turn (n.)
- aberrancy
- aberration
- about-face
- access
- acciaccatura
- accommodation
- accomplishment
- achievement
- act
- acta
- action
- adaptation
- addle
- adjustment
- adventure
- affinity
- afterpiece
- agiotage
- aim
- air
- airing
- alter
- alteration
- alternate
- ambit
- amble
- amelioration
- anamorphism
- anamorphosis
- angle
- animus
- apostasy
- appoggiatura
- aptitude
- aptness
- arabesque
- arbitrage
- arc
- arch
- archetype
- arouse
- arsis
- assail
- asymmetry
- attack
- avert
- axe
- backing
- backsliding
- balk
- bate
- bear
- bearing
- beat
- bend
- bending
- benefaction
- benefit
- benevolence
- benignity
- bent
- betterment
- bias
- bit
- blessing
- block
- blow
- bolt
- boon
- bore
- bout
- bow
- bowing
- break
- brow
- buckle
- build
- bump
- cadence
- cadenza
- campaign
- cant
- carriage
- cashier
- cast
- chance
- change
- changeableness
- character
- chaser
- check
- checker
- chop
- circle
- circuit
- circulation
- circumvolution
- climacteric
- clutch
- coil
- coin
- color
- coloratura
- come
- complexion
- concern
- configuration
- conformation
- constitution
- constitutional
- construct
- construction
- continuity
- contortion
- conversion
- convert
- corkscrew
- corner
- countenance
- coup
- course
- courtesy
- crack
- crank
- crinkle
- crisis
- crook
- crookedness
- crossroads
- crunch
- curl
- curtain
- curve
- cut
- cycle
- deal
- dealings
- decay
- declination
- decline
- deed
- defection
- deflection
- degenerate
- degeneration
- delight
- demeanor
- departure
- deterioration
- detour
- deviance
- deviate
- deviation
- device
- deviousness
- diastole
- diathesis
- difference
- digression
- direction
- discontinuity
- disenchantment
- disgust
- disillusion
- disorder
- disposition
- disproportion
- disservice
- distortion
- divagation
- divaricate
- divarication
- divergence
- diversification
- diversion
- diversity
- divertimento
- division
- dogleg
- dogwatch
- doing
- doings
- dome
- double
- downbeat
- dress
- drift
- drifting
- drive
- eagerness
- eccentricity
- eddy
- effort
- eject
- embellishment
- emergency
- employ
- endeavor
- enterprise
- epilogue
- errantry
- exchange
- excursion
- excursus
- exigency
- exode
- exodus
- expedition
- exploit
- expose
- express
- extremity
- face
- faculty
- fancy
- fascination
- fashion
- favor
- feat
- feature
- felicity
- figuration
- figure
- finale
- find
- finger
- fire
- fit
- fitting
- fix
- flair
- flection
- flex
- flexure
- flier
- flight
- flip-flop
- flop
- flounder
- flourish
- flutter
- form
- format
- formation
- frame
- fright
- garb
- genius
- genre
- gest
- gimmick
- gnarl
- go
- grace
- grain
- guise
- gyration
- gyre
- hairpin
- hand
- handiwork
- hang
- harm
- head
- heel
- hike
- hinge
- hook
- hump
- hunch
- idiosyncrasy
- imbalance
- impression
- improvement
- incidental
- inclination
- incline
- indirection
- individualism
- inflection
- injury
- inning
- innings
- interlude
- intermezzo
- intermission
- interpretation
- introduction
- inverse
- irregularity
- jar
- jaunt
- jibe
- job
- jolt
- journey
- junket
- kidney
- kindness
- knack
- knot
- lap
- lapse
