strain (n.)
- affectation
- affiliation
- agitation
- aim
- air
- ancestry
- angst
- animus
- antistrophe
- anxiety
- anxiousness
- apprehension
- apprehensiveness
- aptitude
- aria
- balance
- balk
- bark
- bent
- bias
- birth
- bleed
- blemish
- bloat
- blood
- bloodline
- bolt
- book
- bourdon
- bracket
- branch
- brand
- break
- breed
- bridge
- brood
- burden
- burn
- cadence
- camouflage
- canto
- care
- cast
- caste
- category
- chafe
- character
- check
- chill
- chilliness
- chip
- chorus
- clan
- class
- claw
- clear
- coda
- coldness
- color
- community
- complexion
- concern
- consanguinity
- constitution
- coolness
- couplet
- crack
- crane
- craze
- culture
- cut
- damage
- debate
- debilitation
- debility
- demand
- deme
- demur
- denomination
- derivation
- descant
- descendants
- descent
- description
- designation
- determination
- development
- diathesis
- discharge
- disguise
- disposition
- disquiet
- disquietude
- distension
- distich
- distress
- disturbance
- division
- draft
- drag
- drain
- draw
- dread
- drift
- drive
- eccentricity
- effort
- elongation
- emit
- endeavor
- enervation
- enfeeblement
- enmity
- envoi
- estate
- evidence
- exaggeration
- exertion
- exposition
- extension
- extract
- extraction
- exudate
- eyestrain
- faintness
- falter
- family
- fashion
- fatigue
- fear
- feather
- figure
- filiation
- filter
- filtrate
- flinch
- folderol
- folk
- force
- foreboding
- form
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- fret
- frost
- fudge
- gag
- gall
- gash
- genre
- gens
- genus
- gild
- gloss
- grade
- grain
- grandiloquence
- group
- grouping
- harm
- haul
- head
- heading
- heave
- heritage
- hint
- house
- hover
- humor
- hurt
- iciness
- idiosyncrasy
- ilk
- impression
- inclination
- incompatibility
- indication
- individualism
- inflation
- inhospitality
- injury
- inquietude
- interlude
- intermezzo
- irk
- jib
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- label
- labor
- languor
- lassitude
- lay
- leach
- leaning
- lengthening
- level
- line
- lineage
- lot
- lug
- make
- makeup
- malaise
- manner
- mannerism
- mark
- mask
- maul
- measure
- melodia
- melody
- mettle
- mind
- mind-set
- misgiving
- misquote
- misuse
- mode
- moil
- mold
- mood
- movement
- music
- nation
- nationality
- nature
- nervousness
- note
- number
- obligation
- octave
- octet
- ooze
- order
- ornament
- overanxiety
- overburden
- overemphasis
- overexertion
- overreaction
- overstrain
- overuse
- overwork
- pain
- parentage
- part
- passage
- pause
- peculiarity
- pedigree
- people
- percolate
- period
- persuasion
- perturbation
- pervert
- phrase
- phratry
- phylum
- pierce
- pigeonhole
- ponder
- position
- predicament
- predilection
- predisposition
- preference
- press
- pressure
- proclivity
- produce
- production
- prolongation
- propensity
- protraction
- pucker
- pull
- puncture
- push
- quail
- quality
- quatrain
- race
- rack
- rank
- rating
- recoil
- reek
- refrain
- rend
- resolution
- resolve
- response
- retreat
- rhetoric
- rip
- roots
- rubric
- run
- rupture
- savage
- scald
- scorch
- scotch
- scrape
- scratch
- screen
- scruple
- scuff
- section
- seed
- seek
- separate
- sept
- septet
- sestet
- set
- sextet
- shape
- shrink
- shy
- side
- sieve
- sign
- skin
- slant
- slash
- sleepiness
- slit
- society
- solicitude
- solo
- song
- sort
- sound
- soupcon
- species
- spirit
- sprain
- stab
- stamp
- stanza
- statement
- station
- status
- stave
- stem
- stew
- stick
- stock
- straining
- stratum
- streak
- stress
- stressfulness
- stretch
- stretching
- stripe
- striving
- strophe
- struggle
- study
- stumble
- style
- subdivision
- subgroup
- sublimate
- suborder
- succession
- suggestion
- supererogation
- suspense
- suspicion
- sweat
- swell
- swelling
- syllable
- tailpiece
- tautness
- tax
- tear
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tenor
- tense
- tenseness
- tension
- tercet
- theme
- thread
- tiredness
- title
- toil
- tone
- torture
- totem
- trace
- trait
- treble
- tribe
- trick
- triplet
- trouble
- try
- tug
- tune
- turn
- twist
- type
- uneasiness
- unfriendliness
- unsociability
- upset
- variation
- variety
- varnish
- vein
- verse
- vestige
- vexation
- warp
- waver
- way
- weakness
- weariness
- weep
- whitewash
- wince
- winnow
- work
- worry
- wound
- wrench
- yield
- zeal
strain (v.)
