fix (n.)
- accord
- affix
- aim
- allot
- alter
- anchor
- annex
- antitoxin
- approach
- array
- aspect
- astronavigation
- attitude
- auger
- azimuth
- baffle
- bafflement
- bag
- bang
- base
- bearing
- beat
- bed
- belay
- bend
- best
- bewilderment
- bite
- blast
- booster
- bore
- bother
- bound
- box
- break
- bribe
- broach
- build
- buy
- case
- cast
- castrate
- catch
- cement
- change
- chart
- chisel
- chronometer
- cinch
- circumstance
- clamp
- clinch
- close
- cobble
- commission
- concentrate
- condition
- confusion
- cook
- coordinate
- corner
- count
- countersink
- cramp
- croak
- cure
- cut
- darn
- deal
- deck
- decrease
- defeat
- dilemma
- discomposure
- disconcertion
- disconcertment
- dish
- disturbance
- divide
- doctor
- dose
- draft
- dress
- drill
- dropping
- embarrassment
- enigma
- ensure
- erase
- estate
- etch
- exposure
- fashion
- figure
- find
- fit
- focus
- footing
- forge
- form
- found
- frame
- frontage
- gentle
- get
- gore
- gouge
- graft
- grapple
- grease
- ground
- have
- hew
- hide
- hit
- hole
- honeycomb
- hypodermic
- ice
- impact
- implant
- impress
- imprint
- increase
- infix
- injection
- inoculation
- jam
- knit
- lance
- lather
- lay
- lick
- lie
- line
- location
- lodge
- lot
- make
- mark
- marshal
- measure
- mend
- mention
- mint
- modality
- mode
- model
- mold
- moor
- mystery
- name
- needle
- neuter
- number
- off
- orient
- orientation
- overhaul
- pack
- parcel
- pass
- patch
- pay
- perplexity
- perturbation
- pickle
- pierce
- pilotage
- pink
- pinpoint
- pitch
- place
- plan
- plant
- plight
- plot
- point
- polish
- popping
- portion
- position
- posture
- pother
- potion
- predicament
- prep
- present
- prick
- problem
- process
- proportion
- punch
- puncture
- purchase
- purpose
- put
- puzzle
- puzzlement
- quandary
- radar
- rally
- range
- rank
- rate
- reach
- ready
- ream
- recap
- recondition
- regiment
- repair
- resolve
- retread
- revise
- riddle
- rig
- right
- rivet
- root
- roughcast
- ruin
- rule
- scheme
- scrape
- sculpture
- scuttle
- seal
- season
- seat
- service
- set
- settle
- sextant
- shape
- shine
- shot
- show
- sink
- situation
- skewer
- skin
- sonar
- sop
- space
- spear
- spike
- spit
- spot
- spruce
- square
- stab
- stamp
- standing
- state
- station
- status
- steady
- stereotype
- stew
- stick
- surround
- sync
- tables
- tailor
- tame
- tan
- tap
- thrash
- tinker
- torpedo
- train
- treat
- trepan
- trephine
- trim
- true
- tune
- turn
- undo
- upset
- vaccination
- vaccine
- vamp
- vest
- waste
- wedge
- whip
- will
- wont
- work
- worst
- zap
fix (v.)
- acclimate
- acclimatize
- accommodate
- accord
- accustom
- adapt
- adjust
- affix
- aim
- align
- allocate
- allot
- alter
- amend
- anchor
- annex
- apportion
- approach
- arrange
- array
- ascertain
- assign
- assimilate
- assure
- attach
- attune
- baffle
- bag
- bang
- base
- beat
- bed
- belay
- bend
- best
- bite
- blast
- bore
- bother
- bound
- box
- break
- bribe
- broach
- build
- buy
- carve
- case
- cast
- castrate
- catch
- cement
- certify
- change
- chart
- chisel
- cinch
- circumscribe
- clamp
- clinch
- close
- cobble
- codify
- collocate
- commission
- compose
- concenter
- concentrate
- conclude
- condition
- confirm
- cook
- coordinate
- corner
- corrupt
- count
- countersink
- cramp
- create
- croak
- cure
- cut
- darn
- deal
- decide
- deck
- decrease
- deep-dye
- defeat
- define
- delimit
- delimitate
- demarcate
- demonstrate
- denominate
- deploy
- desexualize
- designate
- destroy
- determine
- direct
- disconcert
- dish
- dispose
- distribute
- divide
- doctor
- domesticate
- domesticize
- dose
- draft
- dress
- drill
- drub
- emasculate
- embed
- emend
- emplace
- enclose
- engraft
- engrave
- ensure
- entrench
- equalize
- erase
- establish
- estate
- etch
- familiarize
- fashion
- fasten
- figure
- find
- fit
- fixate
- focus
- follow
- forge
- form
- formalize
- found
- frame
- freshen
- furbish
- geld
- gentle
- get
- gore
- gouge
- graft
- grapple
- grease
- ground
- habituate
- harden
- harmonize
- have
- hew
- hide
- hit
- hole
- homologize
- honeycomb
- housebreak
- ice
- impact
- impale
- implant
- impress
- imprint
- increase
- inculcate
- indicate
- infix
- ingrain
- inscribe
- install
- instill
- insure
- inure
- invest
- jam
- knead
- knit
- lambaste
- lance
- lather
- lay
- lick
- lie
- line
- localize
- locate
- lodge
- lot
- lubricate
- make
- mark
- marshal
- measure
- mend
- mention
- mint
- mobilize
- mode
- model
- mold
- moor
- mutilate
- name
- naturalize
- navigate
- needle
- neuter
- nonplus
- normalize
- number
- off
- organize
- orient
- orientate
- outclass
- outdo
- outfight
- outgeneral
- outmaneuver
- outpoint
- outrun
- outsail
- outshine
- overdose
- overhaul
- pack
- parcel
- pass
- patch
- pay
- penetrate
- perforate
- pickle
- pierce
- pink
- pinpoint
- pitch
- place
- plan
- plant
- plight
- plot
- point
- polish
- portion
- position
- posture
- pother
- prearrange
- premeditate
- prepare
- present
- prick
- process
- proportion
- prove
- provide
- punch
- puncture
- punish
- purchase
- purpose
- put
- puzzle
- quantify
- quantize
- rally
- range
- rank
- rate
- rationalize
- reach
- ready
- ream
- reassure
- rebuild
- recap
- reconcile
- recondition
- reconstruct
- rectify
- reduce
- regiment
- regularize
- regulate
- renovate
- repair
- resolve
- retouch
- retread
- revamp
- revise
- revive
- riddle
- rig
- right
- rivet
- root
- roughcast
- ruin
- rule
- scheme
- scrape
- sculpt
- sculpture
- scuttle
- seal
- season
- seat
- secure
- select
- service
- set
- settle
- shape
- shine
- show
- signify
- sink
- situate
- skewer
- skin
- sop
- space
- spay
- spear
- specialize
- specify
- spike
- spit
- spot
- spruce
- square
- stab
- stabilize
- stamp
- standardize
- state
- station
- steady
- stereotype
- stew
- stick
- stipulate
- suborn
- surround
- sync
- synchronize
- systematize
- tables
- tailor
- tame
- tan
- tap
- thrash
- tighten
- tinker
- torpedo
- train
- transfix
- treat
- trepan
- trephine
- triangulate
- trim
- trounce
- true
- tune
- turn
- undo
- unsex
- upset
- vamp
- vest
- waste
- wedge
- whip
- will
- work
- worst
- zap