stand (n.)
- advocate
- affirmation
- allegation
- allow
- ambo
- anchor
- angle
- announcement
- annunciation
- answer
- arrest
- assertion
- asseveration
- attitude
- avail
- averment
- avouchment
- avowal
- back
- baluster
- balustrade
- bandstand
- banister
- bar
- barrow
- base
- basis
- be
- bear
- beard
- beetle
- belief
- bell
- bench
- bide
- bivouac
- blow
- board
- booking
- booth
- box
- bracket
- brake
- brave
- brook
- buffet
- bulge
- burrow
- camp
- cart
- caryatid
- cessation
- challenge
- champion
- check
- checkmate
- circuit
- clump
- coast
- colonnade
- color
- column
- complaint
- conclusion
- coppice
- copse
- corner
- countenance
- counter
- counteraction
- creed
- crop
- cutoff
- dado
- dais
- date
- deadlock
- declaration
- defence
- defiance
- demur
- desk
- dictum
- die
- dispute
- dissent
- distance
- do
- dwell
- ebb
- ebbing
- effort
- encounter
- end
- endgame
- ending
- engagement
- enunciation
- escritoire
- exist
- experience
- extremity
- eye
- face
- favor
- feeling
- foothold
- footing
- footplate
- footrest
- fractiousness
- frame
- framework
- freeze
- front
- ground
- grove
- growth
- gun
- halt
- handle
- hang
- hassock
- hive
- hold
- hole
- idle
- impasse
- jack
- jilt
- keep
- kiosk
- last
- laze
- lectern
- lie
- light
- line
- live
- loaf
- lock
- lockout
- lounge
- lump
- manifesto
- mean
- meet
- moon
- moor
- move
- negativism
- nest
- newsstand
- object
- objection
- obstinacy
- opinion
- opposition
- outlook
- overhang
- park
- pass
- pedestal
- pedicel
- peduncle
- people
- perch
- performance
- perspective
- philosophy
- pier
- pilaster
- pile
- piling
- pillar
- place
- plantation
- planting
- platform
- plinth
- pole
- policy
- position
- post
- posture
- predicate
- predication
- proclamation
- profession
- project
- pronouncement
- proposition
- protest
- protestation
- purchase
- put
- question
- quit
- rack
- reach
- reaction
- rebuff
- recalcitrance
- recalcitrancy
- refractoriness
- regard
- reluctance
- remonstrance
- replace
- repose
- repulse
- repulsion
- reside
- resist
- resistance
- respect
- rest
- revolt
- rise
- roost
- run
- say
- say-so
- saying
- seat
- second
- secretaire
- secretary
- sentiment
- serve
- set
- settle
- shaft
- shout
- show
- side
- sight
- situation
- slant
- slouch
- socle
- spare
- spinney
- sponsor
- squat
- staff
- stage
- staging
- stalemate
- stalk
- stall
- stance
- stanchion
- stand
- standard
- standing
- standoff
- standpoint
- standstill
- statement
- station
- status
- stay
- stem
- stick
- stomach
- stop
- stopover
- stoppage
- stretch
- strike
- subbase
- subsidence
- support
- surbase
- swallow
- system
- table
- take
- thicket
- toehold
- tour
- treat
- trunk
- tuft
- tussock
- universe
- upright
- utterance
- venue
- view
- viewpoint
- walkout
- wane
- waning
- wear
- weather
- wood
- word
- work
- workbench
stand (v.)
- abide
- accept
- advocate
- affirm
- afford
- allow
- ambo
- anchor
- angle
- answer
- apply
- arise
- arrest
- avail
- back
- bar
- barrow
- base
- be
- bear
- beard
- beetle
- bell
- bench
- betoken
- bide
- bivouac
- blow
- board
- box
- bracket
- brake
- brave
- breathe
- brook
- buffet
- bulge
- burrow
- camp
- cart
- challenge
- champion
- check
- checkmate
- circuit
- clump
- coast
- colonize
- color
- complain
- confirm
- confront
- continue
- corner
- countenance
- counter
- crop
- dado
- date
- defend
- defy
- demur
- depend
- die
- dispute
- dissent
- distance
- do
- domesticate
- dwell
- ebb
- encounter
- end
- endure
- ensconce
- epitomize
- exemplify
- exist
- experience
- extend
- eye
- face
- favor
- frame
- freeze
- front
- fulfill
- ground
- gun
- halt
- handle
- hang
- hive
- hold
- hole
- idle
- illustrate
- indwell
- inhabit
- inhere
- jack
- jilt
- keep
- last
- laze
- lie
- light
- line
- live
- loaf
- locate
- lock
- lounge
- lump
- maintain
- mean
- meet
- moon
- moor
- move
- nest
- object
- obtain
- obtrude
- occur
- oppose
- outlast
- overhang
- park
- pass
- people
- perch
- perennate
- persevere
- persist
- pile
- place
- pole
- populate
- position
- post
- posture
- predicate
- prevail
- project
- promote
- proposition
- protest
- protrude
- purchase
- put
- qualify
- question
- quit
- rack
- reach
- reaffirm
- rebuff
- recalcitrate
- regard
- relieve
- relocate
- remain
- remonstrate
- repel
- replace
- repose
- represent
- repulse
- reside
- resign
- resist
- respect
- rest
- revolt
- rise
- roost
- run
- satisfy
- say
- seat
- second
- serve
- set
- settle
- shaft
- shout
- show
- side
- sight
- signify
- slant
- slouch
- spare
- sponsor
- squat
- staff
- stage
- stalemate
- stalk
- stall
- stance
- stand
- station
- stay
- stem
- stick
- stomach
- stop
- stretch
- strike
- subsidize
- subsist
- suffer
- suffice
- support
- survive
- sustain
- swallow
- symbolize
- table
- take
- tarry
- tolerate
- tour
- treat
- typify
- undergo
- uphold
- upright
- view
- vouch
- wane
- wear
- weather
- withdraw
- withstand
- wood
- word
- work
Thousands at his bidding speed,
And post o'er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.
This day is called the feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
Then join in hand, brave Americans all!
By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.
2 Watch. How if a' will not stand?
Like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin,
And both neglect.
You stand in your owne light.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start.
Our compell'd sins
Stand more for number than for accompt.
Stand not upon the order of your going,
But go at once.
This is the place. Stand still, my steed,—
Let me review the scene,
And summon from the shadowy past
The forms that once have been.
I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die:
I think there be six Richmonds in the field.
Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt;
Nothing's so hard but search will find it out.
Ho! stand to your glasses steady!
'T is all we have left to prize.
A cup to the dead already,—
Hurrah for the next that dies!
A song for our banner! The watchword recall
Which gave the Republic her station:
"United we stand, divided we fall!"
It made and preserves us a nation!
The union of lakes, the union of lands,
The union of States none can sever,
The union of hearts, the union of hands,
And the flag of our Union forever!
Every fat must stand upon his bottom.
Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein.