ease (n.)
- abandon
- abatement
- abet
- abundance
- acceptance
- adeptness
- adroitness
- advance
- affability
- affluence
- aid
- alienation
- alleviation
- amusement
- analgesia
- anesthesia
- aplomb
- appeasement
- appropriateness
- artfulness
- artlessness
- assist
- assistance
- assuagement
- avail
- bate
- benefit
- better
- calm
- calming
- calmness
- casualness
- chasteness
- chastity
- cheer
- clarity
- classicalism
- classicism
- clear
- clearness
- cleverness
- clover
- color
- comeliness
- comfort
- composure
- content
- contentedness
- contentment
- convenience
- cool
- cordiality
- correctness
- coziness
- cradle
- cushion
- deadening
- decrease
- deftness
- dignity
- diminution
- directness
- discrimination
- dispatch
- distinction
- doctor
- easement
- easiness
- easing
- easygoingness
- efficiency
- effortlessness
- elegance
- enjoyment
- entertainment
- euphoria
- expertise
- expertness
- facility
- familiarity
- favor
- felicitousness
- felicity
- finish
- fittingness
- flow
- fluency
- fluff
- forward
- free
- freedom
- fruition
- fulfillment
- fun
- gentle
- grace
- gracefulness
- gracility
- graciousness
- gratification
- grease
- guide
- gusto
- happiness
- help
- highroad
- homeliness
- hush
- idleness
- ignore
- inactivity
- inch
- inertia
- inertness
- informality
- ingenuousness
- insouciance
- intelligibility
- irregularity
- knack
- lax
- lay
- leisure
- lessening
- limber
- limpidity
- looseness
- lucidity
- lull
- luxury
- mash
- massage
- mince
- ministration
- ministry
- mitigation
- moderation
- mollification
- naturalness
- neatness
- nonchalance
- office
- oil
- opulence
- pad
- palliation
- passivity
- peace
- peacefulness
- pellucidity
- perspicuity
- plainness
- pleasure
- plenty
- plump
- poetry
- poise
- polish
- poultice
- propriety
- prosperity
- protection
- pulp
- purity
- quiet
- rally
- reconciliation
- reduction
- refinement
- relaxation
- release
- relief
- relish
- remedy
- remit
- repose
- rescue
- resignation
- rest
- restfulness
- restraint
- retirement
- rock
- salve
- satisfaction
- save
- scatter
- security
- seemliness
- self-gratification
- self-indulgence
- serenity
- service
- simplicity
- skillfulness
- slack
- sleep
- slip
- smash
- smooth
- smoothness
- sociability
- softening
- solace
- speed
- spontaneity
- squash
- steady
- steer
- still
- straightforwardness
- stupe
- success
- succor
- support
- taste
- tastefulness
- terseness
- therapy
- time
- titillation
- tranquillity
- unaffectedness
- unblock
- unceremoniousness
- unconcern
- unconstraint
- unconventionality
- unpretentiousness
- unrestraint
- varnish
- velvet
- voluptuousness
- weal
- wealth
- welfare
- well-being
- whitewash
- zest
ease (v.)
