adorn (v.)
- array
- beautify
- bedeck
- bedizen
- blazon
- color
- convolute
- dandify
- deck
- decorate
- dignify
- distinguish
- dizen
- dress
- elaborate
- embellish
- emblazon
- embroider
- enhance
- enrich
- festoon
- flourish
- furbish
- garnish
- gild
- glamorize
- grace
- heighten
- honor
- intensify
- involve
- ornament
- overcharge
- overlay
- overload
- paint
- prank
- preen
- prettify
- primp
- prink
- redecorate
- redo
- refurbish
- signalize
- titivate
- trim
- varnish
He left the name at which the world grew pale,
To point a moral, or adorn a tale.
Her modest looks the cottage might adorn,
Sweet as the primrose peeps beneath the thorn.
A Poet, Naturalist, and Historian,
Who left scarcely any style of writing untouched,
And touched nothing that he did not adorn.