spread (n.)
- aberration
- access
- accession
- accretion
- accrual
- accruement
- accumulation
- acreage
- addition
- adjunct
- advance
- affirmed
- afghan
- aggrandizement
- air
- airing
- amplification
- amplitude
- appreciation
- area
- ascent
- attenuation
- augmentation
- balloon
- ballooning
- banner
- banquet
- barbecue
- beam
- bedclothes
- bedcover
- bedding
- bedspread
- bigness
- blanket
- bloat
- board
- body
- book
- boom
- boost
- boundaries
- boundary
- bounds
- branch
- bread
- breadth
- break
- breed
- broach
- broadcast
- broadcasting
- broadening
- broadness
- buildup
- bulk
- butter
- caliber
- call
- caption
- carry
- case
- cheer
- chink
- circulation
- cloak
- clothes
- coat
- comfort
- comforter
- communication
- compass
- conduction
- confiture
- conserve
- contagion
- convection
- counterpane
- cover
- coverage
- coverlet
- crack
- crawling
- crescendo
- crevasse
- cuisine
- current
- cut
- dab
- daub
- deal
- decentralization
- delivery
- deltoid
- deployment
- deportation
- depth
- developing
- development
- deviation
- diameter
- diapedesis
- difference
- diffraction
- diffusion
- dilution
- dimension
- dinner
- dispensation
- dispersal
- dispersion
- display
- dissemination
- dissipation
- distance
- distribution
- divaricate
- divarication
- divergence
- divergency
- divide
- division
- dropline
- edema
- eiderdown
- elevated
- elevation
- emptiness
- enamel
- enlargement
- entertainment
- epigraph
- evaporation
- expanse
- expansion
- export
- exportation
- expulsion
- extension
- extent
- extradition
- fan
- fare
- farm
- feast
- feed
- field
- fissure
- flare
- flat
- flood
- food
- foodstuff
- fragmentation
- fullness
- gain
- gauge
- gild
- girth
- glaze
- gloss
- go
- greatness
- growth
- gush
- hanger
- head
- heading
- headline
- height
- herald
- hike
- hiking
- hold
- holding
- homestead
- import
- importation
- increase
- increment
- inflation
- ingesta
- interchange
- issuance
- issue
- jam
- jelly
- jump
- lacquer
- landholding
- largeness
- latitude
- lay
- layer
- leap
- legend
- length
- lie
- limits
- linen
- lying
- magnification
- magnitude
- mantle
- margarine
- mass
- meal
- measure
- measurement
- meat
- mess
- metastasis
- metathesis
- metempsychosis
- migration
- motto
- mount
- mounting
- multiplication
- mushroom
- nothingness
- oleo
- ope
- open
- osmosis
- overlay
- overrun
- paint
- part
- pass
- passage
- paste
- perfusion
- periodical
- pillowcase
- place
- plantation
- plaster
- plate
- preserve
- prime
- printing
- productiveness
- profusion
- proliferation
- promulgation
- propagation
- property
- proportion
- proportions
- provender
- provision
- public
- publication
- publishing
- push
- put
- quilt
- radiation
- radius
- raise
- raising
- ranch
- range
- ray
- reach
- reclining
- refection
- refreshment
- relay
- rent
- repast
- repeat
- retail
- rift
- right
- rip
- rise
- rive
- robe
- rub
- rubric
- rug
- run
- scale
- scatter
- scattering
- scope
- screamer
- separate
- separation
- set
- shed
- sheet
- sheeting
- size
- slip
- slit
- smear
- smooth
- snowball
- sow
- space
- span
- spattering
- sphere
- splay
- split
- sprawl
- sprawling
- spreadhead
- spreading
- sprinkling
- straddle
- strap
- streamer
- stretch
- strewing
- strip
- subhead
- subheading
- subtitle
- superscription
- surface
- surge
- surround
- sustenance
- sweep
- swell
- swelling
- switch
- table
- tap
- tar
- tear
- telecast
- telecasting
- throw
- title
- tract
- transduction
- transfer
- transference
- transfusion
- transit
- transition
- translation
- translocation
- transmigration
- transmission
- transmittal
- transmittance
- transplant
- transplantation
- transpose
- transposition
- travel
- treat
- trumpet
- tucker
- tumescence
- undercoat
- up
- upping
- upsurge
- upturn
- utter
- varnish
- vastness
- ventilation
- viands
- victuals
- void
- volume
- wash
- wax
- waxing
- wideness
- widening
- width
- wrap
spread (v.)
