burden (n.)
- accommodation
- add
- affix
- affliction
- albatross
- allegiance
- amount
- annex
- antistrophe
- bag
- bale
- bane
- barrel
- basis
- bass
- bis
- blameworthiness
- bob
- body
- book
- bother
- bottle
- bourdon
- box
- bridge
- bugbear
- burthen
- business
- cadence
- calamity
- can
- canto
- capacity
- care
- cargo
- carload
- cartload
- case
- chant
- chapter
- charge
- chorus
- clog
- coda
- coloratura
- commitment
- complicity
- concern
- content
- cordage
- couplet
- cramp
- crate
- criminality
- cripple
- cross
- culpability
- cumber
- cumbrance
- curse
- death
- dedication
- deference
- demand
- destruction
- development
- devoir
- devotion
- difficulty
- disadvantage
- discomfort
- disease
- disquiet
- distich
- distress
- ditto
- division
- drag
- drive
- drone
- duty
- embarrassment
- encumbrance
- entangle
- envoi
- essence
- ethics
- evil
- exhaust
- exposition
- fag
- falsetto
- fealty
- fetter
- figure
- fill
- folderol
- freight
- gall
- gist
- grievance
- guilt
- guiltiness
- hamper
- hamstring
- handicap
- harm
- haul
- haunt
- head
- heading
- heap
- hobble
- homage
- impeachability
- impediment
- impedimenta
- imperative
- implication
- imposition
- inconvenience
- incubus
- inculpation
- incumbency
- indictability
- infix
- infliction
- interlude
- intermezzo
- involvement
- issue
- lade
- lading
- lame
- lay
- levy
- lime
- limit
- line
- load
- loading
- loyalty
- lumber
- mass
- matter
- measure
- meat
- millstone
- mission
- motif
- motive
- movement
- must
- nemesis
- net
- obligation
- octave
- octet
- onus
- oppression
- ornament
- ought
- overburden
- overdrive
- overload
- overweight
- overwork
- pack
- part
- passage
- payload
- penalty
- period
- pest
- pestilence
- phrase
- pile
- pith
- place
- plague
- plus
- point
- postfix
- poundage
- prefix
- pressure
- problem
- purport
- put
- quantity
- quatrain
- question
- refrain
- repeat
- reprehensibility
- resolution
- respect
- response
- room
- rubric
- sack
- saddle
- scourge
- section
- septet
- sestet
- set
- sextet
- shackle
- ship
- shipload
- snarl
- sorrow
- space
- stack
- stanza
- statement
- stave
- store
- stow
- stowage
- strain
- strophe
- subject
- substance
- suffix
- surcharge
- sweat
- syllable
- tag
- tailpiece
- tangle
- task
- tax
- tercet
- text
- theme
- thorn
- thrust
- tire
- toil
- tonnage
- topic
- torment
- trainload
- trammel
- treble
- triplet
- trouble
- upset
- upshot
- variation
- verse
- vexation
- visitation
- voce
- voice
- volume
- weight
- woe
- work
burden (v.)
- add
- adjoin
- affix
- afflict
- agglutinate
- agitate
- amount
- annex
- append
- attach
- bag
- bale
- barrel
- bob
- body
- book
- bother
- bottle
- box
- bridge
- burthen
- busy
- can
- care
- case
- chant
- charge
- chorus
- clog
- complicate
- concern
- conjoin
- content
- cramp
- crate
- cripple
- cross
- cumber
- curse
- death
- decorate
- demand
- disadvantage
- disquiet
- distress
- disturb
- ditto
- drag
- drive
- drone
- embarrass
- encumber
- enjoin
- enmesh
- ensnarl
- entangle
- entrap
- entwine
- evil
- exact
- exhaust
- fag
- fetter
- figure
- fill
- freight
- gall
- hamper
- hamstring
- handicap
- harm
- haul
- haunt
- head
- heap
- hobble
- impede
- impose
- inconvenience
- infix
- interlude
- involve
- issue
- lade
- lame
- lay
- levy
- lime
- limit
- line
- load
- lumber
- mass
- matter
- measure
- mission
- net
- obsess
- oppress
- ornament
- overburden
- overdrive
- overload
- overtax
- overwork
- pack
- part
- perturb
- phrase
- pile
- pith
- place
- plague
- plus
- point
- prefix
- pressure
- purport
- put
- question
- refrain
- repeat
- respect
- room
- rubric
- sack
- saddle
- scourge
- section
- set
- shackle
- ship
- snarl
- sorrow
- space
- stack
- stave
- store
- stow
- strain
- subject
- subjoin
- suffix
- superpose
- surcharge
- sweat
- tag
- tangle
- task
- tax
- theme
- thrust
- tire
- toil
- torment
- trammel
- treble
- trouble
- upset
- verse
- voice
- weary
- weigh
- weight
- work
Borne the burden and heat of the day.
Every man shall bear his own burden.
The grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail; because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets.
I live an idle burden to the ground.
Prayer is the burden of a sigh,
The falling of a tear,
The upward glancing of an eye
When none but God is near.
And this the burden of his song
Forever used to be,—
I care for nobody, no, not I,
If no one cares for me.
But touch me, and no minister so sore;
Whoe'er offends at some unlucky time
Slides into verse, and hitches in a rhyme,
Sacred to ridicule his whole life long,
And the sad burden of some merry song.
The burden of the desert of the sea.
That blessed mood,
In which the burden of the mystery,
In which the heavy and the weary weight
Of all this unintelligible world,
Is lightened.
Alike all ages. Dames of ancient days
Have led their children through the mirthful maze,
And the gay grandsire, skill'd in gestic lore,
Has frisk'd beneath the burden of threescore.
A prosperous fool is a grievous burden.
A sacred burden is this life ye bear:
Look on it, lift it, bear it solemnly,
Stand up and walk beneath it steadfastly.
Fail not for sorrow, falter not for sin,
But onward, upward, till the goal ye win.
For other things mild Heav'n a time ordains,
And disapproves that care, though wise in show,
That with superfluous burden loads the day,
And when God sends a cheerful hour, refrains.