height (n.)
- acme
- altitude
- amount
- amplitude
- apex
- apogee
- apotheosis
- area
- ascent
- assumption
- authority
- authorization
- beatification
- bigness
- bluff
- body
- breadth
- brow
- bulk
- caliber
- canonization
- cap
- championship
- cliff
- climax
- command
- compass
- consummation
- control
- coverage
- crag
- crest
- crown
- culmination
- cut
- degree
- deification
- depth
- diameter
- dimension
- directorship
- dominion
- edge
- effectiveness
- elevation
- eminence
- erection
- escalation
- escarpment
- ether
- exaltation
- expanse
- expansion
- extension
- extent
- extreme
- extremity
- fell
- gauge
- girth
- grade
- greatness
- headland
- headship
- heaven
- heavens
- hegemony
- heights
- highness
- hill
- imperium
- influence
- interval
- jurisdiction
- key
- kingship
- largeness
- leadership
- leap
- length
- level
- lift
- lifting
- limit
- loftiness
- lordship
- magnitude
- management
- mark
- mass
- mastership
- mastery
- maximum
- measure
- measurement
- meridian
- most
- mound
- mountain
- noon
- notch
- note
- nuance
- paramountcy
- pas
- peak
- peg
- perfection
- period
- pink
- pinnacle
- pitch
- plane
- plateau
- point
- pole
- power
- presidency
- primacy
- prominence
- promontory
- proportion
- proportions
- radius
- raise
- raising
- range
- ratio
- reach
- rearing
- record
- register
- remove
- ridge
- rise
- round
- rule
- rung
- say
- scale
- scarp
- scope
- shade
- shadow
- size
- sky
- sovereignty
- space
- spire
- spread
- stair
- standard
- stature
- steep
- step
- stint
- stratosphere
- summit
- supremacy
- sway
- tallness
- tip
- tonality
- tone
- top
- tor
- tread
- tune
- ultimate
- upcast
- upheaval
- uplift
- uplifting
- upping
- upthrow
- upthrust
- utmost
- vertex
- volume
- width
- zenith
height (adj.)
- altitude
- amount
- ascent
- bluff
- brow
- cap
- crown
- cut
- edge
- ether
- extreme
- fell
- grade
- hill
- key
- length
- level
- mark
- mass
- maximum
- meridian
- most
- notch
- peg
- pink
- plane
- point
- power
- raising
- range
- reach
- rearing
- rise
- round
- rung
- say
- scale
- size
- sky
- spread
- stair
- standard
- steep
- step
- tone
- top
- tor
- tune
- ultimate
- upmost
- uppermost
- utmost
Our hopes, like towering falcons, aim
At objects in an airy height;
The little pleasure of the game
Is from afar to view the flight.
It has been observed that the height of a man from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot is equal to the distance between the tips of the middle fingers of the two hands when extended in a straight line.
What in me is dark
Illumine, what is low raise and support,
That to the height of this great argument
I may assert eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.