size (n.)
- albumen
- amplitude
- area
- assay
- autopsy
- batter
- bigness
- body
- bolt
- breadth
- bulk
- butter
- caliper
- canvass
- check
- clabber
- cornstarch
- cream
- crown
- curd
- dial
- dimension
- divide
- dough
- enormousness
- estimate
- expanse
- extension
- extent
- fathom
- folio
- gauge
- gel
- gelatin
- glop
- glue
- gluten
- goo
- goop
- grade
- graduate
- greatness
- group
- gruel
- gumbo
- gunk
- height
- immensity
- imperial
- jam
- jelly
- judge
- largeness
- length
- loblolly
- magnitude
- mass
- match
- measure
- measurement
- medium
- mete
- meter
- molasses
- monitor
- mucilage
- mucus
- octavo
- overhaul
- overlook
- pace
- pap
- paste
- plumb
- porridge
- postmortem
- prize
- probe
- proportion
- proportions
- pudding
- pulp
- puree
- putty
- quarto
- range
- rank
- rate
- review
- riddle
- rob
- royal
- scan
- scope
- screen
- separate
- sieve
- sort
- sound
- soup
- span
- spread
- starch
- step
- stretch
- study
- subordinate
- super
- survey
- syrup
- treacle
- value
- vastness
- volume
- weight
- width
size (v.)
- adjust
- appraise
- appreciate
- assay
- assess
- assort
- autopsy
- batter
- body
- bolt
- bulk
- butter
- calculate
- calibrate
- caliper
- canvass
- categorize
- check
- clabber
- classify
- collate
- compute
- cream
- crown
- dial
- dimension
- divide
- enlarge
- estimate
- evaluate
- examine
- fathom
- gauge
- gel
- glue
- gradate
- grade
- graduate
- group
- inspect
- jam
- jell
- jelly
- judge
- magnitude
- mass
- match
- measure
- mensurate
- meter
- monitor
- observe
- overhaul
- overlook
- pace
- paste
- peruse
- plumb
- prize
- probe
- proportion
- pulp
- puree
- putty
- quantify
- quantize
- range
- rank
- rate
- review
- riddle
- rob
- scan
- scope
- screen
- scrutinize
- separate
- sieve
- sift
- sort
- sound
- soup
- span
- spread
- starch
- step
- stretch
- study
- subordinate
- survey
- triangulate
- valuate
- value
- weigh
- weight
size (adj.)
If there be, or ever were, one such,
It's past the size of dreaming.
For he by geometric scale
Could take the size of pots of ale.