genius (n.)
- ability
- ableness
- academician
- ace
- acuity
- acuteness
- adept
- adequacy
- adroitness
- afflatus
- angel
- animation
- animus
- aptitude
- aptness
- astuteness
- atua
- bent
- body-build
- bookman
- boss
- brain
- brand
- brightness
- brilliance
- bump
- cacodemon
- caliber
- capability
- capableness
- capacity
- cast
- champion
- character
- characteristic
- chief
- classicist
- clerk
- cleverness
- commander
- competence
- complexion
- composition
- conception
- constitution
- control
- crackerjack
- creativity
- daemon
- dean
- demon
- devil
- dexterity
- dharma
- diathesis
- disposition
- dower
- dowry
- dybbuk
- efficacy
- efficiency
- endowment
- equipment
- esprit
- ethos
- exhilaration
- expert
- facility
- faculty
- familiar
- fiber
- fiend
- fire
- firing
- first-rater
- fitness
- flair
- forte
- frame
- fugleman
- genie
- ghoul
- gift
- grain
- grasp
- great
- guardian
- guide
- gyre
- habit
- head
- hellion
- higher-up
- hue
- humanist
- humor
- ilk
- incubus
- infection
- infusion
- ingenuity
- inspiration
- instinct
- intellect
- intelligence
- inventiveness
- jinni
- keenness
- kind
- knack
- lamia
- laureate
- leader
- litterateur
- luminary
- maestro
- magician
- mahatma
- makeup
- manes
- master
- mastermind
- metier
- mold
- muse
- natural
- nature
- nimbleness
- nonpareil
- nous
- numen
- originality
- paragon
- parts
- philologist
- philologue
- philomath
- philosopher
- physique
- polymath
- potential
- power
- powers
- principal
- prodigy
- proficiency
- property
- pundit
- qualification
- quality
- quick-wittedness
- quickness
- ruler
- sage
- satan
- savant
- savvy
- scholar
- scholastic
- schoolman
- senior
- sharpness
- smartness
- smarts
- somatotype
- sort
- soul
- speciality
- specter
- spirit
- stamp
- star
- streak
- stripe
- student
- succubus
- sufficiency
- superior
- superman
- superstar
- susceptibility
- system
- talent
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tenor
- tone
- totem
- turn
- type
- understanding
- vampire
- vein
- virtuoso
- way
- whiz
- wit
- wizard
- wonder
Between the acting of a dreadful thing
And the first motion, all the interim is
Like a phantasma, or a hideous dream:
The Genius and the mortal instruments
Are then in council; and the state of man,
Like to a little kingdom, suffers then
The nature of an insurrection.
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches; and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and of the human frame
A mechanized automaton.
Columbia, Columbia, to glory arise,
The queen of the world and child of the skies!
Thy genius commands thee; with rapture behold,
While ages on ages thy splendors unfold.
Nor mourn the unalterable Days
That Genius goes and Folly stays.
There is no great genius without a tincture of madness.
One science only will one genius fit:
So vast is art, so narrow human wit.
From haunted spring and dale
Edg'd with poplar pale
The parting genius is with sighing sent.
Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius.
We hold that the most wonderful and splendid proof of genius is a great poem produced in a civilized age.
Manner is all in all, whate'er is writ,
The substitute for genius, sense, and wit.
When all of genius which can perish dies.
There is no work of genius which has not been the delight of mankind, no word of genius to which the human heart and soul have not sooner or later responded.