weak (n.)
- airy
- alveolar
- anile
- asthenic
- back
- backsliding
- barytone
- bilabial
- broad
- central
- chicken
- close
- consonant
- continuant
- coward
- dark
- dead
- decrescendo
- dental
- dickey
- dim
- easy
- erring
- fade
- faint
- fallow
- featherweight
- fine
- finite
- flagging
- flat
- flimsy
- floppy
- frail
- front
- gentle
- glide
- glossal
- gone
- gossamer
- gray
- guttural
- haggard
- hard
- heavy
- high
- human
- imbecile
- incompetent
- invertebrate
- labial
- labiodental
- lacy
- lax
- light
- lightweight
- limber
- limp
- lingual
- liquid
- low
- lurid
- mat
- mid
- mortal
- movable
- narrow
- nasal
- neutral
- no-account
- occlusive
- open
- oxytone
- palatal
- pale
- pasty
- pharyngeal
- pianissimo
- piano
- pitch
- plastic
- pliant
- poor
- prodigal
- rare
- recidivist
- remiss
- rubbery
- rusty
- sallow
- semivowel
- sissy
- slack
- slight
- slim
- small
- sonant
- strong
- surd
- tellurian
- tense
- thick
- thin
- timid
- tonic
- trimming
- vague
- velar
- vowel
- wan
- wanton
- wavering
- waxen
- white
- wilting
- wobbly
- yellow
weak (v.)
- attenuate
- back
- blear
- close
- dead
- decrescendo
- dilute
- dim
- dull
- easy
- emasculate
- fade
- faint
- feeble
- fine
- flat
- front
- gentle
- glide
- gray
- hard
- high
- lax
- light
- limber
- limp
- loose
- low
- mat
- mid
- muddy
- narrow
- obscure
- open
- pale
- pitch
- relaxed
- remiss
- retroflex
- sallow
- slack
- slight
- slim
- stale
- tense
- thin
- unfit
- wan
- wanton
- weary
- white
- yellow
weak (adj.)
- abulic
- accented
- accessible
- achromatic
- achromic
- afraid
- airy
- alveolar
- amenable
- anemic
- anile
- anthropocentric
- anthropological
- apical
- articulated
- ashen
- ashy
- assailable
- asthenic
- attackable
- attenuate
- attenuated
- back
- beatable
- bilabial
- blear
- bleary
- bloodless
- blurred
- blurry
- boyish
- broad
- bungling
- cacuminal
- cadaverous
- careless
- carnal
- central
- cerebral
- checked
- chicken
- chickenhearted
- close
- colorless
- confused
- conquerable
- consonant
- consonantal
- continuant
- cowardly
- crabbed
- dark
- daunted
- dead
- debilitated
- decrepit
- decrescendo
- delicate
- dental
- diaphanous
- dickey
- dilute
- diluted
- dim
- dimmed
- dingy
- dismayed
- distant
- doddering
- doddery
- dorsal
- drooping
- droopy
- dull
- earthy
- easy
- easygoing
- effete
- emasculate
- enervated
- erring
- ethereal
- etiolated
- expugnable
- exsanguine
- faded
- fagged
- faint
- fainthearted
- fallen
- fallow
- fatigued
- fearful
- feeble
- feebleminded
- filmy
- fine
- finespun
- finite
- flabby
- flaccid
- flagging
- flat
- flavorless
- fleshly
- flimsy
- floppy
- foggy
- footsore
- forceless
- fossilized
- fragile
- frail
- front
- funky
- fuzzy
- gauzy
- gentle
- ghastly
- girlish
- glossal
- glottal
- gone
- gossamer
- gracile
- gray
- gutless
- guttural
- haggard
- hard
- hazy
- heavy
- hesitant
- high
- hominal
- homocentric
- hueless
- human
- humanistic
- ill-defined
- imbecile
- impotent
- imprecise
- impressionable
- improbable
- impure
- inadequate
- inane
- incompetent
- inconceivable
- inconclusive
- inconspicuous
- incredible
- indefinite
- indifferent
- indistinct
- indistinguishable
- ineffective
- ineffectual
- inefficacious
- inept
- infirm
- insecure
- insipid
- insubstantial
- intimidated
- invertebrate
- irresolute
- jaded
- jejune
- labial
- lackluster
- lacy
- languid
- languorous
- lapsed
- lax
- leaden
- lenient
- light
- lightweight
- lily-livered
- limber
- limp
- lingual
- liquid
- listless
- livid
- loose
- low
- lurid
- lusterless
- malleable
- man-centered
- mat
- mealy
- mid
- mild
- misty
- mortal
- moth-eaten
- mousy
- movable
- muddy
- muted
- narrow
- nasal
- negligent
- nerveless
- neutral
- no-account
- obscure
- occlusive
- open
- open-minded
- overindulgent
- palatal
- palatalized
- pale
- pale-faced
- pallid
- palsied
- panicky
- papery
- pasty
- peccable
- penetrable
- permissive
- persuadable
- persuasible
- pervious
- pharyngeal
- phonemic
- phonetic
- phonic
- pianissimo
- piano
- pitched
- plastic
- pliable
- pliant
- poor
- powerless
- pregnable
- prodigal
- pulpy
- puny
- rare
- rarefied
- receptive
- relaxed
- remiss
- responsive
- retroflex
- rickety
- rootless
- rounded
- rubbery
- run-down
- rusty
- sagging
- sallow
- sapless
- savorless
- seedy
- senile
- shadowy
- shaky
- shriveled
- sickly
- sissified
- sissy
- slack
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slipshod
- sloppy
- small
- soft
- sonant
- spindly
- spineless
- stale
- stopped
- stressed
- strong
- suasible
- subdued
- subtle
- suggestible
- surd
- surmountable
- susceptible
- svelte
- syllabic
- sylphlike
- tasteless
- tellurian
- tense
- tenuous
- thick
- thin
- thin-bodied
- threadlike
- throaty
- timeworn
- timid
- timorous
- tired
- tonal
- toneless
- tonic
- tottering
- tottery
- unaccented
- unbelievable
- uncertain
- unchaste
- unclean
- unclear
- uncolored
- unconvincing
- undefined
- undependable
- unfit
- unflavored
- ungodly
- unhardened
- unmanly
- unmanned
- unnerved
- unproved
- unqualified
- unrecognizable
- unrefreshed
- unreliable
- unrestrained
- unrighteous
- unsavory
- unsound
- unstable
- unstressed
- unstrung
- unsubstantial
- unsuitable
- unsure
- vacillating
- vague
- vapid
- velar
- vincible
- vocalic
- voiced
- voiceless
- vowellike
- vulnerable
- wan
- wanton
- washed-out
- washy
- wasp-waisted
- watered
- watery
- wavering
- waxen
- wayward
- weak-kneed
- weakened
- weakly
- wearied
- weary
- whispered
- white
- white-livered
- wide
- willowy
- wishy-washy
- wispy
- withered
- wizened
- wobbly
- worn
- yellow
Labour itself is but a sorrowful song,
The protest of the weak against the strong.
Weak and beggarly elements.
A poor, infirm, weak, and despised old man.
The concessions of the weak are the concessions of fear.
Fine by defect, and delicately weak.
Beauty stands
In the admiration only of weak minds
Led captive.
In a just cause the weak o'ercome the strong.
Labour itself is but a sorrowful song,
The protest of the weak against the strong.
The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Here's that which is too weak to be a sinner,—honest water, which ne'er left man i' the mire.
To be weak is miserable,
Doing or suffering.
That if weak women went astray,
Their stars were more in fault than they.