- layout
- lead
- lean
- leaning
- liability
- liking
- liquidation
- looks
- loop
- lopsidedness
- lurch
- maelstrom
- make
- makeup
- maneuver
- manner
- manufacture
- march
- matrix
- meander
- measure
- meet
- melioration
- merchandise
- mercy
- mettle
- mien
- mind
- mind-set
- mitigation
- mitzvah
- modality
- mode
- model
- modification
- modulation
- mold
- moulder
- move
- mush
- mutation
- mutiny
- nature
- negotiation
- number
- obligation
- oblique
- obliquity
- offer
- office
- operation
- opportunity
- orbit
- ornament
- oust
- outing
- overthrow
- overtime
- overturn
- oxbow
- parade
- parry
- partiality
- pass
- passage
- pattern
- penchant
- peregrination
- performance
- peripateticism
- physiognomy
- pilgrimage
- pinch
- pirouette
- pivot
- place
- plunge
- ply
- point
- port
- posture
- predilection
- predisposition
- preference
- prejudice
- presence
- present
- probability
- proceeding
- proclivity
- produce
- production
- proffer
- progress
- prologue
- promenade
- proneness
- propensity
- prototype
- pull
- pulse
- push
- put
- qualification
- quirk
- ramble
- rambling
- re-creation
- readiness
- rebel
- rebuff
- recidivism
- reclamation
- reel
- reflection
- reflex
- reform
- reformation
- refuse
- regress
- regression
- rehabilitation
- reinstatement
- reject
- relapse
- relay
- relief
- remaking
- renewal
- repeat
- repulse
- restitution
- restoration
- result
- retrogression
- retroversion
- return
- reversal
- reverse
- reversion
- reverting
- revival
- revivification
- revolt
- revolution
- revulsion
- rick
- ride
- roll
- rot
- rotation
- roulade
- round
- rounds
- routine
- rub
- run
- sack
- safari
- sag
- sally
- saunter
- say
- scallop
- scare
- scatter
- scene
- schlep
- screw
- seesaw
- seizure
- sell
- series
- serve
- service
- set
- shape
- shift
- shifting
- shock
- shoot
- shot
- shtick
- shuffle
- sinuosity
- skedaddle
- sketch
- skit
- slant
- slew
- snake
- sour
- speculation
- spell
- spin
- spiral
- spoil
- sprain
- spring
- stagger
- stalk
- stamp
- stance
- stand
- start
- steer
- step
- stint
- stop
- strain
- strait
- streak
- stretch
- stripe
- striptease
- stroke
- stroll
- structure
- stunt
- style
- surface
- surge
- surprise
- surrender
- susceptibility
- swag
- sway
- sweep
- swerve
- swerving
- swing
- swinging
- swirl
- switch
- swivel
- sympathy
- systole
- tack
- talent
- teeter
- teeter-totter
- temper
- temperament
- tend
- tendency
- tender
- tenor
- thesis
- thing
- thrill
- thwart
- time
- tone
- torsion
- tortuosity
- totter
- tour
- train
- traits
- tramp
- transaction
- transition
- transpose
- trek
- trend
- trick
- trip
- tropism
- trudge
- turnabout
- turning
- twine
- twirl
- twist
- type
- unbalance
- undertaking
- undo
- upbeat
- upheaval
- upset
- use
- variation
- variety
- vary
- vault
- venture
- verge
- visage
- volte-face
- vortex
- voyage
- walk
- wandering
- warp
- watch
- waver
- way
- weakness
- wear
- weave
- whack
- wheel
- whip
- whirl
- whirlpool
- whirlwind
- whorl
- willingness
- wind
- wobble
- work
- works
- worm
- worsening
- wrench
- wring
- wrong
- yaw
- yield
- zigzag
turn (v.)
