hold (n.)
- abandon
- abduction
- abort
- accent
- account
- acropolis
- advance
- advantage
- agglomerate
- allow
- amass
- answer
- apprehension
- archives
- armory
- arrest
- arsenal
- ascendancy
- attic
- authority
- avail
- aver
- back
- backlog
- balance
- ballast
- bank
- bar
- basement
- bastion
- bay
- be
- beachhead
- bear
- belay
- believe
- bide
- bin
- bite
- blockhouse
- boast
- bolster
- bookcase
- booth
- bosom
- box
- brace
- bridgehead
- bridle
- bunch
- bunker
- buttery
- buttress
- cage
- call
- cancel
- capture
- care
- carry
- castle
- catch
- catching
- cavity
- cease
- cell
- cellar
- cellarage
- chamber
- character
- charge
- charisma
- charm
- check
- chest
- citadel
- claim
- clamp
- clasp
- claws
- clench
- clinch
- cling
- clip
- cloister
- closet
- clot
- clout
- cluster
- clutch
- clutches
- collect
- colony
- command
- compartment
- conduct
- conglomerate
- consequence
- conservatory
- control
- cool
- coop
- count
- countenance
- counterbalance
- coup
- cover
- cradle
- crate
- credit
- crib
- crutch
- crypt
- cupboard
- curb
- cushion
- custodianship
- custody
- delay
- dependency
- depository
- depot
- display
- do
- dock
- dominance
- domination
- dominion
- donjon
- dot
- dragnet
- drawer
- drive
- dump
- dwell
- effect
- embrace
- eminence
- enchant
- enchantment
- end
- engage
- esteem
- estimate
- exchequer
- exercise
- exhibit
- exist
- express
- fancy
- fare
- fastness
- favor
- feel
- fermata
- feud
- fiefdom
- fill
- firm
- foothold
- footing
- footplate
- footrest
- forbear
- force
- fort
- fortress
- foster
- freehold
- freeze
- function
- garner
- garrison
- go
- godown
- grab
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- guard
- guess
- haft
- halt
- hand
- handclasp
- handhold
- handle
- hands
- harangue
- harbor
- have
- helm
- helve
- hide
- hoard
- hold
- holder
- holding
- hole
- hollow
- hug
- hutch
- importance
- influence
- insinuation
- jail
- judge
- jurisdiction
- keep
- keeping
- kidnapping
- last
- lead
- leadership
- lease
- leasehold
- leverage
- library
- lie
- ligature
- live
- locker
- lumberyard
- magazine
- magnetism
- mainstay
- mandate
- manger
- manifesto
- mark
- mass
- mastership
- mastery
- measure
- meet
- mew
- moment
- mote
- mug
- nip
- notation
- nurse
- nurture
- occupancy
- occupation
- offer
- opine
- orate
- own
- owning
- pass
- pause
- peel
- pen
- perch
- personality
- persuasion
- pew
- pillbox
- pillow
- pine
- possession
- possessor
- post
- potency
- pound
- power
- predicate
- predominance
- prehension
- preoccupancy
- preoccupation
- preponderance
- prepossession
- prescription
- present
- preserve
- pressure
- prestige
- proffer
- prop
- property
- proprietor
- protection
- protest
- pull
- purchase
- put
- quit
- rack
- range
- rath
- reach
- rebuff
- refrain
- refuse
- regard
- reign
- rein
- repertory
- repository
- repulse
- repute
- reserve
- reservoir
- resist
- retard
- rick
- rob
- rule
- run
- safehold
- safekeeping
- save
- say
- scrub
- segno
- seizure
- sense
- serve
- set
- shackle
- shelf
- shore
- shoulder
- show
- sign
- signature
- slur
- snatch
- snub
- socage
- span
- spare
- speak
- spread
- squat
- squatting
- squirrel
- stack
- stall
- stance
- stand
- standing
- state
- stay
- steady
- stick
- stockpile
- stop
- storage
- store
- storehouse
- storeroom
- straddle
- stretch
- stronghold
- suasion
- sublease
- subvention
- suggestion
- support
- supremacy
- surmise
- surround
- suspect
- sway
- sweep
- swell
- symbol
- take
- tank
- tenancy
- tenantry
- tender
- tenure
- think
- tie
- title
- toehold
- tower
- traction
- treasure
- treasury
- upkeep
- vat
- vault
- wait
- ward
- warehouse
- wash
- wear
- ween
- weight
- work
hold (v.)
