destiny (n.)
- afterlife
- afterworld
- allotment
- allowance
- astrology
- bit
- bite
- break
- budget
- casualness
- catastrophe
- cessation
- chance
- chunk
- circumstance
- coda
- commission
- conclusion
- constellation
- consummation
- contingent
- culmination
- cup
- curtain
- cut
- deal
- death
- decease
- denouement
- design
- destination
- dividend
- dole
- doom
- effect
- end
- ending
- envoi
- epilogue
- eschatology
- expiration
- fatality
- fate
- finale
- finality
- finis
- finish
- fortuitousness
- fortuity
- fortune
- future
- gamble
- goal
- half
- hap
- happenstance
- helping
- home
- indeterminacy
- indeterminateness
- inevitability
- intent
- intention
- interest
- izzard
- karma
- kismet
- last
- lot
- luck
- measure
- meed
- mess
- modicum
- moiety
- objective
- omega
- opportunity
- otherworld
- part
- payoff
- percentage
- period
- peroration
- piece
- portion
- probability
- proportion
- quantum
- quietus
- quota
- rake-off
- ration
- resolution
- risk
- segment
- serendipity
- share
- slice
- stake
- stars
- stock
- stoppage
- term
- terminal
- termination
- terminus
- uncertainty
- weird
- windup
Hanging and wiving goes by destiny.
Where'er she lie,
Locked up from mortal eye,
In shady leaves of destiny.
As Meander says, "For our mind is God;" and as Heraclitus, "Man's genius is a deity."
Marriage and hanging go by destiny; matches are made in heaven.
One country, one constitution, one destiny.
Wedding is destiny,
And hanging likewise.