fade (n.)
- age
- ante
- arid
- back
- back-number
- barren
- bet
- blah
- blank
- bleach
- blink
- break
- call
- cease
- clear
- cold
- collapse
- common
- commonplace
- cover
- date
- dead
- decay
- decline
- die
- dim
- discolor
- dissolve
- dodder
- dodge
- drain
- droop
- drop
- dry
- duck
- ebb
- empty
- exit
- faint
- fall
- familiar
- flag
- flat
- fleet
- flinch
- flit
- fly
- fume
- gamble
- go
- hackney
- hazard
- heavy
- hide
- hollow
- jib
- lapse
- lay
- melt
- moderate
- molder
- pale
- parlay
- pass
- peak
- pedestrian
- peroxide
- pine
- plodding
- plunge
- poky
- punt
- quail
- recoil
- retreat
- rust
- sag
- see
- set
- shake
- shrink
- shy
- sidestep
- sink
- slide
- slip
- slow
- slump
- square
- stake
- stiff
- stock
- swerve
- tarnish
- thin
- totter
- trite
- wager
- wan
- wane
- waste
- weak
- weasel
- wilt
- wince
- wither
- wrinkle
- yield
fade (v.)
- abate
- achromatize
- age
- ante
- antiquate
- attenuate
- avoid
- back
- bet
- blanch
- blank
- bleach
- blench
- blink
- break
- call
- cease
- clear
- cold
- collapse
- cover
- cringe
- crumble
- date
- dead
- decay
- decline
- decolor
- decolorize
- deliquesce
- dematerialize
- depart
- desiccate
- deteriorate
- die
- dilute
- dim
- diminish
- disappear
- discolor
- disintegrate
- dispel
- disperse
- dissipate
- dissolve
- dodder
- dodge
- drain
- droop
- drop
- dry
- duck
- dull
- dwindle
- ebb
- empty
- erode
- etiolate
- evade
- evanesce
- evaporate
- exit
- expire
- fail
- faint
- fall
- flag
- flat
- flee
- fleet
- flinch
- flit
- fly
- fossilize
- fume
- gamble
- go
- hazard
- hide
- hollow
- jib
- languish
- lapse
- lay
- lessen
- melt
- moderate
- molder
- muddy
- obsolesce
- pale
- parlay
- pass
- peak
- perish
- peroxide
- pine
- plunge
- punt
- quail
- rarefy
- recede
- recoil
- retire
- retreat
- rust
- sag
- sear
- see
- set
- shake
- shrink
- shrivel
- shy
- sidestep
- sink
- slide
- slip
- slow
- slump
- square
- stake
- stale
- stock
- subside
- superannuate
- swerve
- tarnish
- thin
- totter
- vanish
- wager
- wan
- wane
- waste
- weak
- weaken
- whiten
- wilt
- wince
- withdraw
- wither
- wrinkle
- yield
All that's bright must fade,—
The brightest still the fleetest;
All that's sweet was made
But to be lost when sweetest.
We all do fade as a leaf.
Spangling the wave with lights as vain
As pleasures in the vale of pain,
That dazzle as they fade.
Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey,
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay.
Princes and lords may flourish or may fade,—
A breath can make them, as a breath has made;
But a bold peasantry, their country's pride,
When once destroy'd, can never be supplied.
Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
But thy eternal summer shall not fade.