- jacklight
- jaunt
- jettison
- journey
- junk
- junket
- kill
- kink
- lapidate
- lash
- launch
- leaf
- leap
- leave
- limb
- load
- lode
- loose
- luster
- luxuriate
- mainline
- microfilm
- mortar
- mug
- mushroom
- nip
- offset
- overgrow
- overrun
- pace
- paddle
- pan
- pang
- pelt
- pepper
- photograph
- pick
- pinch
- plug
- poleax
- post
- pot
- pound
- prick
- prime
- progress
- project
- propel
- pull
- pullulate
- puncture
- punt
- race
- radiate
- rake
- ray
- raze
- reach
- reject
- riddle
- ride
- riff
- riffle
- riot
- ripple
- root
- row
- ruin
- run
- rush
- sail
- sally
- sault
- scamper
- scoot
- scour
- scramble
- scrap
- scud
- scull
- scurry
- scuttle
- set
- shaft
- shatter
- shell
- shine
- shrink
- silence
- skedaddle
- skim
- slay
- slip
- smart
- snap
- snipe
- spear
- speed
- spew
- sport
- spray
- spring
- sprout
- spurt
- stab
- stalk
- start
- stem
- still-hunt
- stitch
- stock
- stone
- strafe
- strangle
- streak
- strike
- suffer
- switch
- tear
- thrill
- throb
- throw
- tingle
- torpedo
- toss
- tour
- track
- trail
- trek
- trigger
- trip
- turn
- tweak
- twig
- twinge
- twitch
- upchuck
- vaccinate
- vaporize
- vegetate
- vein
- voyage
- warp
- whisk
- whiz
- wince
- wound
- wrack
- wreck
- wrench
- writhe
- zap
- zip
Eye Nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies,
And catch the manners living as they rise;
Laugh where we must, be candid where we can,
But vindicate the ways of God to man.
Delightful task! to rear the tender thought,
To teach the young idea how to shoot.