promise (n.)
- accord
- adumbration
- agree
- agreement
- apocalypse
- arrangement
- aspiration
- assent
- assumption
- assurance
- augur
- augury
- auspice
- bargain
- bond
- capability
- cartel
- cheer
- commitment
- compact
- confidence
- consent
- consortium
- contract
- convention
- conviction
- countersign
- covenant
- deal
- dependence
- desire
- earnest
- engage
- engagement
- ensure
- expectation
- faith
- foreboding
- forecast
- forecasting
- foreshadowing
- foresight
- foretelling
- foretoken
- guarantee
- guaranty
- guesswork
- hint
- hope
- hopefulness
- hopes
- improbability
- indicant
- indication
- likelihood
- oath
- omen
- pact
- paction
- pass
- pawn
- pledge
- plight
- portent
- potential
- prediction
- prefiguration
- preindication
- presage
- presentiment
- presumption
- probability
- prognosis
- prognostic
- prognostication
- prophecy
- prospect
- prospectus
- protocol
- reliance
- security
- shadow
- sign
- speculation
- stipulation
- support
- swear
- token
- transaction
- troth
- trust
- type
- understanding
- undertaking
- vaticination
- vow
- warrant
- warranty
- word
promise (v.)
- accede
- accord
- agree
- assent
- assure
- augur
- avouch
- bargain
- bespeak
- betoken
- bond
- cheer
- compact
- consent
- contract
- countersign
- covenant
- deal
- desire
- dicker
- engage
- ensure
- forecast
- foreshadow
- foretell
- guarantee
- hint
- hope
- imply
- indicate
- inspire
- inspirit
- insure
- omen
- pact
- pass
- pawn
- pledge
- plight
- presage
- prospect
- reassure
- shadow
- sign
- stipulate
- suggest
- support
- swear
- token
- troth
- trust
- type
- undertake
- underwrite
- vouch
- vow
- warrant
- word
For in that word, that fatal word,—howe'er
We promise, hope, believe,—there breathes despair.
And be these juggling fiends no more believ'd,
That palter with us in a double sense:
That keep the word of promise to our ear
And break it to our hope.
Promise is most given when the least is said.
Never promise more than you can perform.
There buds the promise of celestial worth.
Who lined himself with hope,
Eating the air on promise of supply.
Failed the bright promise of your early day.
And though he promise to his loss,
He makes his promise good.
Statesman, yet friend to truth! of soul sincere,
In action faithful, and in honour clear;
Who broke no promise, serv'd no private end,
Who gain'd no title, and who lost no friend.
He was ever precise in promise-keeping.