measure (n.)
- a
- accent
- accentuation
- accommodation
- accomplishment
- accord
- achievement
- acreage
- act
- acta
- action
- add
- adventure
- air
- allot
- allotment
- allowance
- amount
- amphibrach
- amplitude
- anapest
- answer
- antistrophe
- apportionment
- appraisal
- approach
- approximation
- area
- aria
- arsis
- artifice
- assay
- assessment
- assize
- avenue
- badge
- balance
- banner
- bar
- barometer
- barrel
- batch
- beat
- beauty
- benchmark
- bigness
- bill
- bit
- bite
- block
- blow
- body
- book
- bound
- bourdon
- breadth
- bridge
- budget
- bulk
- bunch
- burden
- bushel
- bylaw
- ca
- cadence
- cadency
- caesura
- calculation
- caliber
- caliper
- call
- canon
- canto
- capacity
- cast
- catalexis
- census
- centare
- centimeter
- chain
- character
- characteristic
- check
- chorus
- chunk
- cipher
- class
- clutch
- coda
- colon
- commission
- compare
- compass
- computation
- constraint
- content
- contingent
- continuum
- contrast
- contrivance
- control
- coordinate
- cord
- cordage
- correction
- count
- countermove
- counterpoint
- coup
- couplet
- course
- cover
- coverage
- criterion
- cubit
- cup
- cut
- dactyl
- deal
- dealings
- decaliter
- decameter
- deciliter
- decimeter
- decrease
- decree
- deed
- degree
- dekameter
- demarche
- depth
- descant
- destiny
- determination
- development
- device
- diaeresis
- dial
- diameter
- diapason
- dictate
- dictation
- differentia
- dimension
- direction
- distance
- distich
- divide
- dividend
- division
- dkl
- do
- dodge
- doing
- doings
- dole
- dose
- dot
- drop
- earmark
- edict
- effort
- ell
- em
- emphasis
- emptiness
- en
- enactment
- end
- endeavor
- enterprise
- envoi
- equal
- equilibrium
- estimate
- estimation
- euphony
- evaluation
- expanse
- expansion
- expedient
- exploit
- exposition
- extension
- extent
- extreme
- fate
- fathom
- feat
- fermata
- field
- fifth
- figure
- finger
- fit
- fix
- folderol
- foot
- footstep
- force
- foresight
- foresightedness
- forethought
- form
- formality
- formula
- formulary
- fur
- furlong
- gage
- gallon
- gauge
- gest
- gill
- gimmick
- girth
- go
- gob
- grade
- graduate
- greatness
- group
- guess
- ha
- half
- hallmark
- hand
- handiwork
- harmony
- heap
- hectare
- height
- helping
- hexameter
- hogshead
- hold
- hunk
- iamb
- iambic
- ictus
- idiosyncrasy
- image
- improvisation
- inch
- increase
- index
- indicant
- indicator
- infinity
- insignia
- institution
- instrument
- instrumentation
- insurance
- interest
- interlude
- intermezzo
- interval
- ionic
- issue
- jeroboam
- jigger
- jingle
- job
- judge
- jus
- keynote
- kiloliter
- kilometer
- largeness
- law
- lay
- lead
- league
- leap
- legislation
- length
- lengthiness
- level
- lex
- ligature
- light-year
- lilt
- limit
- limitation
- line
- link
- longitude
- longness
- lot
- magnitude
- magnum
- makeshift
- maneuver
- mark
- mass
- match
- matter
- means
- measurement
- measurer
- measures
- measuring
- meed
- meet
- melodia
- melody
- mensuration
- mess
- mete
- meter
- method
- metrics
- micron
- mil
- mile
- mileage
- milliliter
- minim
- model
- moderateness
- moderation
- modicum
- moiety
- mora
- motif
- motion
- move
- movement
- myriameter
- nail
- norm
- notation
- notch
- note
- nothingness
- nuance
- number
- numbers
- octave
- octet
- operation
- order
- ordinance
- ornament
- overpass
- pace
- pack
- page
- palm