- about-face
- access
- act
- action
- activate
- adapt
- addle
- adventure
- aim
- air
- alienate
- alter
- alternate
- amble
- ameliorate
- angle
- appear
- apply
- arbitrage
- arc
- arch
- arise
- arouse
- arrive
- assail
- assemble
- attack
- attend
- avert
- axe
- balk
- bate
- bear
- beat
- become
- bend
- benefit
- betray
- bias
- bit
- block
- blow
- blunt
- bolt
- bore
- bout
- bow
- break
- buckle
- build
- bump
- campaign
- cant
- capsize
- cashier
- cast
- chance
- change
- character
- check
- checker
- chop
- circle
- circuit
- circulate
- circumvolute
- clutch
- coil
- coin
- color
- come
- complexion
- concern
- concoct
- conduce
- consider
- construct
- contort
- contribute
- convert
- corkscrew
- corner
- countenance
- coup
- course
- crack
- crank
- create
- crinkle
- crook
- crumple
- crunch
- curdle
- curl
- curtain
- curve
- cut
- cycle
- deactivate
- deal
- decay
- decline
- deflect
- defy
- degenerate
- delight
- deliver
- deny
- depart
- depend
- depress
- derange
- deteriorate
- determine
- detour
- detract
- develop
- deviate
- diffract
- diffuse
- digress
- direct
- disaffect
- disclose
- discompose
- discontinue
- discover
- disenchant
- disgust
- disillusion
- dismiss
- disorder
- disperse
- displease
- dispose
- distort
- divagate
- divaricate
- diverge
- diversify
- divert
- double
- dress
- drift
- drive
- dull
- eddy
- eject
- employ
- endeavor
- energize
- equip
- eventuate
- evict
- evolve
- exchange
- excite
- expel
- exploit
- expose
- express
- extinguish
- fabricate
- face
- fancy
- fashion
- favor
- feat
- feature
- figure
- find
- finger
- fire
- fit
- fix
- flee
- flex
- flight
- flip-flop
- flop
- flounder
- flourish
- fluctuate
- flutter
- form
- format
- formulate
- frame
- fright
- garb
- gest
- gnarl
- go
- grace
- grain
- guise
- gybe
- gyrate
- hand
- hang
- happen
- harm
- head
- heel
- hike
- hinge
- hook
- hump
- hunch
- improve
- incline
- incurvate
- inflect
- interlude
- intermit
- invert
- jar
- jaunt
- jibe
- job
- jolt
- journey
- junket
- knot
- lap
- lapse
- lead
- lean
- lines
- loop
- lurch
- make
- maneuver
- manufacture
- march
- meander
- measure
- meet
- meliorate
- merchandise
- mind
- mitigate
- mitzvah
- mode
- model
- modify
- modulate
- mold
- moulder
- move
- mush
- mutate
- mutiny
- nature
- nauseate
- number
- obtund
- occur
- offend
- offer
- office
- orbit
- ornament
- oscillate
- oust
- overthrow
- overturn
- parade
- parry
- pass
- pattern
- pinch
- pirouette
- pivot
- place
- plunge
- ply
- point
- port
- posture
- prejudice
- present
- prevent
- produce
- proffer
- progress
- promenade
- prove
- pull
- pulsate
- pulse
- push
- put
- putrefy
- quirk
- ramble
- reappear
- rebel
- rebuff
- recur
- recurve
- redesign
- reel
- refashion
- reflect
- reform
- refract
- refuse
- regress
- reject
- relapse
- relay
- remodel
- reorganize
- repeat
- repel
- repress
- repulse
- reshape
- result
- retire
- retroflex
- return
- reveal
- reversal
- reverse
- revert
- revive
- revolt
- revolve
- rick
- ride
- roll
- rot
- rotate
- round
- rub
- run
- sack
- sag
- sally
- saunter
- say
- scallop
- scare
- scatter
- scene
- schlep
- scoot
- scram
- screw
- seesaw
- sell
- serve
- service
- set
- shape
- sheer
- shift
- shock
- shoot
- shuffle
- sicken
- skedaddle
- sketch
- skew
- slant
- slew
- slink
- slue
- snake
- sour
- spell
- spin
- spiral
- spoil
- sprain
- spring
- stagger
- stalk
- stamp
- stance
- stand
- start
- steer
- step
- stimulate
- stint
- stop
- strain
- streak
- stretch
- stripe
- stroke
- stroll
- structure
- stunt
- style
- submit
- surface
- surge
- surprise
- surrender
- swag
- sway
- sweep
- swerve
- swing
- swirl
- switch
- swivel
- tack
- teeter
- teeter-totter
- temper
- tend
- tender
- terminate
- thrill
- thwart
- time
- titillate
- tone
- totter
- tour
- train
- traipse
- tramp
- transform
- transition
- transpose
- trek
- trend
- trick
- trip
- trudge
- twine
- twirl
- twist
- type
- unbalance
- uncover
- undo
- undulate
- unearth
- unhinge
- unsettle
- upset
- use
- vacillate
- vary
- vault
- veer
- venture
- verge
- vibrate
- visage
- voyage
- walk
- wamble
- warp
- watch
- waver
- way
- weaken
- wear
- weave
- whack
- wheel
- whip
- whirl
- whirlpool
- wind
- withdraw
- wobble
- work
- worm
- worsen
- wrench
- wrest
- wring
- writhe
- wrong
- yaw
- yield
- zigzag
turn (adv.)
