light (n.)
- abuse
- account
- acquaintance
- active
- aerial
- aery
- airy
- alabaster
- alveolar
- amplitude
- angle
- announcement
- antelope
- antinode
- arrow
- aspect
- assail
- assault
- attack
- aurora
- back
- balefire
- bank
- barytone
- basis
- bay
- beacon
- beaming
- beat
- bilabial
- blond
- brand
- break
- breakable
- briefing
- bright
- brightness
- brittle
- broad
- bubbly
- bulletin
- bump
- burn
- camp
- candle
- candlelight
- cannonball
- casement
- central
- chance
- cheap-jack
- clarification
- clear
- clobber
- close
- cockcrow
- comic
- communication
- communique
- configuration
- consonant
- continuant
- counterglow
- courser
- cracking
- cream
- crest
- dainty
- dart
- data
- datum
- dawn
- dawning
- daybreak
- daylight
- dayspring
- decipherment
- decoding
- demonstration
- demythologization
- dental
- diffraction
- dim
- directory
- dismount
- dispatch
- ditch
- eagle
- easy
- editing
- effect
- eggshell
- electricity
- elucidation
- emendation
- empty
- encounter
- enlightenment
- eternity
- evidence
- exegesis
- exemplification
- explanation
- explication
- expose
- exposition
- expounding
- eye
- facet
- facts
- faint
- fair
- familiarization
- fanlight
- fashion
- featherweight
- feature
- feed
- figure
- find
- fine
- fire
- firebrand
- firelight
- flambeau
- flame
- flare
- flare-up
- flash
- flashlight
- flat
- fleet
- flimsy
- flint
- floodlight
- fluorescence
- fluorescent
- flux
- footing
- form
- frail
- framework
- frequency
- front
- fusee
- gaslight
- gay
- gazelle
- gen
- gentle
- gestalt
- gimcrack
- glare
- glass
- glassware
- glaucous
- gleam
- glide
- glory
- gloss
- glossal
- glow
- gossamer
- greyhound
- grille
- guidebook
- guise
- guttural
- handout
- harangue
- hard
- hare
- headlight
- heavy
- high
- highlight
- hit
- holiness
- idle
- ignite
- igniter
- ignition
- illuminant
- illumination
- illustration
- image
- imago
- immutability
- impression
- incandescence
- infinity
- info
- information
- insight
- instruction
- intelligence
- intensity
- interference
- ivory
- jerry
- jolly
- knowledge
- labial
- labiodental
- lacy
- lamp
- land
- lantern
- lateral
- lattice
- lax
- leger
- lighter
- lighthouse
- lightning
- lightship
- lightweight
- likeness
- limber
- lingual
- liquid
- little
- look
- low
- luck
- lumen
- lumeter
- luminant
- luminary
- luminate
- luminescence
- luminosity
- lux
- majesty
- manner
- match
- meet
- mention
- mercury
- message
- mid
- moderate
- moon
- moonlight
- morn
- morning
- mother-of-pearl
- mousse
- namby-pamby
- narrow
- nasal
- node
- notice
- notification
- occlusive
- off-white
- omnipotence
- omnipresence
- omniscience
- open
- oriel
- outlook
- overshoot
- oxytone
- palatal
- pale
- pancake
- pane
- pastel
- pearl
- pearly
- perch
- period
- petty
- pharos
- pharyngeal
- phase
- phasis
- phosphorescence
- photon
- pitch
- place
- plain
- port
- portable
- porthole
- position
- presentation
- prime
- proof
- publication
- publicity
- quantum
- quicksilver
- quiet
- radiance
- radiation
- rare
- rationale
- ray
- reason
- reference
- reflection
- regard
- reinforcement
- release
- relight
- report
- resonance
- respect
- ridicule
- rocket
- roomy
- roost
- sad
- scintillation
- scold
- semblance
- semigloss
- semivowel
- settle
- shallow
- shape
- shine
- shining
- shoal
- shopwindow
- shot
- showcase
- side
- sidelight
- sight
- silly
- simple
- simplification
- simulacrum
- situation
- skinny
- skylight
- skyrocket
- slack
- slant
- slapstick
- slight
- slim
- small
- smooth
- solution
- sonant
- souffle
- sovereignty
- sparker
- sparkle
- spill
- spotlight
- stand
- standpoint
- starlight
- stars
- statement
- streak
- strong
- stumble
- style
- sun
- sunlight
- sunrise
- sunup
- surd
- surface
- swallow
- sweet
- swift
- system
- taper
- tender
- tense
- thick
- thin
- thought
- thunderbolt
- tonic
- torch
- torrent
- toying
- transmission
- transom
- trifling
- trite
- trough
- tumble
- twist
- ubiquity
- understanding
- unity
- universe
- vague
- vain
- velar
- view
- viewpoint
- vitrine
- volatile
- vowel
- wanton
- wave
- wavelength
- weak
- wicket
- wind
- window
- windowpane
- wise
- word
light (v.)
