captive (n.)
- bond
- bondmaid
- bondman
- bondsman
- bondswoman
- catch
- chattel
- churl
- con
- concubine
- conquest
- convict
- coquette
- date
- detainee
- flirt
- gaolbird
- helot
- honey
- hostage
- internee
- jailbird
- liege
- lifer
- odalisque
- parolee
- peon
- prisoner
- serf
- servant
- slave
- steady
- subject
- sweetheart
- sweetie
- thrall
- trusty
- vamp
- vampire
- vassal
- villein
captive (adj.)
- bond
- confined
- date
- disenfranchised
- enthralled
- honey
- imprisoned
- liege
- oppressed
- servant
- slave
- steady
- subject
- subjugated
- suppressed
- sweetheart
- trusty
- unfree
And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,
And captive good attending captain ill.
Whose words all ears took captive.