stake (n.)
- allotment
- allowance
- angel
- ante
- archbishopric
- archdiocese
- ax
- back
- backing
- bailiwick
- bank
- bankroll
- benefit
- bet
- bishopric
- bit
- bite
- block
- bond
- book
- borough
- budget
- cage
- call
- canton
- capitalization
- caution
- chain
- chance
- chase
- chunk
- city
- claim
- collateral
- column
- commission
- common
- commune
- concern
- contingent
- county
- cover
- cross
- cut
- deal
- deposit
- destiny
- diocese
- district
- dividend
- dole
- drop
- duchy
- easement
- electorate
- end
- equity
- estate
- fade
- fate
- fence
- finance
- financing
- forfeit
- fund
- funding
- gallows
- gallows-tree
- gamble
- game
- gibbet
- government
- grubstake
- guillotine
- half
- halter
- hamlet
- handbook
- handicap
- hazard
- helping
- hemp
- hitch
- hock
- holding
- hundred
- interest
- investment
- involvement
- jackpot
- kitty
- lash
- lay
- leash
- leave
- leg
- limitation
- lot
- magistracy
- maiden
- margin
- measure
- meed
- mess
- metropolis
- modicum
- moiety
- mortgage
- noose
- oblast
- outline
- pale
- paling
- palisade
- parish
- parlay
- part
- pass
- pawn
- peg
- pen
- percentage
- picket
- piece
- pike
- pile
- pillar
- play
- pledge
- plunge
- pole
- pool
- portion
- post
- pot
- precinct
- principality
- proportion
- province
- punt
- put
- quantum
- quota
- rake-off
- ration
- region
- riding
- right
- risk
- rope
- scaffold
- see
- segment
- settlement
- shank
- share
- shire
- shot
- slice
- spike
- spile
- sponsor
- sponsorship
- spout
- stakes
- state
- stave
- steeplechase
- stick
- stock
- subsidy
- support
- sweep
- sweepstakes
- territory
- tether
- tiger
- title
- town
- township
- tree
- trust
- upright
- use
- venture
- village
- wager
- ward
stake (v.)
- allowance
- ante
- ax
- back
- bank
- bankroll
- benefit
- bet
- bit
- bite
- block
- bond
- book
- budget
- cage
- call
- canton
- capitalize
- caution
- chain
- chance
- chase
- chunk
- circumscribe
- claim
- commission
- commune
- concern
- confine
- cover
- cross
- cut
- deal
- define
- delimit
- delineate
- demarcate
- depart
- deposit
- district
- dole
- drop
- emigrate
- enclose
- end
- estate
- fade
- fasten
- fate
- fence
- finance
- forfeit
- fund
- gamble
- game
- gibbet
- grubstake
- guillotine
- halter
- handicap
- hazard
- hitch
- hock
- hypothecate
- impound
- interest
- jackpot
- jeopardize
- lash
- lay
- leash
- leave
- leg
- lot
- measure
- mess
- migrate
- mortgage
- noose
- outline
- pale
- palisade
- parlay
- part
- pass
- patronize
- pawn
- peg
- pen
- picket
- piece
- pike
- pile
- play
- pledge
- plunge
- pole
- pool
- portion
- post
- pot
- proportion
- punt
- put
- ration
- refinance
- resettle
- right
- risk
- rope
- scaffold
- secure
- see
- segment
- shank
- share
- slice
- spike
- sponsor
- spout
- stakes
- state
- stave
- stick
- stock
- subsidize
- support
- sweep
- tether
- title
- town
- tree
- trust
- upright
- use
- venture
- wager
- ward
stake (adv.)
I am tied to the stake, and I must stand the course.
Rightly to be great
Is not to stir without great argument,
But greatly to find quarrel in a straw
When honour's at the stake.