- abuse
- account
- active
- alight
- angle
- appear
- arrow
- assail
- assault
- attack
- attenuate
- back
- bank
- bay
- beacon
- beat
- belabor
- berate
- brand
- break
- brighten
- brittle
- bulletin
- bump
- burn
- camp
- candle
- chance
- clarify
- clear
- clobber
- close
- conflagrate
- cracking
- cream
- crest
- dart
- dawn
- debark
- deplane
- descend
- detrain
- develop
- dim
- disclose
- discover
- disembark
- dismiss
- dismount
- dispatch
- ditch
- dizzy
- eagle
- easy
- effect
- elucidate
- emerge
- empty
- encounter
- enkindle
- enlighten
- evidence
- evolve
- explain
- expose
- eye
- faint
- fair
- fashion
- feature
- feed
- figure
- find
- fine
- fire
- flame
- flare
- flash
- flat
- fleet
- floodlight
- flux
- form
- front
- gentle
- glare
- glass
- gleam
- glide
- glory
- gloss
- glow
- guise
- happy
- harangue
- hard
- hare
- high
- highlight
- hit
- idle
- ignite
- illume
- illuminate
- illumine
- image
- inflame
- intensity
- irradiate
- jolly
- kindle
- knowledge
- lambaste
- lamp
- land
- lax
- lighten
- lighter
- limber
- little
- look
- loose
- low
- luck
- luminate
- lux
- match
- meet
- mellow
- mention
- merry
- message
- mid
- moderate
- moon
- moonlight
- mousse
- narrow
- notice
- obscure
- open
- overshoot
- pale
- pearl
- perch
- phase
- pitch
- place
- plain
- port
- position
- prime
- proof
- quiet
- ray
- reason
- reference
- regard
- rekindle
- release
- report
- respect
- retroflex
- reveal
- ridicule
- rocket
- roost
- scold
- settle
- shallow
- shape
- shine
- shoal
- side
- sight
- simplify
- skyrocket
- slack
- slant
- slight
- slim
- smooth
- sober
- sparkle
- spill
- spotlight
- stand
- stoke
- streak
- stumble
- style
- sun
- surface
- swallow
- taper
- tender
- tense
- thin
- torch
- transpire
- trivialize
- tumble
- twist
- uncover
- unearth
- unhorse
- unveil
- upbraid
- vain
- view
- wanton
- wave
- weak
- wind
- wise
- word
light (adv.)
- alfresco
- back
- basis
- bright
- broad
- chance
- clear
- close
- downwind
- easy
- effect
- eye
- fair
- fashion
- fine
- flash
- flat
- front
- hard
- heavy
- high
- jolly
- knee-deep
- land
- little
- loose
- low
- luck
- manner
- mellow
- mention
- phonemic
- place
- plain
- position
- quiet
- ray
- shot
- side
- sight
- slant
- small
- soft
- sweet
- thick
- thin
- upwind
- vain
- view
- wide
- wind
- wise
- word
light (adj.)
