affection (n.)
- abnormality
- access
- admiration
- adoration
- affect
- affectionateness
- affliction
- agape
- ailment
- allergy
- amativeness
- amorousness
- ardor
- atrophy
- attachment
- attack
- attention
- attribute
- bent
- bias
- blight
- character
- characteristic
- charity
- complaint
- complication
- concern
- condition
- crush
- defect
- deformity
- demonstrativeness
- derangement
- desire
- devotion
- disability
- disease
- disorder
- distemper
- disturbance
- ecstasy
- emotion
- enchantment
- endemic
- experience
- faculty
- fancy
- feature
- feeling
- feelings
- fervor
- flame
- fondness
- foreboding
- goodwill
- gust
- gusto
- handicap
- heart
- heartthrob
- horniness
- idolatry
- idolization
- ill
- illness
- impression
- indisposition
- infatuation
- infirmity
- interest
- lasciviousness
- leaning
- libido
- like
- liking
- love
- lovemaking
- lovesickness
- malady
- malaise
- mark
- morbidity
- morbus
- paroxysm
- passion
- pathology
- penchant
- popularity
- predilection
- presentiment
- propensity
- property
- rapture
- reaction
- regard
- relish
- response
- rockiness
- romanticism
- savor
- seediness
- sensation
- sense
- sentiment
- sentimentality
- sex
- sexiness
- shine
- sickness
- spell
- susceptibility
- sympathies
- sympathy
- syndrome
- taste
- tenderness
- trait
- truelove
- turn
- undercurrent
- uxoriousness
- virtue
- warmth
- weakness
- worship
- yearning
Then let thy love be younger than thyself,
Or thy affection cannot hold the bent.
Entire affection hateth nicer hands.
'T is the curse of service,
Preferment goes by letter and affection,
And not by old gradation, where each second
Stood heir to the first.
You say to me-wards your affection's strong;
Pray love me little, so you love me long.