lay (n.)
- address
- advance
- aim
- air
- alba
- ante
- anthem
- aria
- aspect
- attitude
- attribute
- azimuth
- back
- ball
- ballad
- ballade
- barcarole
- bearing
- bent
- bet
- blues
- board
- boom
- brindisi
- call
- calm
- calypso
- canticle
- canto
- carol
- cast
- chant
- chantey
- charge
- cite
- control
- cool
- couple
- course
- cover
- crawl
- credit
- current
- cushion
- dab
- damp
- demand
- deposit
- descant
- diapason
- diddle
- direction
- dirge
- ditty
- drag
- dress
- drift
- drop
- dub
- ease
- epithalamium
- even
- exposure
- fade
- fell
- fix
- flush
- frontage
- gamble
- game
- grade
- grease
- harrow
- haul
- hazard
- heading
- heave
- hymeneal
- hymn
- inclination
- incline
- laic
- level
- levy
- lie
- lied
- lilt
- line
- lodge
- log
- lounge
- lull
- mate
- matin
- measure
- melodia
- melody
- minstrelsy
- moderate
- mount
- mow
- navigation
- note
- offer
- oil
- orientation
- pad
- park
- parlay
- pass
- pilotage
- piloting
- place
- plane
- plaster
- play
- plunge
- point
- pose
- posit
- position
- post
- poultice
- present
- prothalamium
- punt
- put
- quarter
- range
- rase
- raze
- refrain
- repose
- rest
- roll
- run
- salve
- screw
- seat
- secular
- secularist
- see
- serenade
- serve
- service
- set
- settle
- shave
- smooth
- smother
- solo
- song
- spawn
- sprawl
- spread
- stake
- station
- steamroller
- steerage
- steering
- stick
- stifle
- strain
- stupe
- tame
- task
- tax
- temper
- temporal
- tendency
- tenor
- track
- train
- treble
- trend
- tune
- turn
- wager
- warble
- warp
- way
lay (v.)
- abate
- accredit
- address
- advance
- aim
- air
- align
- allay
- allege
- alleviate
- anesthetize
- ante
- appease
- assign
- assuage
- attemper
- attribute
- back
- ball
- benumb
- bet
- blunt
- board
- boom
- call
- calm
- carol
- cast
- chant
- charge
- chasten
- cite
- cohabit
- conciliate
- constrain
- control
- cool
- copulate
- couple
- course
- cover
- crawl
- credit
- croon
- cushion
- dab
- damp
- dampen
- de-emphasize
- deaden
- defuse
- demand
- deposit
- descant
- diddle
- diminish
- downplay
- drag
- dress
- drift
- drop
- dub
- dulcify
- dull
- ease
- enjoin
- equalize
- establish
- even
- exact
- exorcise
- extenuate
- fade
- fell
- fix
- flatten
- flush
- foment
- fornicate
- gamble
- game
- grade
- grease
- grovel
- harrow
- haul
- hazard
- heave
- hymn
- impose
- impute
- incline
- lenify
- lessen
- level
- levy
- lie
- lighten
- lilt
- line
- lodge
- log
- loll
- lounge
- lubricate
- lull
- mate
- measure
- mitigate
- moderate
- modulate
- mollify
- mount
- mow
- note
- numb
- obtund
- offer
- oil
- pacify
- pad
- palliate
- park
- parlay
- pass
- placate
- place
- plane
- plaster
- play
- plunge
- point
- pose
- posit
- position
- post
- poultice
- present
- propitiate
- punt
- put
- quarter
- range
- rase
- raze
- recline
- reduce
- refer
- refrain
- relieve
- repose
- reposit
- rest
- restrain
- roll
- run
- salve
- screw
- seat
- see
- serenade
- serve
- service
- set
- settle
- shave
- slacken
- slake
- smooth
- smoothen
- smother
- sober
- soften
- solo
- song
- soothe
- spawn
- sprawl
- spread
- stake
- station
- steamroll
- steamroller
- stick
- stifle
- strain
- subdue
- submit
- suppress
- tame
- task
- tax
- temper
- track
- train
- tranquilize
- treble
- trend
- tune
- turn
- underplay
- unlash
- unspell
- wager
- warble
- warp
- way
- weaken
lay (adj.)
- advance
- air
- align
- ante
- back
- ball
- bearing
- bent
- blunt
- board
- calm
- cast
- chant
- civil
- congregational
- cool
- course
- cover
- current
- damp
- demand
- dress
- drift
- dull
- ease
- even
- exact
- fell
- flush
- game
- grade
- hazard
- hymeneal
- laic
- level
- lied
- line
- log
- mate
- moderate
- mount
- numb
- oil
- pass
- place
- plane
- play
- point
- pose
- post
- present
- put
- range
- rest
- roll
- run
- secular
- see
- serve
- service
- set
- smooth
- sober
- solo
- song
- spread
- stick
- tame
- temporal
- tenor
- track
- treble
- tune
- turn
- way
Go boldly forth, my simple lay,
Whose accents flow with artless ease,
Like orient pearls at random strung.
Lay her i' the earth:
And from her fair and unpolluted flesh
May violets spring!
An old man, broken with the storms of state,
Is come to lay his weary bones among ye:
Give him a little earth for charity!
But he lay like a warrior taking his rest,
With his martial cloak around him.
To high-born Hoel's harp, or soft Llewellyn's lay.
Now I lay me down to take my sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
As aromatic plants bestow
No spicy fragrance while they grow;
But crush'd or trodden to the ground,
Diffuse their balmy sweets around.
Bring me to the test,
And I the matter will re-word; which madness
Would gambol from. Mother, for love of grace,
Lay not that flattering unction to your soul.
Lay on, Macduff,
And damn'd be him that first cries, "Hold, enough!"
As she lay, on that day,
In the bay of Biscay, O!
Rise up, rise up, Xarifa! lay your golden cushion down;
Rise up! come to the window, and gaze with all the town.