tenor (n.)
- accompaniment
- aim
- alto
- azimuth
- baritone
- bass
- basso
- bearing
- bent
- bias
- body
- body-build
- brand
- bravura
- canary
- canto
- cantor
- carbon
- caroler
- cast
- chanter
- chantress
- character
- characteristic
- choral
- coloratura
- coloring
- complexion
- composition
- connotation
- consequence
- constitution
- continuo
- contralto
- core
- countertenor
- course
- crooner
- current
- denotation
- descant
- dharma
- diathesis
- direction
- disposition
- diva
- drift
- drone
- effect
- essence
- ethos
- extension
- falsetto
- fashion
- fiber
- fiche
- force
- form
- frame
- genius
- gist
- grain
- guise
- habit
- heading
- heroic
- high
- hue
- humor
- hymnal
- idea
- ilk
- impact
- implication
- import
- inclination
- inference
- intension
- intent
- kind
- lay
- lie
- line
- lyric
- mainstream
- makeup
- manifold
- manner
- meaning
- meat
- mezzo-soprano
- microfiche
- mode
- mold
- mood
- motion
- movement
- nature
- navigation
- orientation
- overtone
- part
- pertinence
- physique
- piloting
- pith
- point
- property
- purport
- purpose
- quality
- quarter
- range
- recording
- reference
- referent
- relation
- relevance
- rubbing
- run
- scope
- sense
- set
- shape
- significance
- signification
- singer
- singing
- somatotype
- songbird
- songster
- songstress
- soprano
- sort
- spirit
- stamp
- steerage
- steering
- streak
- stream
- stripe
- stuff
- style
- substance
- sum
- swing
- system
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- theme
- thread
- tone
- tracing
- track
- transcript
- transcription
- transfer
- treble
- trend
- turn
- type
- undertone
- value
- vein
- vocal
- vocalist
- vocalizer
- voice
- warbler
- way
tenor (adj.)
- alto
- baritone
- bass
- bearing
- bent
- bias
- canary
- cast
- characteristic
- choral
- choric
- contralto
- core
- countertenor
- course
- current
- dramatic
- drift
- effect
- essence
- falsetto
- fashion
- force
- form
- heroic
- high
- high-pitched
- high-sounding
- high-toned
- import
- intent
- kind
- lay
- line
- liturgical
- lyric
- manifold
- meaning
- mode
- operatic
- part
- point
- purpose
- quality
- range
- referent
- run
- sacred
- sense
- set
- shape
- singing
- soprano
- streak
- stream
- style
- tone
- track
- treble
- turn
- vocal
- way
In sober state,
Through the sequestered vale of rural life,
The venerable patriarch guileless held
The tenor of his way.
Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife
Their sober wishes never learn'd to stray;
Along the cool sequester'd vale of life
They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.