- abrade
- aim
- air
- balance
- balk
- bark
- belie
- bias
- birth
- bleed
- blemish
- blench
- bloat
- blood
- bloody
- boggle
- bolt
- book
- bracket
- branch
- brand
- break
- breed
- bridge
- brood
- burden
- burn
- camouflage
- care
- cast
- chafe
- character
- check
- chill
- chip
- chorus
- clarify
- class
- claw
- clear
- color
- complexion
- concern
- continue
- crack
- crane
- craze
- culture
- cut
- damage
- debate
- deliberate
- demand
- demur
- descant
- discharge
- disguise
- disquiet
- distill
- distort
- distress
- draft
- drag
- drain
- draw
- dread
- drift
- drive
- edulcorate
- effuse
- elongate
- elute
- embellish
- embroider
- emit
- endeavor
- estate
- evidence
- exceed
- excrete
- exfiltrate
- extend
- extract
- extravasate
- exudate
- exude
- falsify
- falter
- fashion
- fatigue
- fear
- feather
- figure
- filter
- filtrate
- flinch
- force
- form
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- fret
- frost
- fudge
- gag
- gall
- garble
- gash
- gild
- gloss
- grade
- grain
- group
- harass
- harm
- haul
- head
- heave
- hesitate
- hint
- house
- hover
- humor
- hurt
- ilk
- impair
- incise
- inflate
- injure
- interlude
- irk
- jib
- kin
- label
- labor
- lacerate
- lay
- leach
- lengthen
- level
- line
- lot
- lug
- maim
- make
- mark
- mask
- maul
- measure
- mind
- misconstrue
- misdirect
- misinterpret
- misquote
- misrepresent
- misstate
- misuse
- mode
- moil
- mold
- music
- mutilate
- nature
- note
- number
- ooze
- order
- ornament
- overburden
- overdraw
- overexert
- overextend
- overstate
- overstrain
- overstress
- overstretch
- overtax
- overuse
- overwork
- pain
- part
- pause
- people
- percolate
- pervert
- phrase
- pierce
- pigeonhole
- ponder
- position
- press
- pressure
- produce
- prolong
- protract
- pucker
- pull
- puncture
- purify
- push
- quail
- race
- rack
- rank
- recoil
- rectify
- reek
- refine
- refrain
- rend
- resolve
- retreat
- rip
- rubric
- run
- rupture
- savage
- scald
- scorch
- scotch
- scrape
- scratch
- screen
- scruple
- scuff
- section
- seed
- seek
- seep
- separate
- set
- sew
- shape
- shrink
- shy
- side
- sieve
- sift
- sign
- skin
- slant
- slash
- slit
- solo
- song
- sort
- sound
- spirit
- spiritualize
- sprain
- stab
- stamp
- station
- stave
- stem
- stew
- stick
- stickle
- stock
- streak
- stress
- stretch
- stripe
- strive
- struggle
- study
- stumble
- style
- sublimate
- sublime
- surpass
- sweat
- swell
- tauten
- tax
- tear
- temper
- tense
- theme
- thread
- tighten
- titivate
- title
- toil
- tone
- torture
- trace
- transpire
- transude
- traumatize
- treble
- trick
- trouble
- try
- tug
- tune
- turn
- twist
- type
- understate
- upset
- varnish
- vein
- verse
- warp
- waver
- way
- weep
- whitewash
- wince
- winnow
- withdraw
- work
- worry
- wound
- wrench
- yield
Blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
When his veering gait
And every motion of his starry train
Seem governed by a strain
Of music, audible to him alone.
It is no act of common passage, but
A strain of rareness.
Soft is the strain when zephyr gently blows,
And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows;
But when loud surges lash the sounding shore,
The hoarse rough verse should like the torrent roar.
When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw,
The line too labours, and the words move slow:
Not so when swift Camilla scours the plain,
Flies o'er th' unbending corn, and skims along the main.
Till old experience do attain
To something like prophetic strain.
Then welcome each rebuff
That turns earth's smoothness rough,
Each sting that bids nor sit nor stand, but go!
Be our joys three-parts pain!
Strive, and hold cheap the strain;
Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the throe!
If music be the food of love, play on;
Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die.
That strain again! it had a dying fall:
O, it came o'er my ear like the sweet sound
That breathes upon a bank of violets,
Stealing and giving odour!
When thus the heart is in a vein
Of tender thought, the simplest strain
Can touch it with peculiar power.