line (n.)
- accommodation
- accompaniment
- accord
- accordance
- acknowledgment
- acquiescence
- action
- activity
- adaptation
- adaption
- adjustment
- affiliation
- aftermath
- agreement
- aim
- air
- airhead
- algorithm
- allot
- alto
- ancestry
- angle
- answer
- antistrophe
- approach
- architectonics
- architecture
- area
- argosy
- argument
- aria
- arrangement
- array
- art
- articulation
- assortment
- atmosphere
- attack
- autarky
- avant-garde
- azimuth
- background
- bag
- balance
- band
- bank
- bar
- baritone
- bass
- battlefield
- battleground
- beachhead
- bearing
- beat
- belt
- bent
- billet
- bimetallism
- bind
- birth
- blarney
- blaze
- blemish
- blood
- bloodline
- blotch
- book
- border
- borderline
- bottoms
- bound
- boundary
- bourn
- brace
- braid
- brail
- branch
- brand
- breed
- bridgehead
- brief
- brood
- brushwork
- burden
- burr
- business
- butt
- buzz
- cable
- calling
- canto
- caravan
- card
- career
- careerism
- cast
- catastrophe
- catena
- catenation
- cavalcade
- ceiling
- chain
- chalk
- character
- characterization
- check
- chisel
- chit
- chorus
- circuit
- circumscription
- clan
- class
- clue
- color
- column
- communication
- compass
- compliance
- complication
- composition
- con
- concatenation
- conclusion
- conformance
- conformity
- congruity
- connection
- consanguinity
- consequence
- consistency
- continuation
- continuity
- continuo
- continuum
- contour
- contrail
- contralto
- contrivance
- conventionality
- coordinate
- cord
- correspondence
- cortege
- couplet
- course
- cover
- craft
- crease
- creed
- cribble
- crinkle
- crocodile
- crosshatch
- current
- cut
- cutoff
- cycle
- dapple
- dash
- data
- deadline
- deal
- degree
- delimitation
- delineation
- demarcation
- deme
- denomination
- denouement
- derivation
- descant
- descendant
- descent
- description
- design
- designation
- determinant
- development
- device
- diagonal
- direction
- discolor
- dispatch
- distich
- dot
- draft
- draftsmanship
- drift
- drone
- dynasty
- echelon
- edge
- edging
- effect
- effects
- el
- elevated
- embankment
- employ
- employment
- end
- engage
- engraving
- envoi
- episode
- epistle
- etch
- etching
- extension
- extraction
- extremity
- fable
- face
- family
- fashion
- favor
- feather
- feeder
- field
- figuration
- figure
- filament
- file
- filiation
- fill
- finish
- fix
- fleck
- fleet
- flexibility
- floor
- flotilla
- flyover
- folk
- following
- forefront
- form
- formation
- forte
- frame
- freckle
- fringe
- front
- front-runner
- frontier
- funeral
- fur
- furrow
- game
- gamut
- gash
- genealogy
- genre
- gens
- genus
- gimmick
- goods
- gradation
- graft
- grain
- grave
- graving
- groove
- grouping
- guise
- hachure
- hairline
- handicraft
- harmony
- hatch
- hatching
- hawser
- heading
- hedge
- heir
- hem
- heritage
- hint
- hire
- house
- hum
- ilk
- impress
- imprint
- incident
- incision
- inclination
- information
- inlay
- inscription
- interface
- inventory
- itinerary
- job
- join
- junction
- keeping
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- label
- lap
- lay
- lead
- letter
- lie
- lifework
- ligament
- ligation
- ligature
- limen
- limit
- limitation
- lineage
- lineation
- lining
- list
- lithograph
- load
- localism
- lot
- mainstream
- make
- malleability
- manner
- march
- marge
- margin
- mark
- marking
- marshal
- means
- measure
- melodia
- melody
- merchandise
- message
- mete
- method
- methodology
- metier
- metro
- mission
- missive
- mode
- mold
- monorail
- monotone
- mood
- motif
- motion
- motorcade
- mottle
- movement
- mystery
- nation
- nature
- navigation
- navy
- neighbor
- nexus
- nick
- noninterference
- nonintervention
- notch
- note
- nullification
- number
- obedience
- oblique
- observance
- occupation
- octave
- octet
- offspring
- orbit
- order
- ordinate
- orientation
- orthodoxy
- outline
- outpost
- pack
- pad
- parade
- parentage
- part
- passage
- path
- pencil
- pendulum
- people
- pepper
- periodicity
- peripeteia
- perspective
- persuasion
- phratry
- phyle
- phylum
- piloting
- pioneer
- piste
- pitch
- place
- plan
- platform
- plenum
- pliancy
- plot
- plumb
- point
- policy
- polity
- pomp
- position
- postcard
- posteriority
- posterity
- postposition
- practice
- precursor
- prick
- principles
- procedure
- proceeding
- process
- procession
- profession
- profile
- program
- progression
- prolongation
- promenade
- protection
- protectionism
- punch
- puncture
- purl
- pursuit
- quarter
- quatrain
- queue
- race
- racket
- rail
- railhead
- railroad
- railway
- rally
- range
- rank
- ready
- recognition
- reconciliation
- recurrence
- refrain
- regiment
- reply
- rescript
- reticulation
- review
- riddle
- rim
- road
- roadbed
- roadway
- role
- rope
