margin (n.)
- allowance
- balance
- bank
- bind
- board
- bonus
- border
- bound
- bounds
- brim
- brink
- brow
- caesura
- caution
- clearance
- coast
- collateral
- compass
- connect
- delicacy
- deposit
- differentia
- differential
- discontinuity
- distance
- distinction
- divergence
- dividend
- edge
- extent
- extra
- farness
- featheredge
- field
- flange
- forfeit
- frame
- freedom
- fringe
- frontier
- gratuity
- hairline
- headroom
- hem
- hiatus
- infinity
- interim
- interruption
- interstice
- interval
- join
- jump
- labium
- labrum
- lacuna
- lagniappe
- lap
- latitude
- leap
- ledge
- leeway
- leftover
- length
- limb
- limbus
- limits
- line
- lip
- list
- march
- marge
- mileage
- minimum
- neighbor
- nicety
- nuance
- outline
- overage
- overplus
- overrun
- oversupply
- perimeter
- periphery
- perspective
- piece
- play
- plus
- pourboire
- purl
- range
- reach
- refinement
- remainder
- remoteness
- rim
- room
- rope
- scope
- selvage
- separation
- shore
- side
- sideline
- skirt
- space
- span
- spare
- stake
- stretch
- stride
- subtlety
- surplus
- surplusage
- surround
- swing
- tip
- tolerance
- touch
- trim
- trimming
- verge
- way
- ways
You shall see them on a beautiful quarto page, where a neat rivulet of text shall meander through a meadow of margin.
By the margin of fair Zurich's waters
Dwelt a youth, whose fond heart, night and day,
For the fairest of fair Zurich's daughters
In a dream of love melted away.