- abandon
- abate
- abet
- advance
- aid
- allay
- alleviate
- ameliorate
- anesthetize
- appease
- assist
- assuage
- assure
- attenuate
- avail
- bate
- befriend
- benefit
- benumb
- better
- calm
- cheer
- clear
- color
- comfort
- compose
- content
- convenience
- cool
- cradle
- cushion
- deaden
- decrease
- diffuse
- dilute
- diminish
- disburden
- disencumber
- disengage
- disjoin
- dispatch
- disperse
- distinction
- doctor
- dulcify
- dull
- encourage
- expedite
- explain
- extenuate
- facilitate
- favor
- finish
- flow
- fluff
- foment
- forward
- free
- fun
- further
- gentle
- grace
- grease
- guide
- hasten
- hearten
- help
- hush
- ignore
- improve
- inch
- knead
- lax
- lay
- lessen
- liberate
- lighten
- limber
- loose
- loosen
- lubricate
- lull
- manipulate
- mash
- massage
- mellow
- mince
- mitigate
- mollify
- numb
- office
- oil
- pacify
- pad
- palliate
- peace
- plump
- poise
- polish
- poultice
- promote
- protect
- pulp
- quell
- quicken
- quiet
- quieten
- rally
- reassure
- reclaim
- redeem
- reduce
- relax
- release
- relieve
- relish
- remedy
- remit
- repose
- rescue
- rest
- restore
- resuscitate
- revive
- rock
- salve
- save
- scatter
- service
- simplify
- slack
- slacken
- slake
- sleep
- slip
- smash
- smooth
- smoothen
- soft-pedal
- soften
- solace
- soothe
- speed
- squash
- stabilize
- steady
- steer
- still
- subdue
- succor
- supple
- support
- taste
- tenderize
- time
- tranquilize
- unbar
- unbend
- unblock
- unbrace
- unburden
- unclog
- unlade
- unlax
- unleash
- unload
- unstrain
- unstring
- unwind
- varnish
- weaken
- whitewash
- zest
ease (adv.)
ease (adj.)
- advance
- aid
- attenuate
- bate
- better
- calm
- clear
- color
- content
- cool
- deadening
- diffuse
- dilute
- dull
- easing
- forward
- free
- further
- gentle
- hush
- lax
- lay
- liberate
- limber
- loose
- mellow
- numb
- numbing
- oil
- peace
- plump
- polish
- quiet
- release
- rest
- salving
- service
- slack
- sleep
- slip
- smooth
- softening
- soothing
- speed
- steady
- still
- supple
- support
- taste
- thriving
- time
- velvet
How blest is he who crowns in shades like these
A youth of labour with an age of ease!
An elegant sufficiency, content,
Retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books,
Ease and alternate labour, useful life,
Progressive virtue, and approving Heaven!
For ease and speed in doing a thing do not give the work lasting solidity or exactness of beauty.
Whate'er he did was done with so much ease,
In him alone 't was natural to please.
Go boldly forth, my simple lay,
Whose accents flow with artless ease,
Like orient pearls at random strung.
I built my soul a lordly pleasure-house,
Wherein at ease for aye to dwell.
Fireside happiness, to hours of ease
Blest with that charm, the certainty to please.
O woman! in our hours of ease
Uncertain, coy, and hard to please,
And variable as the shade
By the light quivering aspen made;
When pain and anguish wring the brow,
A ministering angel thou!
A hard beginning maketh a good ending.
Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn?
True ease in writing comes from art, not chance,
As those move easiest who have learn'd to dance.
'T is not enough no harshness gives offence,—
The sound must seem an echo to the sense.
Ye gentlemen of England
That live at home at ease,
Ah! little do you think upon
The dangers of the seas.
The mob of gentlemen who wrote with ease.
The ease of my burdens, the staff of my life.
Her air, her manners, all who saw admir'd;
Courteous though coy, and gentle though retir'd;
The joy of youth and health her eyes display'd,
And ease of heart her every look convey'd.
Nor peace nor ease the heart can know
Which, like the needle true,
Turns at the touch of joy or woe,
But turning, trembles too.
But still his tongue ran on, the less
Of weight it bore, with greater ease.
And duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed
That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf.
Studious of ease, and fond of humble things.
There are some things which men confess with ease, and others with difficulty.
I saw young Harry, with his beaver on,
His cuisses on his thighs, gallantly arm'd,
Rise from the ground like feather'd Mercury,
And vaulted with such ease into his seat
As if an angel dropp'd down from the clouds,
To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus
And witch the world with noble horsemanship.
O fair undress, best dress! it checks no vein,
But every flowing limb in pleasure drowns,
And heightens ease with grace.
Ease would recant
Vows made in pain, as violent and void.
You write with ease to show your breeding,
But easy writing's curst hard reading.