winning (n.)
- accession
- acquirement
- acquisition
- addition
- ascendancy
- ascendant
- attainment
- catching
- championship
- charming
- coaxing
- conquering
- conquest
- desirable
- dominant
- earnings
- gaining
- getting
- hypnotic
- knockout
- landslide
- lovely
- making
- mastery
- moneymaking
- obtainment
- obtention
- picnic
- pleasing
- procural
- procurance
- procurement
- pushover
- siren
- strong
- success
- sweet
- taking
- teasing
- telling
- tickling
- triumph
- victory
- walkaway
- walkover
- win
- witching
winning (adj.)
- acceptable
- admirable
- adorable
- agreeable
- alluring
- angelic
- appealing
- appetizing
- ascendant
- attractive
- authoritative
- beguiling
- bewitching
- captivating
- catching
- charismatic
- charming
- coaxing
- consequential
- coquettish
- cuddlesome
- defeating
- delightful
- desirable
- dominant
- dulcet
- effective
- effectual
- efficacious
- enchanting
- engaging
- enthralling
- enticing
- entrancing
- enviable
- estimable
- exciting
- exotic
- exquisite
- fascinating
- fetching
- flirtatious
- getting
- glamorous
- hypnotic
- important
- influential
- interesting
- intriguing
- inviting
- irresistible
- knockout
- likable
- lovable
- lovely
- lovesome
- luxurious
- magnetic
- making
- mesmeric
- momentous
- moneymaking
- mouth-watering
- personable
- persuasive
- piquant
- pleasing
- potent
- powerful
- prepossessing
- prestigious
- prevailing
- provocative
- ravishing
- reputable
- seductive
- sensuous
- seraphic
- spellbinding
- strong
- suasive
- substantial
- successful
- sweet
- taking
- tantalizing
- teasing
- telling
- tempting
- thrilling
- tickling
- titillating
- toothsome
- triumphal
- triumphant
- unobjectionable
- victorious
- voluptuous
- weighty
- win
- winsome
- witching
A winning wave, deserving note,
In the tempestuous petticoat;
A careless shoe-string, in whose tie
I see a wild civility,—
Do more bewitch me than when art
Is too precise in every part.
Softly sweet, in Lydian measures,
Soon he sooth'd his soul to pleasures.
War, he sung, is toil and trouble;
Honour but an empty bubble;
Never ending, still beginning,
Fighting still, and still destroying.
If all the world be worth the winning,
Think, oh think it worth enjoying:
Lovely Thais sits beside thee,
Take the good the gods provide thee.