- rotation
- round
- route
- routine
- row
- rule
- run
- scale
- scar
- scent
- scheme
- score
- scoring
- scotch
- scout
- scrape
- scratch
- scratching
- script
- sculpture
- seal
- seam
- sectionalism
- seed
- separatrix
- sept
- septet
- sequel
- sequence
- series
- sestet
- set
- sextet
- shading
- shadow
- shambles
- shape
- shipping
- ships
- shortcut
- side
- sideline
- sides
- sidetrack
- siding
- silhouette
- sketch
- skirt
- slant
- slash
- solidus
- solo
- song
- soprano
- sort
- space
- spearhead
- specialism
- speciality
- specialization
- specialty
- species
- speck
- speckle
- spectrum
- speech
- spiel
- splotch
- spoor
- spot
- staff
- stain
- stamp
- stanza
- start
- stave
- steerage
- steering
- stem
- stock
- stock-in-trade
- story
- straight
- strain
- strand
- strategy
- streak
- stream
- striate
- striation
- strictness
- string
- strip
- stripe
- striping
- stroke
- strophe
- structure
- stuff
- style
- subject
- subjunction
- subway
- succession
- successiveness
- successor
- suffixation
- swath
- swing
- switch
- syllable
- system
- tack
- tactics
- tailback
- tattoo
- technicality
- technique
- telephone
- tendency
- tendon
- tenor
- tercet
- term
- terminal
- terminus
- theater
- theme
- thing
- thong
- thread
- threshold
- tick
- tier
- tint
- tone
- tonnage
- tool
- topic
- totem
- touch
- tour
- trace
- track
- trade
- trail
- train
- trajectory
- tram
- tramline
- treatment
- treble
- trend
- trestle
- tribe
- trim
- triplet
- true
- trunk
- tube
- tune
- turnout
- twine
- twist
- type
- underground
- underline
- underscore
- uniformity
- values
- van
- vanguard
- variety
- verge
- verse
- virgule
- vocation
- wad
- wainscot
- wake
- walk
- way
- weakness
- wire
- wise
- word
- words
- work
- wrinkle
- yarn
line (v.)
- abut
- accord
- acquire
- action
- adjoin
- aim
- air
- align
- allocate
- allot
- angle
- answer
- apportion
- approach
- arrange
- array
- art
- assemble
- attack
- background
- bag
- balance
- band
- bank
- bar
- beat
- belt
- billet
- bind
- birth
- blarney
- blaze
- blemish
- blood
- blotch
- book
- border
- bound
- brace
- braid
- brail
- branch
- brand
- breed
- brief
- brood
- burden
- burr
- butt
- buzz
- cable
- caravan
- card
- career
- carve
- cast
- ceiling
- chain
- chalk
- character
- check
- chisel
- chorus
- cicatrize
- circuit
- class
- clue
- collocate
- color
- communicate
- compass
- compose
- con
- confine
- contour
- coordinate
- cord
- course
- cover
- craft
- crease
- cribble
- crinkle
- crosshatch
- cut
- cycle
- dapple
- dash
- deal
- define
- delimit
- delineate
- demarcate
- descant
- design
- develop
- discolor
- dispatch
- dispose
- distribute
- dot
- draft
- drift
- drone
- edge
- effect
- el
- employ
- end
- engage
- engrave
- etch
- face
- fashion
- favor
- feather
- field
- figure
- file
- fill
- finish
- fix
- fleck
- fleet
- floor
- form
- formulate
- frame
- freckle
- fringe
- front
- fur
- furrow
- game
- gash
- goods
- graft
- grain
- grave
- groove
- guise
- hatch
- hedge
- hem
- hint
- hire
- house
- hum
- ilk
- impress
- imprint
- incise
- inlay
- inscribe
- inventory
- job
- join
- kin
- label
- lap
- lay
- lead
- letter
- lie
- limit
- lines
- list
- lithograph
- load
- lot
- make
- march
- mark
- marshal
- measure
- merchandise
- message
- mission
- mode
- mold
- motion
- mottle
- nature
- neighbor
- nick
- notch
- note
- number
- obtain
- orbit
- order
- ordinate
- organize
- outline
- pack
- pad
- parade
- part
- pencil
- people
- pepper
- pioneer
- pitch
- place
- plan
- plot
- plumb
- point
- position
- practice
- prepare
- prick
- process
- profile
- program
- promenade
- punch
- punctuate
- puncture
- purl
- quarter
- queue
- race
- racket
- rail
- railroad
- rally
- range
- rank
- ready
- refrain
- regiment
- reply
- review
- riddle
- rim
- road
- role
- rope
- round
- route
- row
- rule
- run
- scale
- scar
- scarify
- scent
- scheme
- score
- scotch
- scout
- scrape
- scratch
- script
- sculpture
- seal
- seam
- secure
- seed
- sequence
- set
- shadow
- shape
- side
- sideline
- sidetrack
- silhouette
- sketch
- skirt
- slant
- slash
- solo
- song
- sort
- space
- spearhead
- speck
- speckle
- spiel
- splotch
- spot
- staff
- stain
- stamp
- start
- stave
- stem
- stigmatize
- stipple
- stock
- straighten
- strain
- strand
- streak
- stream
- striate
- string
- strip
- stripe
- stroke
- structure
- stuff
- style
- subject
- swing
- switch
- tack
- tattoo
- telephone
- term
- theme
- thread
- tick
- tint
- tone
- tool
- touch
- tour
- trace
- track
- trade
- trail
- train
- tram
- treble
- trend
- trim
- true
- tube
- tune
- twine
- twist
- type
- uncover
- underline
- underscore
- van
- verge
- verse
- wad
- wake
- walk
- way
- wire
- wise
- word
- words
- work
- wrinkle
- yarn
line (adv.)
