cool (n.)
- abnegation
- abstinence
- aguey
- algidity
- aplomb
- arctic
- arrest
- backward
- bad
- balance
- bitterness
- blank
- bleakness
- bold
- boss
- bracing
- bridle
- briskness
- bully
- calm
- calmness
- chattering
- check
- chill
- chilliness
- chilling
- chilly
- cold
- coldness
- collect
- coloring
- composure
- conservatism
- constancy
- constraint
- continence
- control
- cooling
- coolness
- countenance
- crackerjack
- cradle
- crispness
- cryogenics
- curb
- damp
- dandy
- delicious
- disinterest
- dispassion
- divine
- ducky
- dwindling
- ease
- ebbing
- equilibrium
- even
- evenness
- exclusive
- expectation
- fab
- familiar
- fast
- fastness
- finish
- firm
- firmness
- forbidding
- forward
- freezing
- freshness
- frigidity
- frostiness
- gear
- gelidity
- gentle
- gentleness
- glowing
- great
- guard
- halcyon
- heavy
- hold
- hush
- ice
- iciness
- icy
- immovable
- impartiality
- imperturbability
- inclemency
- invariability
- judiciousness
- keen
- keenness
- keep
- lay
- lenity
- lull
- matching
- mean
- medley
- mildness
- moderate
- moderateness
- moderation
- moderationism
- monochrome
- motley
- neat
- nerve
- neuter
- neutral
- neutrality
- nip
- nonviolence
- objective
- okay
- pacific
- pacifism
- peacefulness
- peachy
- philosophy
- placidity
- poise
- pragmatic
- prudence
- pull
- quiet
- quietude
- rainbow
- rational
- rawness
- rein
- reliability
- remote
- repose
- rest
- restraint
- retard
- rigor
- ripping
- rock
- rum
- sane
- sang-froid
- secureness
- security
- sedateness
- self-abnegation
- self-control
- self-denial
- self-restraint
- serenity
- severity
- sharpness
- shivering
- shrinking
- smashing
- smooth
- smother
- snub
- sobriety
- solid
- solidity
- solitary
- sound
- soundness
- stability
- stable
- standoff
- steadfastness
- steadiness
- steady
- still
- stoic
- subsiding
- substantiality
- swell
- temperance
- temperateness
- tense
- tingent
- toning
- tough
- tranquillity
- uniformity
- untouchable
- waning
- warm
- wizard
cool (v.)
- abate
- air-condition
- air-cool
- allay
- appease
- arrest
- assassinate
- backward
- bad
- balance
- blank
- blunt
- bold
- boss
- brazen
- bridle
- bully
- calm
- check
- chill
- cold
- collect
- compose
- conciliate
- constrain
- contain
- control
- countenance
- cradle
- curb
- curtail
- damp
- dampen
- decelerate
- deflect
- defuse
- deliberate
- deter
- diminish
- disaffect
- discourage
- disincline
- distract
- divert
- divine
- dulcify
- dull
- ease
- enjoin
- even
- execute
- fab
- fast
- finish
- firm
- forward
- fresh
- freshen
- gear
- gentle
- govern
- guard
- hinder
- hold
- hush
- ice
- indispose
- inhibit
- keen
- keep
- lay
- lessen
- liquidate
- lull
- mean
- moderate
- mollify
- motley
- nerve
- neuter
- nip
- okay
- pacify
- placate
- poise
- prohibit
- propitiate
- pull
- quell
- quench
- quiet
- reduce
- refresh
- refrigerate
- rein
- relaxed
- repel
- repose
- repress
- rest
- restrain
- retard
- retrench
- rock
- rum
- secure
- smooth
- smoothen
- smother
- snub
- sober
- soothe
- sound
- stabilize
- stable
- steady
- still
- straiten
- subdue
- suppress
- swell
- tense
- tranquilize
- ventilate
- warm
- withhold
cool (adj.)