- accented
- account
- active
- aerial
- aeriform
- aery
- agile
- airish
- airlike
- airy
- alabaster
- alabastrine
- albescent
- alfresco
- alight
- alveolar
- amusing
- angle
- ankle-deep
- apical
- arrow
- articulated
- asinine
- atmospheric
- attack
- attenuate
- attenuated
- back
- bay
- beaming
- bearable
- beat
- berate
- bilabial
- blond
- boyish
- breakable
- breezy
- bright
- brilliant
- brittle
- broad
- bubbly
- buoyant
- burn
- cacuminal
- camp
- campy
- carefree
- casual
- catchpenny
- central
- cerebral
- chance
- changeable
- checked
- cheerful
- clear
- close
- cloudless
- cobwebby
- comic
- consonant
- consonantal
- continuant
- coquettish
- corky
- cracking
- creamy
- crumbly
- cursory
- cushy
- dainty
- debonair
- delicate
- dental
- diaphanous
- diluted
- dim
- directory
- ditch
- diverting
- dizzy
- dorsal
- downwind
- downy
- eagle
- easy
- easygoing
- effect
- effeminate
- effortless
- effulgent
- empty
- empty-headed
- endurable
- entertaining
- epidermal
- ethereal
- evanescent
- evidence
- exposed
- eye
- facile
- faddish
- faded
- faint
- fair
- farcical
- fashion
- fatuous
- featherbrained
- feathery
- fickle
- figure
- fine
- finespun
- fire
- flame
- flare
- flash
- flat
- fleet
- flighty
- flimsy
- flint
- flirtatious
- fluffy
- fluorescent
- foamy
- foolish
- form
- fragile
- frail
- frangible
- frivolous
- front
- frothy
- futile
- gauzy
- gay
- gentle
- giddy
- gimcrack
- girlish
- glaucous
- gleam
- glib
- glossal
- glottal
- glow
- gossamer
- graceful
- gracile
- gray-white
- guttural
- happy
- happy-go-lucky
- hard
- heavy
- high
- hit
- idle
- imperceptible
- inane
- incandescent
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- inconstant
- indistinct
- insignificant
- insubstantial
- iridescent
- jaunty
- jejune
- jerry-built
- jolly
- jovial
- joyful
- knee-deep
- labial
- lacy
- land
- lateral
- lax
- light-colored
- light-footed
- light-headed
- light-hearted
- lighthearted
- lightsome
- lightweight
- limber
- lingual
- liquid
- lissome
- lithe
- little
- loose
- low
- lucent
- lucid
- luculent
- luminous
- meager
- meet
- mellow
- mercurial
- merry
- mid
- mild
- misty
- moderate
- muted
- nacreous
- namby-pamby
- narrow
- nasal
- nimble
- nugatory
- obscure
- occlusive
- off-white
- opalescent
- open
- open-air
- otiose
- painless
- palatal
- palatalized
- pale
- papery
- pastel
- pearly
- pearly-white
- pellucid
- perky
- petty
- pharyngeal
- phase
- phonemic
- phonetic
- phonic
- phosphorescent
- pitched
- place
- plain
- pneumatic
- port
- portable
- prime
- promiscuous
- proof
- puny
- quicksilver
- quiet
- rare
- rarefied
- ray
- release
- resilient
- retroflex
- roomy
- rounded
- sad
- scatterbrained
- seeming
- serene
- shallow
- shape
- shining
- shot
- side
- sight
- silly
- simple
- sissified
- skin-deep
- skinny
- skittish
- slack
- slant
- slapstick
- sleazy
- slender
- slight
- slim
- small
- smooth
- sober
- soft
- softened
- solution
- somber
- sonant
- sprightly
- spry
- stopped
- straightforward
- streak
- stressed
- strong
- style
- subdued
- subtle
- sunny
- sunrise
- superficial
- supportable
- surd
- sure-footed
- surface
- svelte
- sweet
- swift
- syllabic
- sylphlike
- tacky
- tender
- tense
- tenuous
- thick
- thin
- thin-bodied
- thought
- threadlike
- throaty
- tolerable
- tonal
- tonic
- tragicomic
- translucent
- transparent
- trifling
- trite
- trivial
- tumble
- unaccented
- unclear
- unclouded
- uncomplicated
- undemanding
- undependable
- understanding
- underweight
- unimportant
- unpredictable
- unreliable
- unstressed
- unsubstantial
- upwind
- vacant
- vacillating
- vacuous
- vague
- vain
- vapid
- velar
- versatile
- vertiginous
- vocalic
- voiced
- voiceless
- volatile
- vowellike
- wanton
- watered
- watery
- wayward
- weak
- weightless
- whitish
- wide
- willowy
- wind
- windy
- wise
- wispy
- witty
- womanish
- yeasty
Here comes the lady! O, so light a foot
Will ne'er wear out the everlasting flint.