- parallel
- parameter
- parcel
- parsec
- part
- pas
- passage
- patrol
- pattern
- pause
- peck
- peculiarity
- peg
- pentameter
- percentage
- perch
- performance
- period
- perpetuity
- phrase
- pica
- picture
- piece
- pint
- pitch
- plan
- plane
- plateau
- plumb
- ply
- point
- pole
- poll
- pony
- portion
- poundage
- precaution
- prescript
- prescription
- prize
- probe
- procedure
- proceeding
- process
- production
- project
- property
- proportion
- proportions
- proposal
- proposition
- prosody
- protection
- providence
- provision
- pyrrhic
- quantification
- quantity
- quantization
- quantum
- quart
- quatrain
- quota
- radius
- rake-off
- range
- rank
- rate
- rating
- ratio
- ration
- reach
- reading
- readout
- refrain
- regulation
- relate
- remove
- representation
- representative
- resolution
- resort
- resource
- response
- restraint
- rhyme
- rhythm
- right
- rod
- rood
- room
- round
- rubric
- rule
- ruling
- rung
- safeguard
- scale
- scanning
- scansion
- scope
- score
- scour
- scout
- seal
- section
- segment
- segno
- septet
- sestet
- set
- sextet
- shade
- shadow
- shake-up
- share
- shift
- sign
- signal
- signature
- size
- slice
- slur
- solo
- solution
- song
- sort
- sound
- space
- span
- sphere
- spondee
- spread
- stair
- stake
- stamp
- standard
- stanza
- statement
- statute
- stave
- step
- steps
- stint
- stock
- stopgap
- stowage
- strain
- stratagem
- strength
- stress
- stretch
- stride
- stroke
- strophe
- stunt
- substance
- sum
- surface
- survey
- surveying
- sweep
- sweetness
- swell
- swing
- syllable
- symbol
- symmetry
- symptom
- sync
- system
- syzygy
- tablespoon
- tactic
- tactics
- tailor
- tally
- teaspoon
- technique
- telemetry
- tell
- tercet
- test
- tetrameter
- theme
- thesis
- thing
- tie
- time
- tonnage
- touchstone
- township
- track
- tract
- trait
- transaction
- transit
- traverse
- tread
- treble
- triangulation
- trick
- triplet
- trochee
- true
- trump
- tune
- turn
- type
- undertaking
- valuation
- value
- variation
- verse
- versification
- void
- volume
- voyage
- warble
- wavelength
- way
- weight
- whole
- width
- work
- works
- yard
- yardage
- yardstick
measure (v.)
- a
- accent
- accommodate
- accord
- act
- action
- adapt
- add
- adjust
- adventure
- air
- allocate
- allot
- allowance
- amount
- analogize
- answer
- apportion
- appraise
- appreciate
- approach
- ascertain
- assay
- assess
- assign
- assimilate
- attain
- attune
- badge
- balance
- bar
- barrel
- batch
- beat
- bill
- bit
- bite
- block
- blow
- body
- book
- bound
- bridge
- budget
- bulk
- bunch
- burden
- bushel
- ca
- calculate
- calibrate
- caliper
- call
- cast
- census
- chain
- character
- check
- chorus
- chunk
- cipher
- class
- clutch
- commission
- compare
- compass
- compute
- confront
- content
- contrast
- control
- coordinate
- cord
- count
- counterpoint
- counterpose
- coup
- course
- cover
- cup
- cut
- deal
- decrease
- decree
- delimit
- delimitate
- descant
- determine
- dial
- dictate
- dimension
- direct
- dispense
- disperse
- distance
- distribute
- divide
- do
- dodge
- dole
- dose
- dot
- drop
- earmark
- edict
- ell
- em
- en
- end
- endeavor
- enlarge
- enumerate
- equal
- equalize
- estimate
- evaluate
- exploit
- fate
- fathom
- feat
- field
- fifth
- figure
- finger
- fit
- fix
- foliate
- foot
- force
- form
- fur
- gage
- gauge
- gest
- girth
- go
