relish (n.)
- affection
- aftertaste
- amusement
- anticipation
- appetite
- appreciation
- ardor
- avidity
- bias
- bite
- bitter
- briskness
- comfort
- condiment
- content
- contentment
- coziness
- crush
- delectation
- delight
- diet
- dig
- diversion
- drought
- dryness
- eagerness
- ease
- eat
- ecstasy
- emptiness
- enjoyment
- entertainment
- euphoria
- excitement
- fancy
- fare
- feed
- fervency
- fervidness
- fervor
- fire
- flair
- flavor
- flavorer
- flavoring
- fondness
- fruition
- fun
- furor
- fury
- ginger
- go
- gratification
- gust
- gusto
- guts
- heart
- heartiness
- heat
- hotness
- hunger
- hungriness
- infatuation
- kick
- leaning
- like
- liking
- liveliness
- love
- luxury
- mind
- nip
- palate
- partiality
- passion
- passionateness
- penchant
- pepperiness
- pleasure
- polydipsia
- preference
- prejudice
- propensity
- punch
- raciness
- salt
- sapidity
- satisfaction
- savor
- savoriness
- seasoner
- seasoning
- self-gratification
- self-indulgence
- smack
- snap
- soul
- sour
- spice
- spiciness
- spirit
- stomach
- sweet
- take
- tang
- tanginess
- tapeworm
- taste
- thirst
- thirstiness
- titillation
- tongue
- tooth
- vehemence
- verve
- voluptuousness
- warmth
- weakness
- well-being
- zeal
- zest
- zestfulness
- zip
relish (v.)
- adore
- anticipate
- appreciate
- bias
- bite
- bitter
- cherish
- comfort
- content
- crush
- delight
- devour
- diet
- dig
- ease
- eat
- enjoy
- fancy
- fare
- feed
- fire
- flavor
- fun
- ginger
- go
- gust
- heart
- heat
- hunger
- kick
- like
- love
- mind
- nip
- partake
- prejudice
- punch
- salt
- savor
- smack
- snap
- sour
- spice
- spirit
- stomach
- take
- taste
- thirst
- tongue
- zest
- zip
You may relish him more in the soldier than in the scholar.
About some act
That has no relish of salvation in 't.
Some smack of age in you, some relish of the saltness of time.