- act
- action
- addle
- adventure
- air
- alternately
- always
- bit
- block
- bolt
- bout
- chance
- chop
- come
- constantly
- course
- crook
- cut
- deal
- deed
- direct
- double
- drift
- everywhere
- express
- face
- fashion
- flight
- flop
- gest
- go
- hand
- head
- improperly
- imprudently
- inappropriately
- indiscreetly
- inning
- lap
- lead
- lean
- lurch
- manner
- measure
- mode
- nature
- office
- overtime
- place
- ply
- present
- probability
- reciprocally
- return
- ride
- round
- sally
- say
- sequentially
- sheer
- shot
- skew
- slant
- stance
- step
- stop
- successively
- swing
- thing
- thwart
- time
- use
- venture
- way
- wind
- work
- wrong
- zigzag
turn (adj.)
- act
- air
- airing
- alternate
- angle
- arch
- attack
- avert
- bate
- bearing
- beat
- bend
- bending
- bent
- bias
- bit
- block
- blow
- blunt
- boon
- bore
- bout
- bowing
- brow
- cant
- cast
- chance
- change
- circuit
- color
- come
- constitutional
- corner
- course
- crack
- crank
- cut
- deal
- degenerate
- deviate
- diffuse
- direct
- double
- dress
- drift
- drifting
- dull
- enterprise
- express
- face
- fancy
- fashion
- figure
- fire
- fit
- fitting
- flex
- flight
- flutter
- form
- go
- hand
- head
- heel
- hook
- incidental
- incurvate
- inning
- inverse
- jar
- job
- lead
- lean
- leaning
- meet
- mind
- mode
- model
- oblique
- operation
- outing
- pass
- performance
- place
- ply
- point
- port
- present
- put
- rambling
- reflex
- retroflex
- returning
- reverse
- reverting
- rick
- roll
- round
- routine
- rub
- run
- say
- scene
- series
- serpentine
- serve
- service
- set
- shape
- sheer
- shift
- shifting
- shot
- skew
- slant
- sour
- spiral
- stance
- start
- step
- stop
- strait
- straying
- streak
- stretch
- style
- surface
- swerving
- swinging
- tack
- tend
- tender
- tenor
- terminate
- thing
- time
- tone
- trip
- turning
- undulate
- upbeat
- upset
- use
- vary
- wandering
- way
- wear
- whack
- wheel
- whip
- wind
- work
- worsening
- wrong
- yield
- zigzag
He that fights and runs away
May turn and fight another day;
But he that is in battle slain
Will never rise to fight again.
A good turn at need,
At first or last, shall be assur'd of meed.
Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight!
Make me a child again, just for to-night!
Thus times do shift,—each thing his turn does hold;
New things succeed, as former things grow old.
Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter: that when he speaks,
The air, a chartered libertine, is still.
One good turne asketh another.
Turn over a new leaf.
Turn over a new leaf.
The smallest worm will turn, being trodden on.
You are a devil at everything, and there is no kind of thing in the 'versal world but what you can turn your hand to.