nip (n.)
- abstract
- ail
- algidity
- and
- annex
- approach
- arrest
- bag
- balk
- ban
- bar
- barrel
- beverage
- bib
- bite
- bitterness
- blast
- bleakness
- blight
- bob
- bolus
- boom
- boost
- booze
- breeze
- briskness
- brush
- bumper
- burn
- cabbage
- center
- chafe
- champ
- chaw
- check
- chew
- chill
- chilliness
- chip
- chomp
- clamp
- clasp
- clench
- clinch
- cling
- clip
- close
- clout
- clutch
- cold
- coldness
- compress
- compression
- concentrate
- contract
- cool
- coolness
- cop
- cramp
- crib
- crick
- crispness
- crop
- crumb
- crush
- cryogenics
- cud
- cull
- cut
- dash
- distress
- dock
- dose
- draft
- dram
- drink
- drop
- embrace
- end
- excise
- fester
- finish
- fix
- fleet
- flit
- fly
- foot
- foothold
- footing
- freeze
- freshness
- fret
- frigidity
- frost
- frostbite
- frostiness
- funnel
- gall
- gargle
- gelidity
- ginger
- gob
- grapple
- grasp
- grate
- grind
- grip
- gripe
- griping
- grog
- gulp
- guts
- harrow
- highball
- hitch
- hold
- hook
- hotfoot
- hotness
- hug
- hurt
- hustle
- ice
- iciness
- inclemency
- jigger
- jolt
- keenness
- kick
- kill
- kink
- lap
- libation
- lift
- liveliness
- lop
- martyr
- meet
- morceau
- morsel
- mouthful
- mow
- munch
- nail
- nibble
- nick
- pain
- palm
- pang
- pare
- paroxysm
- patch
- peel
- peg
- pepperiness
- pierce
- pinch
- poll
- pollard
- portion
- potation
- potion
- press
- pressure
- prick
- prune
- pull
- punch
- purchase
- quaff
- quid
- raciness
- rack
- rasp
- rawness
- recap
- relish
- rigor
- rip
- round
- rub
- run
- rush
- rustle
- scorch
- scrap
- seizure
- severity
- shanghai
- sharpness
- shave
- shear
- shiver
- shoot
- shooting
- shot
- shred
- sip
- sizzle
- skim
- slaughter
- sliver
- slug
- snap
- snare
- snatch
- snick
- snifter
- snip
- snippet
- snitch
- snort
- snub
- soak
- spasm
- speed
- spice
- spiciness
- splinter
- spot
- squeeze
- squeezing
- stab
- steal
- sting
- stitch
- strip
- stunt
- suck
- sup
- swallow
- sweep
- swig
- swill
- swindle
- swipe
- tag
- take
- tang
- tanginess
- taper
- tatter
- tear
- telescope
- thrill
- throes
- throttle
- thwart
- tightening
- tipple
- to
- toehold
- tope
- torment
- torture
- tot
- trim
- tweak
- twinge
- twist
- twitch
- unite
- wet
- whisk
- whiz
- wound
- wrench
- wring
- zest
- zestfulness
- zing
- zip
- zoom
nip (v.)
- abbreviate
- abduct
- abridge
- abstract
- afflict
- agonize
- ail
- amputate
- and
- annex
- annihilate
- approach
- appropriate
- arrest
- bag
- balk
- ban
- bar
- barrel
- benumb
- bib
- bite
- blast
- blight
- bob
- boom
- boost
- booze
- borrow
- breeze
- brush
- burn
- cabbage
- capsulize
- center
- centralize
- chafe
- champ
- chaw
- check
- chew
- chill
- chip
- chomp
- clamp
- clasp
- clench
- clinch
- cling
- clip
- close
- clout
- clutch
- cold
- compress
- concenter
- concentrate
- condense
- congeal
- contract
- converge
- convulse
- cool
- cop
- cramp
- crib
- crick
- crop
- crucify
- crumb
- crush
- cud
- cull
- curtail
- cut
- dash
- defraud
- distress
- dock
- dose
- draft
- drench
- drink
- drop
- elide
- eliminate
- embezzle
- embrace
- end
- enucleate
- epitomize
- eradicate
- except
- excise
- exclude
- excruciate
- extinguish
- extirpate
- extort
- fester
- filch
- finish
- fix
- fleet
- flit
- fly
- foot
- foreshorten
- freeze
- fret
- frost
- frustrate
- funnel
- gall
- gargle
- ginger
- glaciate
- gnash
- gnaw
- grapple
- grasp
- grate
- grind
- grip
- gripe
- gulp
- guzzle
- harrow
- hasten
- hitch
- hold
- hook
- hotfoot
- hug
- hurt
- hustle
- ice
- imbibe
- inflame
- intersect
- irritate
- isolate
- jolt
- kick
- kidnap
- kill
- kink
- lacerate
- lap
- lift
- lop
- martyr
- martyrize
- meet
- mow
- munch
- mutilate
- nab
- nail
- nibble
- nick
- numb
- pain
- palm
- pang
- pare
- patch
- peel
- peg
- penetrate
- pierce
- pilfer
- pinch
- poach
- poll
- pollard
- portion
- press
- pressure
- prick
- prune
- pull
- punch
- purchase
- purloin
- quaff
- quick-freeze
- rack
- rankle
- rasp
- reap
- recap
- recapitulate
- reduce
- refrigerate
- relish
- retrench
- rip
- round
- rub
- run
- rush
- rustle
- scorch
- scrap
- scrounge
- shanghai
- shave
- shear
- shiver
- shoot
- shoplift
- shorten
- shred
- sip
- sizzle
- skim
- slaughter
- sliver
- slug
- slurp
- snap
- snare
- snatch
- snick
- snip
- snitch
- snort
- snub
- soak
- speed
- spice
- splinter
- spot
- squeeze
- stab
- steal
- sting
- stitch
- strip
- stunt
- suck
- summarize
- sup
- swallow
- sweep
- swig
- swill
- swindle
- swipe
- tag
- take
- taper
- tear
- telescope
- thieve
- thrill
- throttle
- thwart
- tighten
- tipple
- to
- tope
- torment
- torture
- tot
- trim
- truncate
- tweak
- twinge
- twist
- twitch
- unite
- wet
- whisk
- whiz
- wound
- wrench
- wring
- zest
- zip
- zoom