conquest (n.)
- adoption
- appropriation
- arrogation
- ascendancy
- assumption
- beating
- captive
- catch
- championship
- collapse
- colonization
- conquering
- coquette
- crash
- date
- deathblow
- debacle
- defeat
- destruction
- domination
- downfall
- drubbing
- enslavement
- failure
- fall
- flirt
- hiding
- honey
- indent
- knockout
- landslide
- licking
- mastery
- occupation
- overthrow
- overturn
- picnic
- preemption
- preoccupation
- prepossession
- pushover
- quietus
- requisition
- rout
- routing
- ruin
- smash
- steady
- subjection
- subjugation
- success
- sweetheart
- sweetie
- takeover
- thrashing
- trimming
- triumph
- trouncing
- undoing
- usurpation
- vamp
- vampire
- victory
- walkaway
- walkover
- whipping
- win
- winning
And ever since the Conquest have been fools.
For we by conquest, of our soveraine might,
And by eternall doome of Fate's decree,
Have wonne the Empire of the Heavens bright.
And bear unmov'd the wrongs of base mankind,
The last and hardest conquest of the mind.