chorus (n.)
- acclamation
- accord
- accordance
- addendum
- affect
- affinity
- afterthought
- agreement
- anthem
- antistrophe
- appendix
- articulate
- assent
- ballad
- bis
- bob
- book
- bourdon
- bridge
- burden
- cadence
- cantata
- canto
- carol
- cast
- chant
- characters
- chime
- chirp
- chirrup
- choir
- chorale
- coda
- codicil
- coherence
- coincidence
- colophon
- company
- compatibility
- concert
- conclusion
- concord
- concordance
- concurrence
- conformance
- conformation
- conformity
- congeniality
- congruence
- congruity
- consensus
- consent
- consequence
- consistency
- consonance
- consort
- continuance
- continuation
- cooperation
- copy
- correspondence
- counterfeit
- couplet
- crib
- descant
- development
- distich
- ditto
- division
- do
- echo
- emit
- ensemble
- envoi
- epilogue
- equivalence
- exposition
- express
- fake
- figure
- folderol
- follow-through
- follow-up
- forge
- give
- glee
- harmony
- hoke
- hum
- hymn
- interlude
- intermezzo
- intersection
- lilt
- line
- lip
- madrigal
- measure
- minstrel
- mirror
- movement
- octave
- octet
- oneness
- oratorio
- ornament
- overlap
- parallelism
- part
- passage
- peace
- period
- peroration
- phrase
- pipe
- postfix
- postlude
- postscript
- present
- psalm
- quatrain
- quaver
- raise
- rapport
- refrain
- repeat
- resolution
- response
- roulade
- say
- section
- septet
- sequel
- sequela
- sequitur
- serenade
- sestet
- sextet
- shake
- sing
- sound
- stanza
- statement
- stave
- strain
- strophe
- subscript
- suffix
- supplement
- syllable
- symmetry
- sync
- synchronism
- tag
- tailpiece
- tally
- tell
- tercet
- timing
- tremolo
- trill
- triplet
- troll
- troupe
- tune
- tweedledee
- twit
- unanimity
- understanding
- uniformity
- union
- unison
- utter
- variation
- verse
- voice
- warble
- whisper
- whistle
- word
- yodel
chorus (v.)
- accord
- affect
- articulate
- assent
- assume
- bob
- book
- borrow
- breathe
- bridge
- burden
- carol
- cast
- chant
- chime
- chirp
- chirrup
- choir
- communicate
- company
- concert
- concord
- consent
- consort
- convey
- copy
- counterfeit
- crib
- croon
- deliver
- descant
- disclose
- ditto
- do
- echo
- emit
- enunciate
- express
- fake
- figure
- forge
- formulate
- give
- hoke
- hum
- hymn
- imitate
- impart
- interlude
- intonate
- intone
- lilt
- line
- lip
- madrigal
- measure
- minstrel
- mirror
- ornament
- overlap
- part
- peace
- phonate
- phrase
- pipe
- plagiarize
- present
- pronounce
- psalm
- quaver
- raise
- reecho
- reflect
- refrain
- repeat
- say
- section
- serenade
- shake
- simulate
- sing
- solmizate
- sound
- stave
- strain
- suffix
- supplement
- sync
- tag
- tally
- tell
- trill
- troll
- tune
- tweedle
- twit
- utter
- verbalize
- verse
- vocalize
- voice
- warble
- whisper
- whistle
- word
- yodel
The landlord's laugh was ready chorus.
Oh swiftly glides the bonnie boat,
Just parted from the shore,
And to the fisher's chorus-note
Soft moves the dipping oar.