finish (n.)
- abort
- absoluteness
- accomplishment
- achievement
- acquirement
- acquisition
- annihilation
- answer
- appropriateness
- attainment
- balance
- beat
- best
- bound
- boundary
- bourn
- buff
- burnish
- cancel
- cap
- catastrophe
- cease
- ceiling
- cessation
- chasteness
- chastity
- chloroform
- circumscription
- clarity
- classicalism
- classicism
- clearness
- climax
- clinch
- close
- closing
- coda
- comeliness
- compass
- completion
- conclusion
- conformity
- congruity
- consistency
- consummation
- cool
- correctness
- correspondence
- crown
- crush
- culmination
- cultivation
- curtain
- cutoff
- deadline
- death
- decease
- defeat
- delimitation
- denouement
- destination
- destiny
- destruction
- determinant
- digest
- dignity
- directness
- discrimination
- dispatch
- distinction
- doom
- down
- downfall
- drain
- ease
- eat
- effect
- elegance
- end
- ending
- envoi
- epilogue
- equality
- equilibrium
- eschatology
- eurythmics
- eurythmy
- evenness
- exhaust
- expiration
- extermination
- extremity
- fate
- faultlessness
- feel
- felicitousness
- felicity
- finale
- finality
- finis
- finishing
- fittingness
- flawlessness
- floor
- flow
- fluency
- frontier
- glance
- glaze
- gloss
- go
- goal
- gobble
- grace
- gracefulness
- gracility
- grain
- halt
- harmony
- hedge
- ice
- immaculateness
- impeccability
- indentation
- infallibility
- interface
- izzard
- kayo
- keeping
- kill
- killing
- last
- limen
- limit
- limitation
- limpidity
- line
- lucidity
- luster
- march
- mark
- martyr
- maturation
- mature
- maturity
- mete
- murder
- nap
- naturalness
- neatness
- nip
- nub
- omega
- overthrow
- overturn
- parallelism
- parry
- patina
- payoff
- pellucidity
- perfect
- perfection
- period
- peroration
- perspicuity
- pile
- pit
- plainness
- pock
- poison
- polarity
- polish
- proportion
- proportionality
- propriety
- protuberance
- purge
- purity
- quietus
- refinement
- regularity
- release
- resolution
- resolve
- restraint
- ripeness
- rub
- sacrifice
- scour
- scrag
- scrap
- scratch
- season
- seemliness
- settle
- shag
- shapeliness
- shine
- silence
- simplicity
- sinlessness
- slaughter
- slay
- slick
- smoothness
- spotlessness
- squash
- squelch
- start
- stop
- stoppage
- straightforwardness
- structure
- surface
- swallow
- symmetricalness
- symmetry
- taste
- tastefulness
- term
- terminal
- termination
- terminus
- terseness
- texture
- threshold
- to
- ultimate
- unaffectedness
- uniformity
- upset
- varnish
- wale
- waste
- wax
- weave
- windup
- woof
- worst
- zap
finish (v.)
- ablate
- abort
- absorb
- accomplish
- achieve
- annihilate
- answer
- assassinate
- assimilate
- balance
- beat
- beautify
- best
- bound
- buff
- burnish
- cancel
- cap
- cease
- ceiling
- chloroform
- climax
- clinch
- close
- compass
- complete
- conclude
- confine
- confound
- confute
- conquer
- consume
- consummate
- contradict
- controvert
- cool
- crown
- crush
- culminate
- cultivate
- curtain
- death
- decease
- defeat
- delete
- demolish
- deny
- deplete
- destroy
- determine
- develop
- devour
- digest
- dismiss
- dispatch
- distinction
- doom
- down
- drain
- ease
- eat
- effect
- elaborate
- embellish
- end
- erode
- evolve
- execute
- exhaust
- expend
- expunge
- exterminate
- extinguish
- fate
- feel
- finalize
- floor
- flow
- fulfill
- furbish
- glance
- glaze
- gloss
- go
- gobble
- grace
- grain
- halt
- hedge
- ice
- immolate
- impoverish
- ingest
- kayo
- kibosh
- kill
- last
- limit
- line
- liquidate
- luster
- lynch
- march
- mark
- martyr
- martyrize
- mature
- murder
- nap
- nip
- nonplus
- nub
- overcome
- overthrow
- overturn
- overwhelm
- parry
- perfect
- perorate
- pile
- pit
- pock
- poison
- polish
- proportion
- purge
- rebut
- refine
- refute
- release
- resolve
- ripen
- rub
- sacrifice
- scour
- scrag
- scrap
- scratch
- season
- settle
- shag
- shine
- silence
- slaughter
- slay
- sleek
- slick
- spend
- squander
- squash
- squelch
- start
- starve
- stop
- structure
- subvert
- surface
- swallow
- taste
- term
- terminate
- to
- undermine
- upset
- varnish
- waste
- wax
- weave
- worst
- zap