security (n.)
- aegis
- affluence
- aplomb
- armament
- armor
- arrogance
- aspiration
- assumption
- assurance
- assuredness
- asylum
- authenticity
- bail
- balance
- belief
- blackout
- bond
- care
- censorship
- certainty
- certification
- certitude
- clover
- cocksureness
- collateral
- comfort
- confidence
- constancy
- conviction
- cool
- courage
- curtain
- custodianship
- custody
- dependability
- dependence
- deposit
- desire
- earnest
- ease
- equilibrium
- expectation
- faith
- fastness
- felicity
- firmness
- gage
- guarantee
- guaranty
- guard
- happiness
- homeostasis
- hope
- hopefulness
- hopes
- hubris
- immunity
- imperturbability
- insurance
- invariability
- invincibility
- invulnerability
- luxury
- nerve
- overconfidence
- pall
- pawn
- pledge
- poise
- pomposity
- positiveness
- predictability
- presumption
- pride
- promise
- prospect
- prosperity
- protection
- refuge
- reliability
- reliance
- repression
- risklessness
- safeguard
- safeness
- safety
- sanctuary
- sang-froid
- secureness
- self-assurance
- self-confidence
- self-importance
- self-reliance
- shelter
- shield
- solidity
- soundness
- stability
- stableness
- staunchness
- steadfastness
- steadiness
- stifling
- strength
- substantiality
- success
- suppression
- sureness
- surety
- surveillance
- token
- trust
- trustworthiness
- uniformity
- validity
- veil
- velvet
- ward
- warrant
- warranty
- weal
- wealth
- welfare
- well-being
Reparation for our rights at home, and security against the like future violations.
Private credit is wealth; public honour is security. The feather that adorns the royal bird supports its flight; strip him of his plumage, and you fix him to the earth.
Letters of Junius. Letter xlii. Affair of the Falkland Islands.