It sounds like stories from the land of spirits
If any man obtains that which he merits,
Or any merit that which he obtains.
. . . . . . .
Greatness and goodness are not means, but ends!
Hath he not always treasures, always friends,
The good great man? Three treasures,—love and light,
And calm thoughts, regular as infants' breath;
And three firm friends, more sure than day and night,—
Himself, his Maker, and the angel Death.
What neat repast shall feast us, light and choice,
Of Attic taste?
The men of England,—the men, I mean, of light and leading in England.
The golden hours on angel wings
Flew o'er me and my dearie;
For dear to me as light and life
Was my sweet Highland Mary.
Trifles light as air
Are to the jealous confirmations strong
As proofs of holy writ.
Her feet beneath her petticoat
Like little mice stole in and out,
As if they feared the light;
But oh, she dances such a way!
No sun upon an Easter-day
Is half so fine a sight.
He pass'd the flaming bounds of place and time:
The living throne, the sapphire blaze,
Where angels tremble while they gaze,
He saw; but blasted with excess of light,
Closed his eyes in endless night.
He was a burning and a shining light.
Virtue could see to do what virtue would
By her own radiant light, though sun and moon
Were in the flat sea sunk. And Wisdom's self
Oft seeks to sweet retired solitude,
Where with her best nurse Contemplation
She plumes her feathers and lets grow her wings,
That in the various bustle of resort
Were all-to ruffled, and sometimes impair'd.
He that has light within his own clear breast
May sit i' th' centre and enjoy bright day;
But he that hides a dark soul and foul thoughts
Benighted walks under the midday sun.
The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.
All love is sweet,
Given or returned. Common as light is love,
And its familiar voice wearies not ever.
. . . . .
They who inspire it most are fortunate,
As I am now; but those who feel it most
Are happier still.
For I say this is death and the sole death,—
When a man's loss comes to him from his gain,
Darkness from light, from knowledge ignorance,
And lack of love from love made manifest.
Yet from those flames
No light, but rather darkness visible.
Dear as the light that visits these sad eyes;
Dear as the ruddy drops that warm my heart.
Religion blushing, veils her sacred fires,
And unawares Morality expires.
Nor public flame nor private dares to shine;
Nor human spark is left, nor glimpse divine!
Lo! thy dread empire Chaos is restor'd,
Light dies before thy uncreating word;
Thy hand, great Anarch, lets the curtain fall,
And universal darkness buries all.
And storied windows richly dight,
Casting a dim religious light.
The most perfect soul, says Heraclitus, is a dry light, which flies out of the body as lightning breaks from a cloud.
Sport, that wrinkled Care derides,
And Laughter holding both his sides.
Come and trip it as ye go,
On the light fantastic toe.
Her beauty makes
This vault a feasting presence full of light.
Where Washington hath left
His awful memory
A light for after times!
She was a form of life and light
That seen, became a part of sight,
And rose, where'er I turn'd mine eye,
The morning-star of memory!
Yes, love indeed is light from heaven;
A spark of that immortal fire
With angels shared, by Alla given,
To lift from earth our low desire.
Happy who in his verse can gently steer
From grave to light, from pleasant to severe.
Happy who in his verse can gently steer
From grave to light, from pleasant to severe.
Misled by fancy's meteor ray,
By passion driven;
But yet the light that led astray
Was light from heaven.
She was a form of life and light
That seen, became a part of sight,
And rose, where'er I turn'd mine eye,
The morning-star of memory!
Yes, love indeed is light from heaven;
A spark of that immortal fire
With angels shared, by Alla given,
To lift from earth our low desire.
Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee. Light gains make heavy purses. 'T is good to be merry and wise.
Hope, like the gleaming taper's light,
Adorns and cheers our way;
And still, as darker grows the night,
Emits a brighter ray.
So his life has flowed
From its mysterious urn a sacred stream,
In whose calm depth the beautiful and pure
Alone are mirrored; which, though shapes of ill
May hover round its surface, glides in light,
And takes no shadow from them.
Hail holy light! offspring of heav'n first-born.
Oh, leave the gay and festive scenes,
The halls of dazzling light.
I hate the day, because it lendeth light
To see all things, but not my love to see.
What beckoning ghost along the moonlight shade
Invites my steps, and points to yonder glade?