- grade
- graduate
- group
- guess
- ha
- hand
- harmonize
- heap
- hold
- homologize
- hunk
- image
- inch
- increase
- index
- instrument
- interest
- interlude
- issue
- jingle
- job
- judge
- keynote
- law
- lay
- lead
- league
- leap
- level
- lex
- liken
- lilt
- limit
- line
- link
- lot
- magnitude
- maneuver
- mark
- mass
- match
- matter
- meet
- mensurate
- mess
- meter
- mile
- model
- motion
- move
- multiply
- nail
- notch
- note
- number
- numerate
- oppose
- order
- ornament
- pace
- pack
- page
- paginate
- palm
- parallel
- parcel
- part
- patrol
- pattern
- pause
- peck
- peg
- perambulate
- perch
- peregrinate
- phrase
- picture
- piece
- pitch
- plan
- plane
- plumb
- ply
- point
- pole
- poll
- portion
- prize
- probe
- process
- project
- proportion
- proposition
- provision
- quantify
- quantize
- range
- rank
- rate
- ration
- reach
- reckon
- reconcile
- reconnoiter
- rectify
- reduce
- refrain
- regulate
- relate
- remove
- resort
- rhyme
- right
- rod
- rood
- room
- round
- rubric
- rule
- safeguard
- scale
- scope
- score
- scour
- scout
- seal
- section
- segment
- set
- shade
- shadow
- share
- shift
- sign
- signal
- size
- slice
- slur
- solo
- song
- sort
- sound
- space
- span
- spread
- stake
- stamp
- stave
- step
- stint
- stock
- strain
- stress
- stretch
- stride
- stroke
- stunt
- subtract
- sum
- surface
- survey
- sweep
- swell
- swing
- sync
- synchronize
- tailor
- tally
- tell
- test
- theme
- tie
- time
- track
- tract
- transit
- traverse
- tread
- treble
- triangulate
- trick
- true
- trump
- tune
- turn
- type
- valuate
- value
- verse
- void
- voyage
- warble
- way
- weigh
- weight
- work
measure (adv.)
- a
- act
- action
- additionally
- adventure
- air
- besides
- bit
- block
- class
- control
- cord
- course
- cut
- deal
- deed
- degree
- direct
- do
- dot
- ell
- em
- en
- end
- extent
- field
- foot
- force
- furthermore
- gest
- go
- group
- half
- hand
- inch
- lead
- length
- limit
- line
- lot
- matter
- means
- moreover
- multiply
- nail
- order
- pace
- part
- perpetuity
- piece
- plumb
- ply
- range
- rate
- right
- round
- sign
- solo
- song
- stake
- step
- stride
- swing
- tally
- test
- thing
- time
- track
- true
- turn
- way
- whole
- work
Equity is a roguish thing. For Law we have a measure, know what to trust to; Equity is according to the conscience of him that is Chancellor, and as that is larger or narrower, so is Equity. 'T is all one as if they should make the standard for the measure we call a "foot" a Chancellor's foot; what an uncertain measure would this be! One Chancellor has a long foot, another a short foot, a third an indifferent foot. 'T is the same thing in the Chancellor's conscience.
To a close-shorn sheep God gives wind by measure.
It has been observed that the height of a man from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot is equal to the distance between the tips of the middle fingers of the two hands when extended in a straight line.
The measure of a man's life is the well spending of it, and not the length.
Taking the measure of an unmade grave.
Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.
Come not within the measure of my wrath.
Often have I sighed to measure
By myself a lonely pleasure,—
Sighed to think I read a book,
Only read, perhaps, by me.
They have measured many a mile
To tread a measure with you on this grass.