tooth (n.)
- aftertaste
- asperity
- bicuspid
- bitter
- blaze
- bucktooth
- bumpiness
- canine
- chop
- choppiness
- cog
- comb
- crag
- crimp
- crown
- cuspid
- cut
- cutter
- dent
- denticle
- dentition
- dogtooth
- eyetooth
- fang
- flavor
- gash
- grain
- granulation
- grinder
- gust
- harrow
- harshness
- incisor
- indent
- inequality
- irregularity
- jag
- jaggedness
- mill
- molar
- nick
- nonuniformity
- notch
- palate
- peak
- pecten
- peg
- picot
- pink
- premolar
- projection
- raggedness
- rake
- ratchet
- relish
- roughness
- ruggedness
- salt
- sapidity
- savor
- savoriness
- sawtooth
- scallop
- score
- scotch
- slash
- smack
- smooth
- snag
- sour
- spire
- sprocket
- spur
- steeple
- stomach
- sweet
- tang
- taste
- tongue
- turbulence
- tush
- tusk
- unevenness
tooth (adj.)
With tooth and nail.
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
A forted residence 'gainst the tooth of time
And razure of oblivion.
In records that defy the tooth of time.
Sweet, sweet, sweet poison for the age's tooth.
How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child!
For there was never yet philosopher
That could endure the toothache patiently.