pink (n.)
- acme
- anarchist
- auger
- bite
- blaze
- blooming
- bore
- broach
- chop
- climax
- color
- consummation
- coral
- countersink
- crimp
- crimson
- culmination
- cut
- drill
- extreme
- extremist
- fiesta
- fix
- flesh
- flush
- gash
- glow
- gore
- gouge
- green
- height
- hole
- honeycomb
- indent
- jag
- lance
- mantle
- melon
- mill
- moonlight
- needle
- nick
- nihilist
- notch
- peach
- peak
- perfection
- picot
- pierce
- pinkness
- pinko
- pinky
- pinnacle
- prick
- primrose
- punch
- puncture
- radical
- ream
- red
- revolutionary
- revolutionist
- riddle
- rose
- rosiness
- rosy
- rouge
- salmon
- scallop
- score
- scotch
- skewer
- slash
- spear
- spike
- spit
- stab
- stick
- subversive
- summit
- syndicalist
- tap
- tooth
- top
- trepan
- trephine
- ultimate
- ultra
- ultraconservative
- up
pink (v.)
- bite
- blaze
- bore
- broach
- chop
- climax
- color
- countersink
- crenellate
- crimp
- crimson
- cut
- drill
- fix
- flesh
- flush
- fresh
- gash
- glow
- gore
- gouge
- green
- hole
- honeycomb
- impale
- incarnadine
- incise
- indent
- jag
- lance
- machicolate
- mantle
- mill
- moonlight
- needle
- nick
- notch
- peach
- peak
- penetrate
- perforate
- pierce
- pinnacle
- prick
- punch
- puncture
- ream
- red
- redden
- riddle
- rose
- rouge
- scallop
- scarify
- score
- scotch
- serrate
- skewer
- slash
- spear
- spike
- spit
- stab
- stick
- summit
- tap
- top
- transfix
- trepan
- trephine
- up
pink (adj.)
- anarchistic
- blaze
- blooming
- bore
- broach
- color
- coral
- crenulate
- crimson
- cut
- extreme
- extremist
- flesh
- flush
- flushed
- fresh
- glow
- green
- healthy
- hearty
- height
- hole
- lance
- mill
- nihilistic
- notch
- perforate
- pinkish
- radical
- ream
- red
- revolutionary
- rose
- rose-colored
- rose-red
- roseate
- rosy
- rosy-cheeked
- ruddy
- salmon
- score
- scotch
- serrate
- stick
- subversive
- tap
- tooth
- top
- ultimate
- ultra
- ultraconservative
- up
- youthful
So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed,
And yet anon repairs his drooping head,
And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore
Flames in the forehead of the morning sky.
Come, thou monarch of the vine,
Plumpy Bacchus with pink eyne!
I am the very pink of courtesy.
The very pink of perfection.