jump (n.)
- abandon
- access
- accession
- accretion
- accrual
- accruement
- accumulation
- addition
- advance
- advantage
- aggrandizement
- airlift
- amble
- ambush
- amplification
- appreciation
- ascension
- ascent
- assail
- assault
- attack
- augmentation
- ballooning
- barge
- barricade
- blitz
- bob
- bobble
- bolt
- boom
- boost
- bounce
- bound
- breach
- break
- broadening
- buck
- buildup
- bulge
- bump
- bundle
- bypass
- caesura
- caper
- capriole
- catch
- chatter
- clamber
- clear
- clearance
- climb
- climbing
- clop
- clump
- crescendo
- curvet
- cut
- desert
- desire
- development
- discontinuity
- disregard
- drag
- drop
- edema
- edge
- elevation
- elope
- enlargement
- escalade
- escalation
- escape
- expansion
- extension
- falter
- fence
- flight
- flinch
- flood
- flounce
- fly
- foot
- footfall
- footstep
- fountain
- gain
- gambol
- gap
- goldbrick
- grab
- growth
- gush
- halt
- handspring
- harry
- hiatus
- hike
- hit
- hitch
- hobble
- hole
- hop
- hurdle
- hustle
- ignore
- increase
- increment
- inflation
- interim
- interruption
- interstice
- interval
- jar
- jerk
- jet
- jete
- jib
- jig
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- jounce
- lacuna
- leap
- leapfrog
- leave
- leeway
- levant
- levitation
- limp
- lop
- lumber
- lunge
- lurch
- margin
- mince
- miss
- morris
- mount
- mounting
- move
- mug
- multiplication
- obstacle
- obstruction
- odds
- omit
- overlook
- pace
- paddle
- panic
- parachute
- pass
- peg
- piaffe
- plod
- pounce
- pound
- prance
- productiveness
- proliferation
- quake
- quaver
- quiver
- rack
- rail
- raise
- rebuke
- recoil
- reprimand
- rift
- rise
- rising
- roll
- room
- run
- saltation
- sashay
- saunter
- scuff
- scuffle
- scuttle
- shake
- shamble
- shiver
- shock
- shudder
- shuffle
- shy
- single-foot
- skedaddle
- skip
- slack
- slouch
- snatch
- soaring
- solo
- space
- spasm
- spout
- spread
- spring
- spurt
- stagger
- stalk
- stamp
- stampede
- start
- startle
- steeplechase
- step
- stomp
- straddle
- straggle
- stride
- strike
- stroll
- strut
- stump
- surge
- surprise
- swagger
- swelling
- swing
- takeoff
- totter
- tread
- tremble
- trifle
- trip
- trudge
- tumescence
- twitch
- up
- updraft
- upgrade
- uphill
- uplift
- upping
- uprising
- upsurge
- upturn
- vantage
- vault
- waddle
- waxing
- widening
- wiggle
- wince
- wobble
jump (v.)
- abandon
- abscond
- absquatulate
- accept
- access
- accession
- advance
- advantage
- airlift
- amble
- ambush
- assail
- assault
- attack
- avoid
- barge
- barricade
- blitz
- bob
- bobble
- boggle
- bolt
- boom
- boost
- bounce
- bound
- breach
- break
- buck
- bulge
- bump
- bundle
- bushwhack
- bypass
- caper
- capriole
- catch
- cavort
- chatter
- clamber
- clear
- climb
- clop
- clump
- crescendo
- curvet
- cut
- decamp
- depart
- desert
- desire
- didder
- disregard
- drag
- drop
- edge
- elope
- escalade
- escalate
- escape
- evade
- falter
- fence
- flee
- flight
- flinch
- flood
- flounce
- fly
- foot
- footslog
- gain
- gambol
- gap
- goldbrick
- grab
- gush
- halt
- harry
- hike
- hit
- hitch
- hobble
- hole
- hop
- hurdle
- hustle
- ignore
- increase
- jactitate
- jar
- jerk
- jet
- jib
- jig
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- jounce
- leap
- leapfrog
- leave
- levant
- limp
- lop
- lumber
- lunge
- lurch
- malinger
- mince
- miss
- mount
- move
- mug
- negotiate
- omit
- overleap
- overlook
- pace
- paddle
- panic
- parachute
- pass
- peg
- plod
- pounce
- pound
- prance
- pretermit
- procrastinate
- quake
- quaver
- quiver
- rack
- rail
- raise
- rebuke
- recoil
- reprimand
- rift
- rise
- roll
- room
- run
- sashay
- saunter
- scuff
- scuffle
- scuttle
- shake
- shamble
- shirk
- shiver
- shock
- shudder
- shuffle
- shy
- sidle
- single-foot
- skedaddle
- skip
- slack
- slink
- slither
- slog
- slouch
- snatch
- solo
- space
- spout
- spread
- spring
- spurt
- stagger
- stalk
- stamp
- stampede
- start
- startle
- step
- stomp
- straddle
- straggle
- stride
- strike
- stroll
- strut
- stump
- surge
- surprise
- swagger
- swing
- tittup
- toddle
- totter
- traipse
- tread
- tremble
- trifle
- trip
- trudge
- twitch
- up
- upgrade
- uplift
- uprise
- vantage
- vault
- vibrate
- waddle
- wamble
- wiggle
- wince
- wobble
Besides, this Duncan
Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been
So clear in his great office, that his virtues
Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against
The deep damnation of his taking-off;
And pity, like a naked new-born babe,
Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubim, horsed
Upon the sightless couriers of the air,
Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,
That tears shall drown the wind. I have no spur
To prick the sides of my intent, but only
Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself,
And falls on the other.