mastery (n.)
- ability
- acme
- address
- adeptness
- adroitness
- airmanship
- apprehension
- archbishopric
- aristocracy
- artfulness
- artisanship
- artistry
- ascendancy
- authority
- authorization
- beating
- bishopric
- bravura
- brilliance
- capability
- capacity
- chairmanship
- championship
- chancellery
- chancellorship
- charisma
- charm
- chieftaincy
- chieftainship
- clairvoyance
- claws
- cleverness
- clout
- clutches
- collapse
- command
- competence
- competency
- comprehension
- conception
- conceptualization
- condition
- conquering
- conquest
- consequence
- consulate
- consulship
- control
- coordination
- craft
- craftsmanship
- crash
- credit
- cunning
- deanery
- deathblow
- debacle
- defeat
- deftness
- destruction
- dexterity
- dextrousness
- dictatorship
- diplomacy
- directorship
- dominance
- domination
- dominion
- downfall
- drubbing
- effect
- effectiveness
- efficiency
- eminence
- emirate
- enchantment
- episcopacy
- esteem
- expertise
- expertness
- facility
- failure
- fall
- favor
- finesse
- fitness
- force
- foreknowledge
- governorship
- grace
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- hand
- handiness
- hands
- headship
- hegemony
- height
- helm
- hiding
- hierarchy
- hold
- horsemanship
- ideation
- imperium
- importance
- influence
- ingeniousness
- ingenuity
- insinuation
- intellection
- intelligence
- jurisdiction
- kingship
- knack
- knockout
- know-how
- landslide
- leadership
- leverage
- licking
- lordship
- magistracy
- magistrature
- magnetism
- management
- marksmanship
- mastership
- maturity
- maximum
- mayoralty
- might
- moment
- most
- nobility
- overthrow
- overturn
- papacy
- paramountcy
- patriarchate
- patriarchy
- personality
- persuasion
- picnic
- pontificate
- potency
- power
- precognition
- predominance
- prefecture
- prehension
- premiership
- preparedness
- preponderance
- presidency
- presidentship
- pressure
- prestige
- primacy
- princedom
- principality
- proconsulate
- proconsulship
- proficiency
- protectorate
- protectorship
- prowess
- purchase
- pushover
- qualification
- quickness
- quietus
- readiness
- record
- rectorate
- rectorship
- regency
- reign
- repute
- resource
- resourcefulness
- ripeness
- ruin
- rule
- savoir-faire
- savvy
- say
- seamanship
- seasoning
- seigniory
- sheikhdom
- skill
- skillfulness
- smash
- sovereignty
- strings
- style
- suasion
- subjugation
- success
- suggestion
- suitability
- suitableness
- supremacy
- suzerainty
- swag
- sway
- tact
- tactfulness
- technique
- tempering
- thrashing
- timing
- trim
- trimming
- triumph
- trouncing
- understanding
- undoing
- victory
- virtuosity
- viziership
- walkaway
- walkover
- weight
- whipping
- win
- winning
- wisdom
- wit
- wizardry
- workmanship
- zenith
Where eldest Night
And Chaos, ancestors of Nature, hold
Eternal anarchy amidst the noise
Of endless wars, and by confusion stand;
For hot, cold, moist, and dry, four champions fierce,
Strive here for mast'ry.