nick (n.)
- arrest
- ascender
- back
- beard
- belly
- bevel
- birthmark
- blaze
- blemish
- blotch
- body
- brand
- cabbage
- cap
- capital
- case
- cast
- chalk
- check
- chip
- chop
- cicatrix
- cleft
- clout
- collar
- counter
- crap
- craps
- crimp
- cut
- dapple
- dash
- defect
- dent
- depression
- descender
- discolor
- discoloration
- dot
- earmark
- em
- en
- engraving
- face
- feet
- flaw
- fleck
- flick
- font
- freckle
- gash
- gouge
- graving
- groove
- hack
- hatch
- hook
- impress
- imprint
- incision
- indent
- indentation
- indenture
- italic
- jag
- jog
- joggle
- jot
- lentigo
- letter
- ligature
- line
- logotype
- macula
- majuscule
- mark
- marking
- mill
- minuscule
- mole
- mottle
- nail
- natural
- nevus
- nip
- nock
- notch
- patch
- pencil
- pepper
- pi
- pica
- picot
- pinch
- pink
- point
- prick
- punch
- puncture
- riddle
- roll
- roman
- scallop
- scar
- score
- scotch
- scratch
- scratching
- script
- seal
- seam
- shank
- shot
- shoulder
- slash
- speck
- speckle
- splash
- splotch
- spot
- stain
- stamp
- steal
- stem
- stigma
- streak
- striate
- stripe
- take
- tattoo
- throw
- tick
- tittle
- tooth
- trace
- type
- typeface
- underline
- underscore
- watermark
nick (v.)
- appropriate
- arrest
- back
- beard
- belly
- bevel
- blaze
- blemish
- blotch
- body
- brand
- cabbage
- cap
- case
- cast
- chalk
- check
- chip
- chop
- cicatrize
- clout
- collar
- counter
- crap
- craps
- crenellate
- crimp
- cut
- dapple
- dash
- defect
- define
- delimit
- demarcate
- dent
- depart
- discolor
- dot
- earmark
- em
- en
- engrave
- face
- feet
- flaw
- fleck
- flick
- freckle
- gash
- gouge
- groove
- hack
- hatch
- hook
- impress
- imprint
- incise
- indent
- indenture
- jag
- jog
- joggle
- jot
- letter
- line
- machicolate
- mark
- mill
- mottle
- nab
- nail
- nip
- nock
- notch
- patch
- pencil
- pepper
- pinch
- pink
- point
- prick
- punch
- punctuate
- puncture
- purloin
- riddle
- roll
- scallop
- scar
- scarify
- score
- scotch
- scratch
- script
- seal
- seam
- serrate
- shank
- shoulder
- slash
- speck
- speckle
- splash
- splotch
- spot
- stain
- stamp
- steal
- stem
- stigmatize
- streak
- striate
- stripe
- take
- tattoo
- throw
- tick
- trace
- type
- underline
- underscore
Nick Machiavel had ne'er a trick,
Though he gave his name to our Old Nick.
Nick of time.
Nick Machiavel had ne'er a trick,
Though he gave his name to our Old Nick.