- aberrate
- access
- accession
- accrue
- accumulate
- advance
- advertise
- air
- announce
- apply
- appreciate
- assign
- balloon
- banquet
- barbecue
- beam
- bedaub
- besmear
- bestrew
- blanket
- bloat
- board
- body
- book
- boom
- boost
- branch
- bread
- break
- breed
- broach
- broadcast
- broaden
- bulk
- butter
- call
- caption
- carry
- case
- cheer
- chink
- circulate
- circumfuse
- cleave
- cloak
- coat
- comfort
- communicate
- compass
- conserve
- consign
- cover
- crack
- crescendo
- cut
- dab
- daub
- deal
- deepen
- deliver
- deploy
- deport
- develop
- diffract
- diffuse
- dimension
- dispel
- dispense
- disperse
- display
- dispread
- disseminate
- dissipate
- distance
- distribute
- divaricate
- diverge
- divide
- emanate
- enamel
- encompass
- enlarge
- environ
- expand
- expel
- export
- extend
- extradite
- fan
- fare
- farm
- feast
- feed
- field
- fissure
- flare
- flat
- flood
- food
- gain
- gauge
- generalize
- gild
- girth
- glaze
- globalize
- gloss
- go
- grow
- gush
- head
- headline
- herald
- hike
- hold
- homestead
- impart
- import
- incise
- increase
- intensify
- interchange
- issue
- jam
- jelly
- jump
- lacquer
- lay
- layer
- leap
- lie
- magnitude
- mantle
- mass
- measure
- mess
- metastasize
- mount
- multiply
- mushroom
- ope
- open
- overgrow
- overlay
- overrun
- overspread
- paint
- part
- pass
- paste
- peddle
- perfuse
- place
- plaster
- plate
- preserve
- prime
- proliferate
- prolong
- promulgate
- pronounce
- propagate
- proportion
- prostrate
- protract
- provision
- publicize
- publish
- push
- put
- quilt
- radiate
- raise
- ramify
- ranch
- range
- ray
- reach
- recite
- regale
- relay
- rent
- repeat
- retail
- rift
- right
- rip
- rise
- rive
- robe
- rub
- rubric
- rug
- run
- scale
- scatter
- scope
- separate
- set
- shed
- sheet
- size
- slather
- slip
- slit
- smear
- smooth
- snowball
- sow
- space
- span
- splay
- split
- sprawl
- straddle
- strap
- strengthen
- stretch
- strew
- strip
- subtitle
- surface
- surge
- surround
- swaddle
- sweep
- swell
- switch
- table
- tap
- tar
- tear
- telecast
- televise
- throw
- title
- tract
- transfer
- transfuse
- transit
- transition
- translate
- translocate
- transmit
- transplant
- transpose
- travel
- treat
- trumpet
- tucker
- undercoat
- unfold
- unfurl
- universalize
- unroll
- up
- utter
- varnish
- void
- wash
- wax
- widen
- wrap
spread (adj.)
- accelerated
- accessible
- accumbent
- adjunct
- advance
- afghan
- air
- airing
- announced
- ascent
- augmented
- banner
- beam
- beefed-up
- blanket
- board
- book
- bounds
- branch
- bread
- breed
- broach
- carry
- case
- couchant
- cover
- crack
- crescendo
- current
- cut
- deal
- declared
- decumbent
- deltoid
- developing
- diffuse
- diffused
- discrete
- dispersed
- dissipated
- distance
- distributed
- draped
- elevated
- enhanced
- enlarged
- expanded
- expanding
- extended
- fan-shaped
- fanlike
- fanned
- field
- flare
- flaring
- flat
- gain
- go
- groveling
- head
- height
- holding
- import
- increased
- increasing
- inflated
- intensified
- lay
- length
- limits
- lying
- magnified
- mass
- meal
- mount
- multiplied
- ope
- open
- outspread
- outstretched
- part
- pass
- periodical
- place
- prime
- proclaimed
- procumbent
- prone
- prostrate
- public
- published
- put
- radiate
- raised
- raising
- ranch
- range
- ray
- reach
- recumbent
- reinforced
- rent
- reported
- resupine
- rift
- right
- rip
- rise
- rub
- run
- scale
- scattered
- separate
- set
- shed
- size
- slip
- smooth
- span
- sparse
- splay
- split
- sporadic
- sprawling
- sprawly
- stated
- straggling
- straggly
- strengthened
- stretch
- supine
- surface
- swell
- swollen
- table
- tap
- tar
- tract
- up
- utter
- void
- wash
- waxing
- wide-open
- widespread
As is the bud bit with an envious worm
Ere he can spread his sweet leaves to the air,
Or dedicate his beauty to the sun.
Learn of the little nautilus to sail,
Spread the thin oar, and catch the driving gale.
Soon as the evening shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly to the listening earth
Repeats the story of her birth;
While all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets in their turn,
Confirm the tidings as they roll,
And spread the truth from pole to pole.
Mocking the air with colours idly spread.
Masters, spread yourselves.