increase (n.)
- accession
- accessory
- accompaniment
- accretion
- addendum
- addition
- additive
- adjunct
- adjunction
- adjuvant
- advance
- affixation
- agglutination
- aggrandizement
- aggravation
- amplification
- annex
- annexation
- annoy
- annoyance
- appanage
- appendage
- appurtenance
- ascension
- ascent
- attachment
- augmentation
- balloon
- better
- bloat
- blossom
- boom
- boost
- breakthrough
- breed
- brew
- broadening
- build
- bulk
- clamber
- climb
- climbing
- coda
- complement
- compound
- concomitant
- contentiousness
- continuation
- corollary
- count
- crescendo
- decrease
- deepening
- deployment
- deterioration
- developing
- development
- dispersion
- divide
- elevation
- embitterment
- enhancement
- enlargement
- escalade
- escalation
- exacerbation
- exasperation
- expansion
- extension
- extrapolation
- fix
- fixture
- flare
- flourish
- fountain
- gain
- gather
- grade
- gradual
- graduate
- growing
- growth
- gush
- hike
- hiking
- huff
- hypertrophy
- increment
- inflation
- inmate
- intensification
- irritation
- jet
- joining
- jump
- junction
- juxtaposition
- leap
- levitation
- magnification
- manifold
- mature
- measure
- mount
- mounting
- multiple
- multiplication
- multiplier
- mushroom
- number
- offshoot
- parcel
- parlay
- pendant
- plus
- prefixation
- profits
- progressive
- proliferation
- provocation
- puff
- pump
- push
- pyramid
- raise
- raising
- rate
- recruit
- regular
- reinforcement
- rise
- rising
- saltation
- scalar
- snowball
- soaring
- sour
- souring
- splay
- spout
- spread
- spreading
- spring
- sprout
- spurt
- stretch
- suffixation
- superfetation
- superposition
- supplement
- supplementation
- surge
- swarm
- swell
- tables
- tailpiece
- takeoff
- teem
- tower
- uniting
- up
- updraft
- upgrade
- uphill
- uplift
- upping
- uprising
- upsurge
- vault
- vise
- wax
- waxing
- widening
- winnings
- worsening
increase (v.)
- accession
- accrue
- accumulate
- advance
- aggrandize
- aggravate
- amplify
- annex
- annoy
- apportion
- appreciate
- augment
- balloon
- better
- bloat
- blossom
- boom
- boost
- breed
- brew
- broaden
- build
- bulk
- burgeon
- calibrate
- clamber
- climb
- complement
- compound
- count
- crescendo
- decrease
- deepen
- deteriorate
- develop
- differentiate
- dilate
- distend
- divide
- elongate
- embitter
- enhance
- enlarge
- escalade
- exacerbate
- exalt
- exasperate
- expand
- extend
- fatten
- fix
- flare
- flourish
- fortify
- further
- gain
- gather
- germinate
- grade
- graduate
- grow
- gush
- heighten
- hike
- huff
- hypertrophy
- improve
- inflate
- intensify
- irritate
- jet
- jump
- leap
- lengthen
- magnify
- manifold
- mature
- maximize
- measure
- mount
- multiply
- mushroom
- number
- outgrow
- overgrow
- overtop
- parcel
- parlay
- plus
- procreate
- proliferate
- prolong
- protract
- provoke
- puff
- pullulate
- pump
- push
- pyramid
- quantify
- quantize
- raise
- rarefy
- rate
- recruit
- reduce
- reinforce
- reproduce
- rise
- sharpen
- snowball
- sour
- splay
- spout
- spread
- spring
- sprout
- spurt
- strengthen
- stretch
- sufflate
- supplement
- surge
- swarm
- swell
- tables
- teem
- thicken
- thrive
- tower
- tumefy
- up
- upgrade
- uplift
- uprise
- vault
- vegetate
- vise
- wax
- widen
- worsen
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
Why, she would hang on him,
As if increase of appetite had grown
By what it fed on.
Time still, as he flies, brings increase to her truth,
And gives to her mind what he steals from her youth.