- aguey
- aguish
- algid
- aloof
- apathetic
- arctic
- arrogant
- assured
- audacious
- autistic
- aweless
- backward
- bad
- balanced
- bang-up
- bashful
- blank
- blunt
- bold
- bonzer
- boss
- bracing
- brazen
- bully
- bumptious
- calculated
- calm
- catatonic
- chilling
- chilly
- chromatic
- cloistered
- cold
- cold-blooded
- coldhearted
- collect
- collected
- commonsense
- composed
- confident
- constrained
- controlled
- contumelious
- coolheaded
- corking
- damp
- dandy
- deliberate
- delicious
- detached
- dichromatic
- discreet
- disdainful
- dispassionate
- distant
- divine
- drugged
- dull
- dwindling
- ease
- emotionless
- equable
- even
- even-tempered
- exclusive
- expected
- expressionless
- fab
- familiar
- fast
- fiducial
- firm
- forbidding
- forward
- fresh
- frigid
- frosted
- frosty
- frozen
- gear
- gelid
- gentle
- glorious
- glowing
- great
- groovy
- guard
- guarded
- halcyon
- halfhearted
- harmonious
- heartless
- heavy
- hinder
- hunky-dory
- hush
- hushed
- ice
- icy
- immovable
- impassive
- impersonal
- impertinent
- imperturbable
- impudent
- inaccessible
- incompatible
- indifferent
- inhospitable
- inimical
- insolent
- insulting
- insusceptible
- introverted
- invigorating
- isolated
- keen
- lay
- level-headed
- levelheaded
- logical
- lukewarm
- matching
- mean
- moderate
- modest
- moldering
- monochromatic
- monochrome
- monochromic
- motley
- neat
- neuter
- neutral
- nifty
- nippy
- nobby
- nonchalant
- objective
- obtrusive
- obtuse
- offish
- okay
- overconfident
- overweening
- pacific
- passionless
- peaceable
- peaceful
- peachy
- perfunctory
- philosophical
- phlegmatic
- placid
- polychromatic
- practical
- pragmatic
- predictable
- premeditated
- presumptuous
- prismatic
- purposeful
- purposive
- pushy
- quiescent
- quiet
- rational
- reasonable
- refreshing
- relaxed
- reliable
- remote
- removed
- reposeful
- repressed
- reserved
- rest
- restful
- resting
- restrained
- reticent
- retiring
- ripping
- rum
- sane
- scrumptious
- secluded
- secure
- self-absorbed
- self-possessed
- sensational
- sensible
- sequestered
- serene
- shaky
- shameless
- sheltered
- shivering
- shivery
- shrinking
- slap-up
- smashing
- smooth
- snub
- sober
- solid
- solitary
- soulless
- sound
- spectral
- spiffing
- spiffy
- spiritless
- stable
- standoffish
- steadfast
- steady
- still
- stilly
- stimulating
- stoic
- stolid
- strained
- stunning
- subdued
- substantial
- suppressed
- swell
- temperate
- tense
- tepid
- tingent
- tough
- tranquil
- unabashed
- unaffectionate
- unagitated
- unapproachable
- unawed
- unconcerned
- uncongenial
- uncordial
- undemonstrative
- undisturbed
- unemotional
- unexcitable
- unexcited
- unexpansive
- unfeeling
- unflappable
- unflinching
- unfriendly
- unharmonious
- unheated
- unimpassioned
- unimpressed
- unimpressionable
- uninterested
- uninvolved
- unloving
- unmoved
- unperturbed
- unresponsive
- unruffled
- unshakable
- unsociable
- unsurprised
- unsusceptible
- unsympathetic
- untouchable
- untroubled
- unwavering
- uppish
- uppity
- variegated
- waning
- warm
- well-balanced
- withdrawn
- wizard
But with the morning cool reflection came.
Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife
Their sober wishes never learn'd to stray;
Along the cool sequester'd vale of life
They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.
In sober state,
Through the sequestered vale of rural life,
The venerable patriarch guileless held
The tenor of his way.
Napoleon's troops fought in bright fields, where every helmet caught some gleams of glory; but the British soldier conquered under the cool shade of aristocracy. No honours awaited his daring, no despatch gave his name to the applauses of his countrymen; his life of danger and hardship was uncheered by hope, his death unnoticed.
Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright,
The bridal of the earth and sky.