deal (n.)
- accommodation
- accord
- act
- adjustment
- affair
- agreement
- allot
- allotment
- allow
- allowance
- amount
- arrangement
- array
- attempt
- award
- bang
- bargain
- barter
- bash
- bat
- batch
- beam
- belt
- biff
- billet
- bit
- bite
- board
- boarding
- bond
- budget
- bunch
- business
- cartel
- change
- chunk
- clap
- clapboard
- clip
- clobber
- clout
- clump
- clutch
- coat
- coating
- collop
- commission
- commitment
- compact
- composition
- compromise
- concession
- consortium
- contingent
- contract
- convention
- cord
- cordwood
- count
- covenant
- covering
- crack
- cut
- dash
- deck
- destiny
- disk
- divide
- dividend
- divvy
- dole
- donate
- dose
- driftwood
- effort
- end
- engagement
- enterprise
- exchange
- extent
- fate
- fetch
- film
- firewood
- fix
- flap
- foil
- fold
- games
- gift
- give
- give-and-take
- gob
- gobs
- grant
- group
- half
- handle
- hardwood
- heap
- heaps
- helping
- hit
- hunk
- interchange
- interest
- issue
- jab
- knock
- lamella
- lamina
- lap
- lashings
- lath
- leaf
- line
- loads
- lobbyism
- log
- lot
- lots
- lumber
- marshal
- measure
- meed
- membrane
- mess
- mete
- mint
- modicum
- moiety
- negotiation
- number
- obligation
- offer
- oodles
- operation
- pack
- pact
- paction
- pane
- panel
- paneling
- parcel
- part
- partition
- paste
- patina
- peck
- peel
- pellicle
- percentage
- piece
- pile
- piles
- place
- plait
- plan
- plank
- planking
- plate
- plating
- plunk
- ply
- plyboard
- plywood
- poke
- pole
- portion
- post
- pot
- pour
- present
- proffer
- program
- project
- promise
- proportion
- proposition
- protocol
- punch
- quantity
- quantum
- quota
- raft
- rafts
- rain
- rake-off
- rally
- range
- rasher
- ration
- regiment
- render
- scads
- scum
- segment
- serve
- settlement
- shake
- share
- sheathing
- sheet
- sheeting
- shingle
- shower
- sideboard
- siding
- sight
- skin
- slab
- slam
- slat
- slew
- slews
- slice
- slip
- slug
- smack
- snap
- snow
- soak
- sock
- softwood
- space
- spate
- splat
- stack
- stacks
- stake
- stave
- stick
- stipulation
- stock
- strike
- strings
- sum
- surrender
- swap
- swat
- swipe
- switch
- table
- tablet
- task
- tender
- thump
- thwack
- timber
- trade
- trade-in
- traffic
- transaction
- treat
- truck
- turn
- two-by-four
- understanding
- undertaking
- veneer
- venture
- wad
- wads
- wafer
- wallop
- weatherboard
- whack
- whop
- wood
- work
- yield
- yielding
deal (v.)
- accord
- act
- administer
- afford
- align
- allocate
- allot
- allow
- allowance
- amount
- apportion
- array
- attempt
- award
- bang
- bargain
- barter
- bash
- bat
- batch
- beam
- behave
- belt
- bestow
- biff
- billet
- bit
- bite
- board
- bond
- bonk
- budget
- bunch
- change
- chunk
- clap
- clapboard
- clip
- clobber
- clout
- clump
- clutch
- coat
- coldcock
- collocate
- collop
- commission
- communicate
- compact
- compose
- compromise
- confer
- contract
- cord
- count
- covenant
- crack
- cut
- dash
- deck
- deliver
- dicker
- disburse
- disk
- dispense
- disperse
- dispose
- distribute
- divide
- dole
- donate
- dose
- end
- exchange
- extend
- fate
- fetch
- film
- fix
- flap
- foil
- fold
- gift
- give
- grant
- group
- handle
- heap
- hit
- horse-trade
- hunk
- impart
- inflict
- interchange
- interest
- issue
- jab
- knock
- lap
- lavish
- leaf
- line
- log
- lot
- lumber
- marshal
- measure
- mess
- mint
- number
- offer
- pack
- pact
- panel
- parcel
- part
- partake
- participate
- partition
- paste
- peck
- peel
- piece
- pile
- place
- plait
- plan
- plank
- plate
- plunk
- ply
- poke
- pole
- portion
- post
- pot
- pour
- present
- proffer
- program
- project
- promise
- proportion
- proposition
- punch
- raft
- rain
- rally
- range
- ration
- regiment
- render
- scum
- segment
- serve
- shake
- share
- sheet
- shingle
- shower
- sight
- skin
- slam
- slat
- slew
- slice
- slip
- slog
- slug
- smack
- smite
- snap
- snow
- soak
- sock
- space
- splat
- stack
- stake
- stave
- stick
- stock
- strike
- strings
- sum
- surrender
- swap
- swat
- swipe
- switch
- table
- task
- tender
- thump
- thwack
- trade
- traffic
- treat
- truck
- turn
- veneer
- venture
- vouchsafe
- wad
- wallop
- whack
- wham
- whop
- wires
- wood
- work
- yield
deal (adv.)
deal (adj.)
- act
- agreement
- align
- allow
- amount
- award
- bang
- beam
- belt
- bit
- board
- bond
- budget
- change
- compact
- considerable
- contingent
- count
- covering
- crack
- cut
- dash
- end
- enterprise
- fold
- give
- grant
- group
- half
- heap
- hit
- interest
- knock
- lavish
- leaf
- line
- log
- lot
- mint
- operation
- pact
- part
- peck
- piece
- place
- plan
- ply
- poke
- post
- pot
- present
- program
- raft
- range
- ration
- serve
- sight
- slip
- spate
- stick
- stock
- table
- tender
- timber
- truck
- turn
- understanding
- whack
- wood
- work
- yield
- yielding
And deal damnation round the land.
Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in all Venice. His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff: you shall seek all day ere you find them, and when you have them, they are not worth the search.
O, monstrous! but one half-pennyworth of bread to this intolerable deal of sack!
Oh, what a deal of scorn looks beautiful
In the contempt and anger of his lip!
A deal of skimble-skamble stuff.