- action
- air
- art
- belt
- blood
- brief
- class
- con
- conclusion
- cord
- course
- cut
- dash
- deal
- degree
- design
- dot
- drift
- effect
- end
- face
- fashion
- field
- finish
- floor
- forte
- front
- game
- house
- kind
- lap
- lead
- letter
- limit
- lot
- manner
- means
- measure
- mode
- nation
- nature
- order
- part
- path
- place
- plumb
- position
- quarter
- rally
- range
- ready
- rim
- road
- round
- route
- row
- scratch
- seam
- ships
- side
- sides
- slant
- solo
- song
- spot
- straight
- stream
- swing
- thing
- track
- true
- underground
- wares
- way
- wise
- word
- words
- work
line (adj.)
- agreement
- air
- align
- aligned
- alto
- angle
- art
- attack
- avant-garde
- bag
- band
- bar
- baritone
- bass
- bearing
- beat
- belt
- bent
- blaze
- blood
- book
- borderline
- bound
- branch
- breed
- brief
- buzz
- cable
- cast
- chain
- circuit
- class
- color
- contralto
- coordinate
- course
- cover
- craft
- creed
- current
- cut
- dash
- deal
- delineate
- descendant
- descent
- determinant
- diagonal
- draft
- drift
- edge
- effect
- el
- elevated
- end
- etch
- etching
- fable
- face
- fashion
- field
- figure
- fleet
- floor
- following
- form
- forte
- front
- game
- glyptic
- grave
- hire
- house
- hum
- incident
- job
- keeping
- kin
- kind
- laissez-faire
- lay
- lead
- letter
- list
- lot
- marginate
- mark
- missive
- mode
- monotone
- nation
- notch
- oblique
- order
- ordinate
- part
- place
- plan
- plumb
- point
- practice
- program
- rail
- range
- rank
- ready
- rim
- road
- round
- routine
- row
- run
- scale
- scent
- score
- scotch
- script
- seal
- secure
- seed
- series
- set
- shape
- side
- sides
- slant
- slashing
- solo
- song
- soprano
- species
- speck
- spot
- staff
- start
- stock
- story
- straight
- streak
- stream
- striate
- string
- style
- subject
- tack
- tenor
- term
- terminal
- thing
- tick
- tone
- topic
- track
- treble
- trim
- true
- tune
- underground
- van
- verse
- wake
- way
- wire
- wise
- work
The Moving Finger writes; and having writ,
Moves on; nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.
Some to church repair,
Not for the doctrine, but the music there.
These equal syllables alone require,
Though oft the ear the open vowels tire;
While expletives their feeble aid to join,
And ten low words oft creep in one dull line.
I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer.
Waller was smooth; but Dryden taught to join
The varying verse, the full resounding line,
The long majestic march, and energy divine.
Wit will shine
Through the harsh cadence of a rugged line.
As a wit, if not first, in the very first line.
The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine!
Feels at each thread, and lives along the line.
What can they see in the longest kingly line in Europe, save that it runs back to a successful soldier?
Marlowe's mighty line.
Profan'd the God-given strength, and marr'd the lofty line.
For his chaste Muse employ'd her heaven-taught lyre
None but the noblest passions to inspire,
Not one immoral, one corrupted thought,
One line which, dying, he could wish to blot.
What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?
Soft is the strain when zephyr gently blows,
And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows;
But when loud surges lash the sounding shore,
The hoarse rough verse should like the torrent roar.
When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw,
The line too labours, and the words move slow:
Not so when swift Camilla scours the plain,
Flies o'er th' unbending corn, and skims along the main.
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.
Slowly and sadly we laid him down,
From the field of his fame fresh and gory;
We carved not a line, and we raised not a stone,
But we left him alone with his glory.