ornament (n.)
- acciaccatura
- add
- adjunct
- adornment
- affix
- annex
- appoggiatura
- arabesque
- arrangement
- array
- blazon
- bonus
- bourdon
- bridge
- burden
- cadence
- cadenza
- chorus
- coda
- color
- coloratura
- colors
- cordon
- credit
- deck
- decor
- decoration
- development
- device
- distinction
- division
- dress
- elaboration
- embellishment
- embroidery
- euphuism
- exposition
- extra
- festoon
- figure
- filigree
- filling
- fillip
- flight
- floridity
- floridness
- flourish
- flower
- folderol
- frill
- garnish
- garnishment
- garter
- gild
- glory
- grace
- honor
- illumination
- image
- imagery
- incidental
- infix
- interlude
- intermezzo
- lagniappe
- lushness
- luxuriance
- measure
- movement
- order
- ornamentation
- overcharge
- overlay
- overload
- padding
- paint
- part
- passage
- period
- phrase
- plus
- postfix
- prank
- prefix
- premium
- redo
- refrain
- resolution
- response
- riband
- ribbon
- roulade
- run
- section
- stanza
- star
- statement
- strain
- stuffing
- suffix
- tag
- tailpiece
- trim
- trimming
- trope
- turn
- twist
- variation
- varnish
- verse
- wrinkle
ornament (v.)
- add
- adjoin
- adorn
- affix
- agglutinate
- annex
- append
- array
- attach
- beautify
- bedeck
- bedizen
- blazon
- bridge
- burden
- chorus
- color
- colors
- complicate
- conjoin
- convolute
- credit
- dandify
- deck
- decorate
- distinction
- dizen
- dress
- elaborate
- embellish
- emblazon
- embroider
- encumber
- enrich
- festoon
- figure
- filigree
- flight
- flourish
- flower
- furbish
- garnish
- garter
- gild
- glory
- grace
- honor
- image
- infix
- interlude
- involve
- measure
- order
- overcharge
- overlay
- overload
- paint
- part
- phrase
- plus
- prank
- preen
- prefix
- prettify
- primp
- prink
- redecorate
- redo
- refrain
- refurbish
- run
- section
- star
- strain
- subjoin
- suffix
- superpose
- tag
- titivate
- trim
- turn
- twist
- varnish
- verse
- wrinkle
Needs not the foreign aid of ornament,
But is when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most.
It was a saying of his that education was an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.
Thus ornament is but the guiled shore
To a most dangerous sea.
Terrible he rode alone,
With his Yemen sword for aid;
Ornament it carried none
But the notches on the blade.
The Death Feud. An Arab War-song.
Ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.
The ornament of beauty is suspect,
A crow that flies in heaven's sweetest air.
She was a phantom of delight
When first she gleamed upon my sight,
A lovely apparition, sent
To be a moment's ornament;
Her eyes as stars of twilight fair,
Like twilights too her dusky hair,
But all things else about her drawn
From May-time and the cheerful dawn.
I hold every man a debtor to his profession; from the which as men of course do seek to receive countenance and profit, so ought they of duty to endeavour themselves by way of amends to be a help and ornament thereunto.
He might have proved a useful adjunct, if not an ornament to society.