- abandon
- abide
- abort
- absorb
- abstain
- accent
- accommodate
- account
- accumulate
- adhere
- adjudge
- adjudicate
- admit
- advance
- advantage
- affirm
- agglomerate
- allege
- allow
- amass
- announce
- annunciate
- answer
- apply
- argue
- arrest
- assemble
- assert
- asseverate
- assimilate
- assume
- avail
- aver
- avoid
- avouch
- avow
- back
- backlog
- balance
- ballast
- bank
- bar
- bay
- be
- bear
- belay
- believe
- beset
- bide
- bin
- bite
- boast
- bolster
- bosom
- box
- brace
- breathe
- bridle
- bunch
- bunker
- buttress
- cage
- call
- cancel
- capture
- care
- carry
- castle
- catch
- cease
- chamber
- character
- charge
- charm
- check
- cherish
- claim
- clamp
- clasp
- cleave
- clench
- clinch
- cling
- clip
- cloister
- closet
- clot
- clout
- cluster
- clutch
- coagulate
- cohere
- collect
- command
- compel
- complete
- comprehend
- comprise
- conceal
- conceive
- condone
- conduct
- confine
- congeal
- conglomerate
- consider
- constrain
- contain
- contend
- continue
- control
- convene
- convoke
- cool
- coop
- count
- countenance
- counterbalance
- coup
- cover
- cradle
- crate
- credit
- crib
- crypt
- cumulate
- curb
- curtail
- cushion
- decelerate
- declaim
- declare
- deem
- defer
- delay
- deny
- desist
- detain
- diminish
- direct
- discontinue
- display
- do
- dock
- dot
- drive
- dump
- dwell
- effect
- embody
- embrace
- enchant
- encircle
- enclose
- encompass
- end
- endure
- enfold
- engage
- engross
- enjoin
- enjoy
- entertain
- enthrall
- enunciate
- environ
- envisage
- esteem
- estimate
- exercise
- exhibit
- exist
- expect
- express
- extend
- fancy
- fare
- fascinate
- favor
- feel
- feud
- fill
- firm
- fondle
- forbear
- force
- forgo
- fort
- foster
- freeze
- fulfill
- function
- garner
- garrison
- go
- govern
- grab
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- guard
- guess
- haft
- halt
- hand
- handle
- hands
- harangue
- harbor
- have
- helm
- helve
- hide
- hinder
- hoard
- hold
- hole
- hollow
- hug
- hypnotize
- imagine
- immerse
- immobilize
- immure
- impede
- impel
- impound
- imprison
- include
- incorporate
- infatuate
- influence
- inhibit
- insist
- involve
- jail
- judge
- keep
- last
- lead
- lease
- lengthen
- leverage
- lie
- live
- maintain
- manage
- mandate
- mark
- mass
- measure
- meet
- mesmerize
- mew
- monopolize
- mote
- mug
- nip
- nurse
- nurture
- obsess
- obtain
- occupy
- occur
- offer
- operate
- opine
- orate
- own
- pass
- pause
- peel
- pen
- perch
- perennate
- perpetuate
- persevere
- persist
- pew
- pillow
- pine
- possess
- post
- postpone
- pound
- power
- predicate
- preoccupy
- present
- preserve
- pressure
- presume
- prevail
- proclaim
- profess
- proffer
- prohibit
- prolong
- prop
- propose
- propound
- protest
- protract
- pull
- purchase
- put
- qualify
- quit
- rack
- range
- reach
- rebuff
- receive
- reckon
- reduce
- refrain
- refuse
- regard
- reign
- rein
- reinforce
- relinquish
- remain
- renounce
- repel
- repress
- repulse
- repute
- reserve
- resist
- restrain
- restrict
- retain
- retard
- retrench
- rick
- rob
- rule
- run
- satisfy
- save
- say
- scrub
- secrete
- seize
- sense
- serve
- set
- shackle
- shore
- shoulder
- show
- sign
- slur
- snatch
- snub
- solidify
- span
- spare
- speak
- spellbind
- spread
- squat
- stabilize
- stack
- stall
- stance
- stand
- state
- stay
- steady
- stick
- stockpile
- stop
- store
- straddle
- straiten
- stretch
- sublease
- submit
- subsidize
- subsist
- subvention
- suffice
- support
- suppose
- suppress
- surmise
- surround
- survive
- suspect
- suspend
- sustain
- sway
- sweep
- swell
- take
- tank
- tarry
- tender
- tenure
- terminate
- think
- tie
- title
- tower
- transfix
- treasure
- undergird
- underlie
- underpin
- uphold
- vault
- wait
- ward
- warehouse
- wash
- waylay
- wear
- weight
- withhold
- withstand
- work
Some say, compar'd to Bononcini,
That Mynheer Handel's but a ninny;
Others aver that he to Handel
Is scarcely fit to hold a candle.
Strange all this difference should be
'Twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Lay on, Macduff,
And damn'd be him that first cries, "Hold, enough!"
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
There studious let me sit,
And hold high converse with the mighty dead.
Let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.
And he that stands upon a slippery place.
Makes nice of no vile hold to stay him up.
Hold the fleet angel fast until he bless thee.
Hold the fort! I am coming!
To hold, as 't were, the mirror up to nature.
Hold thou the good; define it well;
For fear divine Philosophy
Should push beyond her mark, and be
Procuress to the Lords of Hell.
To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.
To hold with the hare and run with the hound.